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44 Cards in this Set

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Before 1815, schools were primarily sponsored by private institutions
What was the Lancastrian system?
An educational system in which older students tutored younger ones. The New York Free School experimented with this method for a time.
Which 19th- century groups formed cooperative communities to improve the life of the common man against industrialism?
The Utopians
Who founded the New Harmony, Indiana, commune?
Robert Owen
Why did Owen's Utopian community fail?
He encountered resistance from neighboring because he attacked religion, marriage, and the institution of property.
Who established the Nashoba Community in Memphis Tennessee?
Robert Owen
How was the Nashoba Community different from the other Utopian communities of the 19th century?
It was a communal haven for freed slaves
Why did Alexis Tocqueville travel to the United States to study the American prison system?
It was considered one of the most innovative in the world.
What was the name of the earliest commune in America?
Brook Farm, Massachusetts
What Utopian community was based on free love and open marriage?
Oneida Community, New York
What 3 practices did Shakers follow?
1) Celibacy
2) Sexual Equality
3) Social Discipline
The __________ _________ in Iowa was a socialist experiment, with rigidly ordered society.
Amana Community
What group was the most successful of the communal experiments of the 19th century?
The Mormons
Who was Horace Mann?
The first secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education
Who was Dorothea Dix?
A reformer who advocated for more humane treatment for the mentally incompetent in mental asylums.
What was the main purpose of the early antislavery movement?
The movement advocated the purchase and colonization of slaves
During the mid to late 19th century, what developments indicated that the American public was becoming more educated?
A proliferation of newspapers and magazines and the springing up of new colleges.
What were "booster colleges"?
Colleges that sprang up in every new community as population moved west
What were informal educational "lyceums"?
Popular areas where the public could gather for cultural enrichment
What issues did the women's rights movement of the 1830s and 1840s focus upon?
Social and legal discrimination
Where and when did the first feminist meeting take place?
Seneca Falls, New York, 1848
Why did the feminist movement suffer because of its link with the abolitionists?
Feminism was considered of secondary importance to the abolitionist cause.
What Sojourner Truth?
A well-known figure on the speakers' circuit who spoke against social and legal discrimination against women.
What was the Underground Railroad?
A system by which northern abolitionists smuggled escaped slaves to permanent freedom in Canada.
Who was Harriet Tubman?
One of the main operators of the Underground Railroad, leading over 300 of her friends and family to freedom after she had escaped slavery.
What kind of educational opportunities existed for southern women before the Civil War?
Education for southern women was rare; little there was centered on the "domestic arts."
Who were Jane Addams and Washington Gladden?
Advocates of the "social gospel"
What was the purpose of the Tuskegee Institute?
To provide teaching and vocational education for African Americans
Who became president of the Tuskegee Institute in 1881?
Booker T. Washington
Why did feminism become stronger during the 1870s and 1880s?
Because millions of women worked outside the home and were active in social reform movements
What educational innovation did Johns Hopkins University pioneer in the 1880s?
Graduate seminars
What four women's colleges were established in the 1880s?
1. Bryn Mawr
2. Vassar
3. Wellesley
4. Mount Holyoke
Who was Jacob Coxey?
A Populist businessman who led a march of unemployed workers to Washington to petition for a government work relief work program
What was the relationship between the Depression of 1893 and the formation of the Anti-Saloon League?
High unemployment caused by the depression led to increased drunkenness by male workers, which in turn led women to support and anti-saloon movement.
What educational development grew out of the Chautauqua Movement?
Home study courses
Who wrote "How the Other Half Lives"?
Jacob Riis
What did the author of "How the Other Half Lives" criticize?
Riis criticized the poverty, illness, crime, and despair of New York's slums
What three kinds of political reforms took place at the state level during the early 1900s?
1) Primary elections
2) Initiative and referendum
3) The rooting out of political machines
Who was Robert La Follette?
A leading reformer in Wisconsin during the early 1900s
What did the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People advocate?
An end to racial segregation
Who was W.E.B. DuBois?
An African American intellectual militant who founded the Niagara Movement
What did the Niagara Movement want the federal government to do?
Pass laws to protect racial equality and full rights of citizenship for African Americans
Who were the muckrakers?
The muckrakers were investigative journalists and authors who favored progressive political, economic, and social reforms in the early 1900s
What were some popular muckraking magazines of the early 1900s?
McClure's, Collier's, Cosmopolitan, and Everybody's