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30 Cards in this Set

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what is the definition of Matter?
Anything that can take up space and has mass
What is the definition of Elements?
A substance that cannot be broken down to toher substances.
What is matter made up of?
What is the percent of natural elements that are essential for life to exist?
name the 4 main elements that is 96% of the essential need, of living matter.
- Carbon
- Oxygen
- Hydrogen
- Nitrogen
What is most of the other 4% of the essential for living matter?
- Phosphorus
- Sulfur
- Calcium
- Potassium
What are Trace elements?
requiered elements by organisms in only small qualities.
What is an Atom?
This is the smallest unit of Matter.
What is the definition of subatomic particles?
These are properties of atoms.
What are the three subatomic particles in an atom
- Neutrons
- Protons
- Electrons
What is the atomic nucleus?
This is the center or the very dense core of an atom.
What is the Dalton?
this is a unit of measurement ment to measure the mass of an atom.
Who was it named after. Why?
A famous brittish scientist named John Dalton.
It is because he helped develope the atomic theory.
What is the Atomic number?
This is the number of protons which is unique to the element.
What is the Mass number?
this is the number of protons and neutrons sumed together.
what is the mass of a Proton/Neutron?
The mass is almost 1 dalton.
What is Atomic Mass?
This is the approximation of the total mass of an atom.
What are Isotopes?
This is when the atoms are the same element but but one one has a different mass because it has more or less neutrons.
What is a Radioactive Isotope?
This is when a nucleus of an atoms decays spontaniously which makes it lose particles and energy.
What can Radioactive Isotopes be used for?
It can be used for finding a fossils age by looking at how much radioactivity there.
What is Energy?
The capacity to cause change.
What is potential Energy?
Energy that is possessed by matter because of it's location and structure.
How do electrons have potential energy?
This is because of how they are arranged around the nucleus. they are atracted to the positive charge of the protons. the farther away the electron is from the nucleus, the more potential energy there is.
What are Energy levels?
The different levels of potential energy.
What are electron shells?
Each energy level has an average distance which is shown by shells
What are Valence Electrons?
The electrons the are on the outermost shell.
What is an orbital?
This is a 3-dimensional space where electrons are found almost all the time.
What do atoms do when their valence shell is incomplete?
Either they get rid of some of their electrons or make molecules or compounds to fill them up.
What are Chemical bond?
This is the attraction between 2 or more atoms to fill their valence shells
What is a covalent bond?
This is when 2 atoms are sharing a pair of electrons, making a bond, to fill their shells.