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45 Cards in this Set

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a generally coherent system of cultural ideas and beliefs about the nature of reality that is shared by the members of a society
a society's framework for constructing reality
the study of how knowledge or information is acquired
the art of foreseeing future events or discovering hidden knowledge through supernatural means
Symbolic classification
the way in which a culture organizes knowledge into significant categories
Standards of what is good, desirable or correct that are shared by the members of a society
rural people who produce food for their own subsistence but who must also contribute or sell their surpluses to others who do not produce their own food
Image of limited good
a peasant value based on the belief that 1) all of the good things in life are limited in quantity and are always in short supply; 2) there is no way to increase the available quantities of the good things in life; 3) therefore an individual or a family can get more of the good things only at the expense of others
the scientific study of language
prescriptive grammar
artificial rules of "proper" languages as certain people insist it must be used
Descriptive Grammar
description of the unconscious rules of a language as it is actually used by native speakers
structural linguistics
the study of how languages are constructed
the study of sentence structure
the study of word structure
the study of sound structure
1) a sound or set of sounds that make a difference in meaning to the speakers of a language; 2) a basic, distinctive unit of speech sound in a language
the study of meaning
a newly coined word of phrase
historical linguistics
the study of how languages change over time
A variety of a language spoken in a particular area or by a particular social group
Language Family
a group of languages that are related by a descent from a common ancestor
a hypothesized ancestral language from which two or more languages seem to have descended
words belonging to different languages that have similar sounds and meanings because they were related by descent from a common ancestral language
Sapir-Whort hypothesis
language is a force in its own right that affects how individuals in a society perceive and conceive reality
obligatory categories
categories in a language that force a speaker to make certain choices before he or she can speak a sentence
the performance of certain rituals that are believed to compel supernatual powers to act in particular ways
homeopathic magic
the attempt to influence people or things based on a mystical connection Frazer called the law similarity-like affect like
contagious magic
the attempt to influence people or things based on a mystical connection Frazer called the law of contact- the part affects the whole
a supernatural impersonal force that inhabits certain objects or people and is believed to confer success and/or strength
a prohibition that, if violated, is believed to bring supernatural punishment
the use of certain materials to invoke supernatural powers to harm people
attempting to harm people by supernatural means, but through emotions and thought alone, not through the use of materials
1)a term used by Edward Tylor to describe a belief in a dual existence for all things- a physical, visible body and a psychic, invisible soul; 2) the belief that humans, animals, plants, and natural phenomena all have souls
recognizeing many gods, none of whom is believed to be superordinate
believing that there is only one high god and that all other supernatural beings are subordinate to, or are alternate manifestations of, this supreme being
having human physical characteristics
sharing the traits of human mentality
endorsing the values of human society
1) isolating the eternal supernatural world from the everyday natural world where humans 2) dividing supernatural beings into those representing absolute good and those representing absolute evil, which are at war
1) believing the natural and supernatural worlds to be geographically joined or connected 2) characterizing all supernatural beings as having both good and evil qualities
a culture's theory of the origin aqnd general structure of the universe
an object, usually worn, thought to possess power to ward off danger or confer some ability
a master of spirits who makes contact with the supernatural world on behalf of the community through trance or altered consciousness
a religious specialist trained in the competent performance of rituals
surgically opening the skull to drive out evil spirits