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23 Cards in this Set

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Who are the three main dough faces of the time period?
Buchanan Douglas and pierce
What year was the Dred Scott versus Stanford case? What was the argument about?
1857. Dread Scott and his wife thought they were free because they lived in the territories
What were the two main questions that the jury had to consider in the Dred Scott versus Sanford case?
Was Mr. Scott free because he lived in the territories? And can Congress restrict slavery in the territories?
The Dred Scott decision was made how many days after Buchanan's inauguration?
What were the two conclusions made in the Dred Scott decision?
Blacks free or slave were not citizens a good not sue in federal court. Congress did not have the power to deprive person of property (restrict slavery)
The Dred Scott decision essentially made slavery illegal until a territory what?
A territory was a state because only then could it formally abolish slavery
Who was the first Catholic chief justice?
Roger Taney
The Lecompton constitution took place in what year? The convention was composed of what?
1857. Composed of proslavery men
Why did Stephen Douglas oppose the Lecompton constitution?
Because it was a travesty of popular sovereighnty
What was the outcome in Kansas photos were given chance to vote on the Lecompton?
It was rejected
Who was Lincolns idol and why?
Henry Clay because he also wanted to compromise
Why was Lincoln compassionate toward slaveowners?
He recognize the time and money put into the institution
In what year were the Lincoln Douglas debate's? What played a key role?
1858. Dred Scott decision played a key role
Lincoln opposed allowing blacks to do what four things?
Vote, sit on juries, Marry Whites, become citizens
What event(s) made Lincoln and national Republican figure?
The Lincoln Douglas debates
What was the most important debate in all of the Lincoln Douglas debate?
The Freeport doctrine
What was the Freeport doctrine?
Douglas said despite the Dred Scott decision, the people of the territory could exclude slavery by simply refusing to enact slave codes
What response did the Southern democrats have to the Freeport doctrine?
What was John Brown's raid? what year did it take place?
John Brown attacked the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry Virginia. He plan to arm sleeves and form a black republic, 1859
Who is responsible with capturing John Brown and putting an end to his raid?
Robert E. Lee
What is a martyr?
The one who dies for a cause
What was John Brown charged with as result of his raid? What was his sentence?
Treason, conspiracy, murder. He was sentenced to hang
Who said "I am now quite certain that all the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood."?
John Brown