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27 Cards in this Set

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Intra ocular muscles ?

1. Sphincter pupillea

2 Dilator pupillae

An ophthalmoscope is used to observe what region of the eye ?( aka funduscope)


Emaka must what?


What is the terminal branch of the facial artery ?

Angular artery

What nerve is responsible for GAg reflex


2 CN10

What are the parts of the basal ganglia ?

Caudate nucleus


Globus pallidus

What is the embryological origin of ventricles ?

Neural tube

Rod and cones are supplied by what vessels?

Choroid capillaries

Rod and cones are supplied by what vessels?

Choroid capillaries

Neuronal area of the eye are supplied by what vessel ?

Center retinal artery

What is the inmervation of the lateral rectus?

Abducen nerve

What is the inmervation of the lateral rectus?

Abducen nerve

Innervation of the superior oblique ?

Trochleae nerve

The aqueous humor is drained by ?

Sclera venous sinus , into the anterior ciliary vein

What is the nerve supply to the inferior eyelid ?

Maxillary nerve

What is the inmervation of the lateral rectus?

Abducen nerve

Innervation of the superior oblique ?

Trochleae nerve

The aqueous humor is drained by ?

Sclera venous sinus , into the anterior ciliary vein

What is the nerve supply to the inferior eyelid ?

Maxillary nerve

Glands of the eyelid ?

Sebaceous gland

Glands of molls

Tarsal gland

Goblet cells

Accessory lacrimal gland

What is the inmervation of the lateral rectus?

Abducen nerve

Innervation of the superior oblique ?

Trochleae nerve

The aqueous humor is drained by ?

Sclera venous sinus , into the anterior ciliary vein

What is the nerve supply to the inferior eyelid ?

Maxillary nerve

Glands of the eyelid ?

Sebaceous gland

Glands of molls

Tarsal gland

Goblet cells

Accessory lacrimal gland

Layers of the eyelid ?


Loose connective tissue

Palpebral part of orbicularis oculi


Palpebral conjunctival

Venous drainage of the eye ?

Superior and inferior ophthalmic

Central vein of retinal

Vorticose vein

Sclera venous sinus