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41 Cards in this Set

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Two divisions of nervous system:

Central nervous system- supplies brain and spinal cord

Peripheral nervous system

Cns and Pns

How is the peripheral nervous system divided?

Somatic and Autonomic

Are motor fibres efferent or afferent?

Efferent- they cause an effect e.g on extraocular muscles

What function do parasympathetic fibres have and what is their main neurotransmitter

Rest and digest

Main transmitter is ACH Acetylcholine

What main function do sympathetic fibres have and what is their main neurotransmitter

Fight or flight


What does injury to a sensory nerve cause


What does injury to a motor nerve cause

Paralysis if complete, paresis if partial

Which two nerves to the eye are afferent (eg sensory- carry information from eye or structures)

Optic nerve (II)

Trigeminal (V)

Which 4 nerves are efferent- motor- carry information from CNS to the eye)

Oculomotor (III)

Trochlear (IV)

Abducens (VI)

Facial (VII)

Parasympathetic fibres innervate: a) sphincter pupillae or b) dilator pupillae

A) sphincter

What are the 3 branches of the trigeminal nerve

1. Ophthalmic

2. Maxillary

3. Mandibular

What are the 3 branches of the ophthalmic nerve division

1. Frontal

2. Lacrimal

3. Naso ciliary

How do all three of the ophthalmic division branches communicate with in the brain?

Trigeminal ganglion

What does the frontal branch of the ophthalmic nerve division receive sensory input from?

Skin, forehead muscles and Upper lid

What does the lacrimal branch of the ophthalmic nerve division receive sensory fibres from?

Upper lid, temple, lacrimal gland

What does the naso ciliary branch of the ophthalmic nerve decision receive sensory input from?

Trochlear nerve

Ethmoid nerves

Long ciliary nerves

Sensory root of ciliary ganglion

4 answers

Where does the herpes zoster virus lay dormant?

Sensory ganglion

10% of cases of herpes zoster affect which branch of the trigeminal nerve?

Ophthalmic division

Which other part of the face is affected if herpes zoster affects the eye (via naso ciliary branch)

Tip of nose

A third nerve palsy is likely to show which movement in the affected eye?

down and out

A third nerve palsy will result in which lid abnormality


Which nerve innervates the iris sphincter and ciliary muscle


Because the iris sphincter is not functioning in a third nerve palsy, what happens to the pupil?

Unreactive and dilated

The Trochlear nerve (IV) provides innervation to the: contralateral or ipsilateral eye?

Contralateral- it’s the only cranial nerve to do this

Which muscle does the Trochlear nerve innervate

Superior oblique

The Trochlear nerve passes into the orbit above which region?

Annulus of zinn

What visual symptom will a px with a IV nerve palsy experience and why?

Vertical diplopia because superior oblique muscle not working, eye has a depression and intorsion movement

In the event of trauma which is the most commonly injured nerve


What causes other than injury can lead to IV nerve palsy?



Disorder of the midbrain

What type of referral does a IV nerve palsy need

Urgent- within a week

The abducens nerve only innervates which muscle

Lateral rectus

Which is the most common type of palsy?

VI nerve palsy

What visual symptom will a px likely experience with a palsy of the VI nerve, given the lateral rectus is affected

Horizontal diplopia

What could cause a VI nerve palsy


Cranial pressure

Which intrinsic ocular muscle is innervated by the facial nerve

Orbicularis oculi

Corneal reflex is stimulated by?

Touch or light

If the cornea Is touched with branch of the ophthalmic nerve is stimulated

Nasociliary branch

Which type of nerve impulse travels along the facial nerve to activate the orbicularis oculi and cause a blink?


Efferent or afferent

Which nerve send parasympathetic fibres to lacrimal gland to stimulate secretion

Facial nerve

Which system innervates these functions:

Pupil dilation

Accommodation reduction

Lacrimal gland production

Eyelid widening

Choroidal and conjunctival vessel constriction


Ciliary contraction, pupil constriction and increased lacrimation are produced by which part of the nervous system
