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146 Cards in this Set

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carotid triangle
borders- SCM, post. digastric, superior belly of oomohyoid.
contains: carotid arteries, int. jugular vein, vagus
submandibular triangle
both heads of digastric, inf. border of mandible
contains salivary glands
digastric muscle, hyoid bone
contains muscles of floor of mouth, salivary glands, ducts.
muscular triangle
SCM, sup. belly of oomohyoid, and midline of neck
occipital triangle
SCM, trap, omohyoid contains cervical plexus and accessory nerve
omoclavicular (supraclavicular)
SCM and omohyoid muscles
contains brachial plexus and subclavian art.
diaphragm openings:
1. aorta, thoracic duct, and azygos vein
2. esophagus, R and L vagus
3. IVC and R phrenic nerve.
von ebner's gland
assoc. with circumvallate pappilla of tongue, purely serous to rinse away food. contains taste buds along with fungiform and foliate
tongue innervation
post 1/3 - glossopharyngeal both taste and sensation
ant. 2/3 taste- chorda tympani via facial
ant 2/3 sensation lingual nerve.
tongue muscles
hypoglossal nerve all intrinsic and extrinsic excpet palatoglossus CN X vagus
joint types
dia-freely movable
amphi-slightly movable
YES movement
NO movement
1. articular surfaces of most joints
2. articular surface of TMJ
3.non articulating surface of TMJ/joints
1.hyaline cartilage
3. periosteum
TMJ ligaments
1. stylomandibular ligament
2. sphenomandibular lig
3.lateral or temperomandibular lig.
1. styloid of temp. bone to angle of mandible
2. spine of sphenoid bone to lingula of mandible
3. from art. eminence to neck of condyle - prevents post, and inf. displacement of condyle
normal range of opening and lateral movement
50 mm and 10 mm resp.
endochondral ossification
formation that involves a cartilaginous model (hyaline) first. Long and short bones. occurs along diaphysis wall and within epiphysis.
intramembranous ossification
grows by appositional growth - maxilla an dmandible, flat bones of skull
bone shaft, consists of durable comact bone with a medullary cavity with marrow. contains haversian systems (osteons)
caps diaphysis - spongy bone surrounding compact bone.
tensile and compressive strength f bones
tensile - collagenous fibers
compressive- inorganic salts Ca2+ and Ph.
GAGs glycosaminoglycans
hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate
nasal cavity blood supply
sphenopalatine branch of max. art. mainly, also ant. ethmoid branch of ophthalmic
middle meatus drains
frontal sinus, ant. and middle ethmoid, maxillary sinus- ostium?
inferior meatus drains
nasalacrimal duct
pterygopalatine ganglion
receives preganglionic parsym from facial via. greater petrosal nerve. sends post. parsymp to lacrimal gland and glands in nasal and palate.
neural crest cell derivatives
dorsal root ganglia, ganglia of the ANS, scwann (neurolemma) cells, meninges that line brain and spinal cord (ependymal cells), melanocytes, chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla
cartilage contains
cells (chondroblasts and cytes), fibrous matrix, ground substance (sulfated proteoglycans (basophilc) and GAGs (absorb water to cushion) AVASCULAR
tendon vs. ligament
tendon- muscle to bone
ligament - bone to bone - support and strengthen joints, heal slowly
basement membrane
Anchors epithelial to underlying CT. made of basal lamina (type 4 and secreted by epi cells) and reticular lamina (type 3 by fibroblasts)
skin layers
BSGLC - Bare skin grows like corn
gingival fibers
Found in free gingiva, continuous with circumferential fibers, transseptal, dentogingival, dentoperiosteal, alveolargingival
principal PDl fibers
connect root cementum to alveolar bone.
alveolar crest fibers, apical, horizontal, oblique, interradicular
rete pegs
epithelial projections extending into gingival CT SEEN IN FREE GINGIVA
histologically, root dentin is distinguished from crown dentin by
tomes granular layer - organic matrix formed by odontoblasts found in radicular dentin
pulp cell contents
fibroblasts, odontoblasts, histiocytes (macrophages), lymphocytes.

plasma cells, PMNs, monocytes or eosinophils indicate diseased pulp.
types of dentin
mantle- first layer formed
circumpupal - remaining dentin
intratubular- w/in dentinal tubule, most highly mineralized portion of dentin
intertubular- surrounds peritubular dentin less mineralized.
interglobular- imperfectly calcifed
ductus deferens is lined with
stereocilia and pseudostratified columnar epi
spermatic cord contents
Ductus deferens
testicular artery
testicular vein
nerves and lymph
stomach mucosa

parietal cells
E-Gastrin and serotonin
retroperitoneal structures
Suprarenal glands
where is B12 absorbed mainly
peyer's patches
lymph nodes in Small int. that intercept and destroy bacteria
Plicase circulares (valves of kerckring0
in jejunum- increase SA
pouches in large intestine
made from tenia coli, 3 longitudinal muscles (smooth) that are shorter than LI, thus create pouches
diff types of macrophages
histiocytes/langerhan's cells (skin/CT0
kupffer cells (liver sinusoids)
alveolar macrophages (lungs)
The cerebellar cortex is characterized
histologically by which of the following types
of cells?
If the spinal tract of the fifth cranial nerve were
sectioned at the level of the caudal medulla,
which of the following modalities would be
most affected?
pain from ipsilateral face
The junction between primary and secondary
dentin is characterized by a
sharp change in direction of dentinal
The postganglionic sympathetic fibers to the
vessels of the submandibular salivary gland
arise from cells in the
superior cervical ganglion
The number of roots that are formed is
determined by the
number of medial ingrowths of the
cervical loop.
In a routine demineralized histologic section
of an adult tooth, the area representing enamel
is generally optically clear because
enamel is very poor in organic matrix.
The posterior cervical triangle is bounded partly by
trapezius and sternocleidomastoid
The middle constrictor muscle of the pharynx
originates from the
hyoid bone
The lateral boundary of the retropharyngeal
space at the level of the oropharynx is the
carotid sheath
In the fetus, blood enters>the common carotid
arteries by means of the
Which of the lymphoid tissues in the body are
considered subepithelial and nonencapsulated?
Peyer's patches and pharyngeal tonsils
Second, third and fourth right posterior
intercostal veins drain from the right superior
intercostal vein into the
azygos vein.
At a muscle-tendon jundion, the union is
made by
a continuity of connedive tissue sheaths
of the muscle with those of the tendon.
In the sulcular epithelium, small spaces
between cells in the stratum spinosum (prickle
cell layer) are normally filled by
small amount of tissue fluid
Cells of the stratum granulosum of thick
stratified squamous epithelium
characteristically contain
keratohyalin granules,
Lateral clefting of the lip results from the
failure of merging of
maxillary and medial nasal processes.
Tropocollagen is a protein molecule found in
collagen and reticular fibers only.
Which of the followingare mobilized when a
cell produces an excessiveamount of protein?
Most intrinsic muscles of the larynx receive
their motor innervation from
he inferior (recurrent) laryngeal nerve.
During intraoral injection to the mandibular
foramen, the needle passes through the
mucous membrane and the buccinator muscle
and lies
lateral to the medial pterygoid muscle
Cell bodies of taste fibers from the anterior
two-thirds of the tongue are located in which
of the following ganglia?
The optic tracts consist of axons from which of
the following cells?
The large mass of gray matter that bulges into
the floor and the lateral aspect of the lateral
ventricle is the
caudate nucleus
The large ascending bundle of fibers in the
medulla that is composed of second order
neuron fibers conveying proprioception and
discriminatory touch sensations to conscious
levels is the"
medial lemniscus
Which of the following forms of connective
tissues has a preponderance of amorphous
ground substance over fibers?
In salivary glands, folds of the basal portion of
the cell membrane containing mitochondria
are characteristic of the
cells of the striated duct
The lamina papyracea is located in the orbital
medial wall
Obstruction of the cerebral aqueduct causes
enlargement of the
lateral and 3rd ventricle
Which of the following muscles or muscle
fibers are elevators of the mandible?
Medial pterygoid muscle'
Anterior fibers of the temporal
Posterior fibers of the temporal
Which of the following strudures may be
found in the infratemporal fossa?
Sphenomandibular ligament
Medial pterygoid muscle
Middle meningeal artery
structures related to cavernous sinus
passing thru: Int. carotid art and abducens (VI)
in lateral wall: CN III, IV, V1 and V2
communicates with: pterygoid plexus (via facial vein), ophthalmic vein, max?
muscles that close palate
levator veli palatini
tensor veli palatini
swallowing center located...
nucleus ambiguous in medulla oblongata, sends SVE to swallowing muscles
pterygopalatine ganglion
greater petrosal nerve
parasymp ganglion and effectors
a. Ciliary ganglion: Pupil sphincter, ciliary muscle (accommodation reflex).
b. Pterygopalatine ganglion: Lacrimal and nasal glands.
c. Submandibular ganglion: Submandibular and sublingual glands.
d. Otic ganglion: Parotid gland.
submandibular ganglion
chorda tympani and lingual nerve
otic ganglion
lesser petrosal n.
ciliary ganglion
rotator cuff muscles
Teres minor
aspiration most likey occurs in?
right lobe of lung, straighter, shorter and larger
where to best hear valves
1. left sternal border, 2nd intercoastal space
2. right sternal border, 2nd int. space
3. left sternal border, 5th
4.5th int. space, midclavicular line.
verticle ridge in right atrium where SA node is located
crista terminalis, also in RA - pectinate muscles
Muscles in Right ventricle
Trabeculae carnae
Chordae tendinae- from valve cusps to papillar muscles, prevent valve from everting into atria
all veins drain into coronary sinus except
anterior cardiac v.
thymus is derived from what embryonic tissue
mesenchyme and ectoderm (3rd pharygneal pouch)
levels of aorta
Arch- ~T3-4
Desc. thoracic-T4-T12
Desc. Abdominal- T12-L4
L4-divides into L and R common iliac
left superior intercoastal v. drains into
brachiocephalic v.
splanchnic nerves
1. greater T5-9 synapse at cervicle plexus
2. lesser T10,11 at SM plexus
3. Least T12 at IM plexus
falciform ligament
connects liver to anterior abdominal wall, contains ligamentum teres (umbilical vein remnent)
adrenal cortex and medulla origin
cortex - mesoderm
medulla- neuroectoderm, neural crest cells differentiate into medullary cells - chromaffin cells
parotid gland
facial nerve, retromandibular v. and external carotid art. lie within. drained by deep cervical lymph nodes
functional unit of salivary glands
1. intercalated disc
2. straited ducts- lots of mitochondria
3. glandular cells.
superior mediostinum, sinc impt in function, no afferent lymphatics, double embryonic origin, mesenchyme and endoderm
lymph nodes
only lymphatics with numerous afferent vessels. spleen, thymus, palatine, and pharyngeal tonsils don't
optic tract
synapse within the lateral geniculate ganglion nuclei of thalamus
auriculotemporal nerve
sensory to TMJ, receives postganglionic parasympathetic secretomotor fibers from otic ganglion to parotid, referred pain there. TMJ also supplied by massteric nerve, and very slightly by deep temporal nerve/
1.mesencephalic nucleus of V and 2.spinal nucleus
2 nuclei assoc with trigeminal.
1.PDL proprioreception info here, runs with V3 to innervate muscle of mastication
2. mediate pain and temp for head and neck
suprahyoid muscles
digastric, mylohyoid, stylohyoid, geniohyoid.
sternohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid, omohyoid. all inn by ansa cervicalis C1,C2, C3
glossopharyngeal muscle inn.
stylopharyngeal. landmark for finding nerve.
cardiac veins
coronary sinus, accompanied by anterior interventricular artery. small and middle are tributaries. anterior vein directly into right atrium
mitral valve
auscultation best heard over apex of heart, btwn nipples, left 5th intercoastal space.
pulmonary valve and AV
pulmonary best heard over left 2nd intercoastal space, AV right 2nd intercoastal
terminal branches of internal thoracic art.
superior epigastric and muscolphrenic(diaphragm and lower intercoastal spaces)
lenticulostriate arteries
off middle cerebral, arteries of stroke!
sphenopalatine artery
terminal branch of maxillary art, damage causes epistaxis, principal artery of nasal cavity
ciliary movement
seen in respiratory airways and inside surfaces of uterine tubes of female reproductive tract. whiplike movement
increase SA, more efficient absorption. mucosa of small intestine, and brush borders of nephrons in the kidney.
mast cell
IgE attached causes release of histamine, bradykinin, SRS-A, Heparin, lysosomal enzymes.
contains - hydroxyapatite, amelogins, ameloblastins, tuftelins, enamelin proteins, osteonectins, hyaluronate.
retropharyngeal space
anterior border- buccopharyngeal fascia
posterior- alar fascia
superior-skull base
inferior- superior mediostinum
laterally- carotid sheath.
incisive canal
sphenopalatine art. and nasopalatine nerve.
involved in all steroid formation, from cholesterol, removal of 6 carbon.
insulin influences glucose uptake in what organs
muscle and fat, NOT liver
tetrahydrofolic acid
coenzyme form of folic acid required for nucleic acid synthesis, normal cell division and replication.
calcium binding protein in smooth muscle, binds myosin, initiates contraction by activating myosin kinase.
synthesis of porphyrin
succinyl CoA and glycine are condensed in a rate-limiting step in liver
aspartic acid and phenylalanine
aspartame is a peptide derative of these
what participates in both FA synthesis and B-oxidation of FA
Acetyl CoA
coenzymes involved in metabolism of pyruvate to acetyl CoA
thiamin pyrophosphate, lipoic acid, FAD, NAD, coenzyme A
collagen types
I-high tensile strength, found in skin, tendon, bone, and dentin.
II-fibril forming collagens in cartilaginous structures,
II-distensible, large blood vessels
IV-basement membranes.
monoamine oxidase
presynaptic nerve terminals, degrades dopamine, norepi, and epi to inactvie substances
from bronchioles to alveoli
transition from pseudostratified ciliated eip to simple cuboidal epi
pulmonary arteries
follow branching of bronchi
communication between pterygopalatine fossa and nasal cavitiy
sphenopalatine foramen, sphenopalatine artery and nasopalatine nerve run thru it
pterygopalatine fossa
communicates with infratemporal fossa laterally (pterygomaxillary fissure), nasal cavity medially (sphenopalatine foramen), skull superiorly (foramen rotundum), orbit anteriorly (inferior orbit fissure)
barr body
inactivated x chromosome, sex of embryo can be determined around 8 weeks thru this.
plasma cell
contains extensive golgi apparatus, 5-10 day life, basophil,
feulgen reaction
distinguish RNA from DNA
histo change from esophagus to stomach
stratified squamous to simple columnar
anterior cranial cavity
1. foramen caecum - emissary vein to superior sagittal sinus
2.foramina of cribriform plate - olfactory nerve bundles
3.posterior ethmoidal foramen - posterior ethmoidal artery, vein and nerve
middle cranial cavity
1.optic canal - optic nerve (II), ophthalmic artery
• 2.superior orbital fissure
3.foramen rotundum - maxillary nerve (V2)
• 4.foramen ovale
5.foramen spinosum
6.foramen lacerum
posterior cranial cavity
1.internal acoustic meatus
2.jugular foramen
• 3.hypoglossal canal - hypoglossal nerve (XII)
• 4.foramen magnum
bullous pemphigoid
disorder - junctions that anchor the basal cells of epithelia to underlying basal lamina are targeted = hemidesmosomes
plexus of raschkow
location of pain receptors - free nerve endings in pulp
abductor of vocal cords
posterior cricothyroid;; lateral cricothyroid, oblique and transverse arytenoids, and thyroartenoid are all adductors
maxillary nerve
braches from trigeminal ganglion, exits thru foramen rutondum, travels to pterygopalatine ganglion and terminates as the infraorbital and zygomatic nerves
axilla wall
anterior-pectoralis muscles
lateral thoracic wall (medial)- serratus anterior
posterior - latissumus dorsi
cytochrome P450
detoxification - smooth ER
hassalls corpsules
found in medulla of thymus, epithelial cells with keratohyaline granules