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58 Cards in this Set

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What are the three different types of muscle tissue?
Skeletal Muscle, Smooth and Cardiac muscle tissue
What is the function of Skeletal muscles
movement of limbs, trunk, neck
Where are Smooth Muscles cells located?
Lining of digestive tract, urogenital system, airway, blood vessels
Where are Cardiac muscles located
The Heart
what are the functions of cardiac muscles?
Contracts intrinsically assisting in cirulation of blood
What do Skeletal muscles do?
Move bones, generate heat,
How many Nuclei do skeletal muscles have?
Are striations present in skeletal muscles
How are the skeletal muscles cells shaped
long, thin fibers,
Is the nerve supply necessary for function
Where are Cardiac muscles located
The Heart
Are skeletal muscles muscles controlled my voluntary or involuntary movements.
what action does the cardiac muscle serve
pump blood
how many nuclei do cardiac muscles have?
single only one
Are striations present in cardiac muscles?
how are cardiac muscle cells shaped?
Are cardiac muscles controled by voluntary or involuntary movements
smooth muscles are located in?
Internal organs, blood vessels, eye.
action of smooth muscle
to produce movement in internal organs and structures.
How many nuclei are located in smooth muscle cells
how are smooth muscle cells shaped?
What function does the nerve supply have on smooth muscles
Visceral- modifies activity, not necessary for function
Is smooth muscle controlled by voluntary or involuntary movements
Purpose of Contraction/relaxation in smooth muscles
Mix and propel food in GIT, control distribution of blood(bl. vessels), Diameter of pupil(eye)
Purpose of contraction/relaxation in skeletal muscles
locomotion and respiration
What is the skeletal muscle organization.
they are arranged in bundles surrounded by connective tissue
what are the different parts of the Skeletal muscle bundles?
Endomysium; CT between individual muscle fibers, Perimysium; sheath surrounding bundles of muscle fibers, Epimysium; CT around and entire muscle
Arrangement of muscle fibers.
Define Parallel, Fusiform, and Pennate
Parallel-muscle shortening but weak,
Pennate- feather-like, increase power of a muscle
Tendons are..
cords/bands, Flat fibrous sheets(aponeurosis) assoc. w/ flat muscle (eg Loin), Linea alba
Muscle attachments at the origin of a tendon are?
a less mobile attachment
Tendons at the insertion are?
more moveable attachment Eg Biceps Branchii(scapula & Radius)
Physical characteristic Nomenclature
Action (Superficial digital Flexor)
shape (trapezoid), Location(biceps branchill) Direction of fibers(rectusabdominis) number of heads.divisions( biceps/triceps/quadriceps attachment sites
Functional grouping
Flexor, extensor, adductor, abductor, sphincter, cutaneous
Example of flexor
biceps brachii flexes the elbow
Example of extensor
Triceps branchii
Example of adductor
Superficial/ deep pectoral
Example of abductor
Example of Sphincter
encircle an opening (striated/ smooth) Eg pyloric sphincter
Example of Cutaneous
superficial fascia, movement of skin
muscle directly responsible for producing an action
muscle that opposes an action
muscle that oppose undersired action of agonist eg the elbow flexion.
Muscles of the head
M.orbicularis oculi, M. Zygomaticus, M. Buccinator, M orbicularis oris, M. Masseter
Elbow joint extensors
Elbow joint Flexors
biceps brachii
Acting on hip joint
Extensors/ Hamstring group
-Bicep femoris
respiration muscles?
diaphragm, intercostals
Methods of drug administration
Im or intra muscular injection
Muscle for IM injection
Fairly large, easily accessible, sufficiently thick. In Practice, only a few muscle are suitable in each species
Dog and cats
Thoracic limb Muscle for IM injection?
Triceps branchii
Horse, cattle and goats
Neck Muscle for IM injection?
Trapezius muscle
Define osmosis
Is the movement of water between cells, it uses the cell protein aqamorus channels to do the exchange.
an example of suture joints in the skeleton is
synovial joints have a well-define joint capsule True or False
Hyperextension of fetlock joint is a normal physiologi movement in the horse t/f
tendon can be difined as ______
connective tissue that joins muscle to bone