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15 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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What is a polis

A polis is the Greek word for a city state

What does classical mean

An age that is marked by great achievements

An acropolis is...

A high Hill

A democracy is a what

A type of government in which people rule themselves

What is an aristocrat

Rich land workers

What is an oligarchy

A government in which only a few people have power

Citizens are what

People who had the right to participate in government

A tyrant is a what

A leader who held power through the use of force

Pericles is an

Elected leader from 460 BC to 429 BC and believe people should participate in government he also encourage them to spread democracy


A body of stories about gods and heroes that tried to explain how the world works

Homer is a

Person who wrote two poems titled The Iliad and the Odyssey

Sappho is a

Female poet whose poems were about love and relationships

Aesop is an

Storyteller that was famous for his Fables

A fable is a

Short story that teaches the reader lessons about life or gives advice about how to live

