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30 Cards in this Set

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States of Consciousness
alseep, awake, drowsy
defined by behavior and brain activity
Conscious experiences
things you are aware of around your self, selective attention, oriented response, habituation
Selective attention
avoid irrelevant stimuli
Oriented Response
orient towards a stimulus
ignore a stimulus because it gets repetitve
Electroencephologram EEG
recording of AP and graded potentials of neurons of brain; is complex.
Alpha & Beta waves
A: in waking state they have slow oscillations
B:occur when awake and thinking hard
two phases of sleep; NREM is high amplitude, low frequency sleep, 4 stages; REM deep sleep (paradoxical), hard to awake from, more activity then when awake.
Theta & Delta Waves
occur during sleep
Reasons for sleep
not really understood, appears to be necessity of a complex NS, found throughout animal kingdom, helps maintain brain structure and memory.
Neural substrates of consciousness
increased NE and serotonin decreased Ach when awake- opposite when asleep.
Coma/vegetative state/brain death
lower function of brain where patient cannot be aroused, if it is irreversible leads to vegetative state, brain death: brain has no function.
Neural mechanism of Conscious experience
graded potentials or AP's are firing in the brain somewhere, cerebral cortex is involved
drive for behavior; primary motivators are thirst, hunger
also drive much of behavior, reward/punishment system is an example, works through the mesolimbic DOPA pathway. DOPA is neurotransmitter.
achieved by the ANS and somatic NS under the influences of integration centers; involves cerebral cortex; amygdala is central to emotional state.
information not regulated properly in the brain; symptoms include hearing voices, delusions; causes unclear: speculation that neurons not properly formed, overactive DOPA pathways.
Inner emotion and perception of the world. Depression is a pervasive sadness; bi-polar is swing between manic states of depression and highs.
Treatments for mood disorders
Drugs and psychotherapy; drugs increase serotonin and NE @ synapses; long-term side effect is increased neuron growth.
Psychoactive drugs are analogs of:
Serotonin and dopamine; act on the mesolimbic DOPA pathway
Dependence vs. tolerance
Dependence has psychological craving and physical dependence; tolerance requires increased amounts of substance to achieve results.
Learning vs. memory
L=acquiring and storing information from experience; M= permanent storage of learned info.
2 types of memory
Declarative=verbal expression of experience involves hippocampus, amygdala & diencephalons; Procedural=how to do things like drive a car or ride a bike.
Working memory
short term, involves association cortex, seconds to minutes retention span, an increase in working memory correlated with increased intelligence
Long-term memory
spans days to years; involves basal nuclei, cerebellum and premotor cortex, involves changes in neurons due to 2nd messenger activation

Anterograde amnesia
loss of memory

unable to convert short term to long term
ability for neurons to change and be modified.
Left side of brain
controls language, defects in language are aphasis, verbal memory is left brain
Right side of brain
involved in perception and 3D objects, nonverbal memory
Decussation of pyramids
crossover in neck, makes right brain control left side of body and vice versa.