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75 Cards in this Set

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What are the reproductive human reproductive organs AND name the hormones they release.
ovaries (estrogen, progesterone) and testes (testosterone)
Which system stimulates the relase of epinephrine and norepinephrine from the adrenal medulla?
the sympathetic system via the sympathetic chain
Which hormone require transport proteins?
the lipid soluble hormones
Which ligant can penetrate the cell without a recepter?
a nonpolar ligand
How many hormones are secreted by the pituitary gland?
nine (9)
Describe the posterior part of the pituitary gland.
it is considered to be an extension of the central brain
What are the target tissues for the growth hormone (GH)?
1. increases protein synthesis
2. increases tissue growth
3. increases fat breakdown
4. spares glucose usage
What hormone is secreted by the parafollicular cells?
What are the fuctions of T3 and T4 to the target tissues?
1. increases metabolism
2. increases body temperature
3. increases normal growth and development
Describe the effects of hypothyroidism?
decreased metabolic rate, weight gain, reduced appetite
Describe the effects of hyperthyroidism?
increase metabolic rate, weigh loss, increased appetite
The adreanl glands function as part of which system?
sypathetic nervous system
What hormones are secreted by the pancreas?
the alpa cells (glucagon), the beta cells (insulin), and the delta cells (somatostatin)
What division of the nervous system plays a roll immediately right after finishing a meal AND name the hormones invovle.
parasympathetic stimulation; insulin is secreted
What division of the nervous system plays a roll several hours after a meal AND name the responsible hormones.
sympathetic stimulation; insulin and glucagon are secreted
Which structure is responsible to release the sleeping enhanced hormone AND name the hormone.
the pineal body; melatonin hormone
Name the protiens located in the blood plasma.
albumins, globulins, and fibrinogen
What contents are found on the buffy coat?
palateles and white blood cells
Which structure of which cell carries 99% of oxygen?
the hemoglobin of the red blood cells
What is hemoglobin made of AND where is it found?
it is made up by 4 hemes and 4 globin molecules; they are found in the red blood cells.
Which hormone is responsible for erythropoiesis stimulation?
What occurs if the conjugated bilirubin is blocked from reaching intesine during hemoglobin breakdown?
Where are the thromboxanes derived?
from the prostaglandins.
What factor causes the platelet plug formation during hemostasis?
the von Willerbrand factor (VWF)
Which enzyme is crucial to break fibrin and dissolve the clot?
What causes HDN (hemolytic disease of the newborn)?
the Rh+ factor
Which diagnostic test measures the blood volume?
the hematrocrit scale
Name the double layered sac found on the heart and its primary function.
the pericardium and it reduces friction
What is the thickest layer of the heart wall?
What causes heart mumurs?
leaks in the bicuspid or semilunar valve
What occurs during the QRS complex?
ventricle depolariztion and atria repolarization
What is the most common place to draw blood?
the median cubital vein
Which vessels are superficial?
the large veins
Which vein drains the left, posterior thoracic wall area?
the hemiazygos vein
Describe the foramen ovale.
allows communication between the systemic and pulmonary circulation
Describe the umbilical vein.
transports oxgen and nutrient rich blood from the placenta to the fetus
Which common artery is used to measure the blood pressure?
the brachial artery
Where does the blood flow slowly?
in the capillaries
Where is the greatest drop in pressure?
in the aterioles
what are the blood pressure avarages in the aorta and the right atrium in mm Hg?
aorta 100mm Hg and right atrium 0mm Hg
Who contributes to the osmotic pressure?
the albumins
What is vasomotion?
a periodic contraction and relaxation of precapillary sphincters
Which system regulates short term of blood pressure?
the nervous sympathetic system
Which receptor regulates short term of blood pressure?
the aortic arch baroreceptors
Which hormone converts antiotensinogen to angiotensin 1?
Which enzyme inhibitor may be used to treat hypertension?
ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme)
What is shock and its three stages?
inadequate blood flow throught the body; stage 1 is compensated; stage 2 is progressive; and stage 3 is irreversible
Identify the cell.
target cell
Identify the type of regulation for (a) and (b)
(a) down regulation and (b) up regulation
Identify which ligand is nonpolar, (a) or (b).
(b) nonpolar ligand
Identify the type of effect.
cascade effect
Identify the hypothalumus and the pituitary gland.
hypothalamus is (A) and the pituitary gland is (D)
Identify the hypothalamo hypophysial tract.
two (2)
Identify the selected cells.
parafollicular cells
Identified the selected item.
parathyroid glands
Identify A and B
(A) cortex of the adrnal glands; and (B) medulla of the adrenal glands.
Identify diagram
Identify slide.
Identiy the diagram.
(A) pulmonary trunk; (B) right ventricle; and (C) left ventricle
Identify the diagram
(A) aortic arch; (B) coronary sinus; and (C) inferior vena cava
Identify the diagram
(A) right coronary artery; and (B) great cardiac vein
Identify the tricuspid and bicuspid valves.
(A) tricuspid valve; and (B) bicuspid valve
Identify the diagram
(A) intercalated disc; and (B) nucleus
Which number identifies the SA node?
one (1)
Identify the appropriate action potential.
(A) skeletal muscle; and (B) cardiac muscle
Identify (B) the obstructive artery.
Identify the procedure
coronary artery bypass grafting (cabg)
Identify the diagram.
fenestrated capillary
Identify the diagram
sinusoid capillary
Identify the diagram
(A) relaxed and (B) constricted
Identify the diagram
tunica media
Identify the diagram and name the system it creates.
(A) anterior communicating and (B) posterior communicating; the cerebral arterial circle
Identify the diagram.
(A) external jugular vein; (B) subclavian vein; (C) internal jugular vein
Identify the diagram
(A) superior mesenteric vein and (B) splenic vein
Identify the diagram
great saphenous vein