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40 Cards in this Set

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Superior cluneal nerve

- lateral cutaneous branches of PPR

- L1, L2, L3

- superior, central buttock

Medial cluneal nerve

- lateral cut. PPR

- S1,2,3

- medial buttock

Inferior cluneal nerve

- posterior cut. n of thigh


- S1,2,3

What gluteal muscle does the gluteus maximus not cover?

anterior superior third of the gluteus medius muscle

What originates from the pink areas?

What originates from the pink areas?

gluteus maximus

- posterior gluteal line

- sacrum, coccyx

- sacrotuberous lig.

- fascia of glut med.

What inserts here?

What inserts here?

Glut max.

- 75% to iliotibial tract

- 25% to gluteal tub.

What innervates glut. max?

inferior gluteal nerve

Where might the superior cluneal nerve be compressed?

between the thoracolumbar fascia and iliac crest

What is the arterial supply to gluteus max?

superior (major) and inferior gluteal arteries

What are the the bursae associated with glut. max?

- trochanteric bursa

- ischial bursa

How might you irritate the ischial bursa?

- repeated stress

- rowing, cycling

- repetitive extension

How might you irritate the trochanteric bursa?

- repetitive action like climbing stairs

What originates here?

What originates here?


The superior gluteal vessels and superior gluteal nerve exit the suprapiriformis space. T/F


What is the origin and insertion of gluteus medius?

- O: between anterior and posterior gluteal lines

- I: greater trochanter lat. surface

What innervates glut med. and glut min?

Superior gluteal nerve (L5, S1)

What is the O and I of glut. min?

- O: inf. and ant. gluteal lines

- I: greater trochant. anterior surface and fibrous capsule hip joint.

What are the actions of glut. med and min?

- abduct the thigh

- internally rotate the thigh



- superior gemellus

- inferior gemellus

- QF

- obturator internus

What muscle is deep to the QF?

Obturator externus

What muscles does the TFL muscle assist?

Assists the iliopsoas and rectus femoris muscles to flex the thigh

What muscle attaches to the highlighted areas?

What muscle attaches to the highlighted areas?


What inserts here?

What inserts here?

glut med

What is the innervation of TFL muscle?

superior gluteal nerve L5, S1

The posterior cutaneous nerve supplies more skin than any other cutaneous nerve. T/F


For a positive trendelenbergs sign, which side will the pelvis drop and what muscle will be affected?

- the pelvis will drop to the unaffected side

- glut. min, med and TFL or superior gluteal nerve are affected

What are the actions of the TFL?

abducts and internally rotates thigh

A patient comes in with pain along the back of the thigh to the knee; loss of sensation or numbness and tingling in the sole of the foot. What may they have?

Sciatica or Piriformis syndrome

What is the difference between sciatica and piriformis syndrome?

Main difference is the cause; sciatica is directly due to herniation of the disc.

A patient has motor loss of the gluteus medius, minimus and TFL muscles. As a result abduction and internal rotation are severely impacted. What Nerve is injured?

The superior gluteal nerve

You ask a person with a superior gluteal nerve injury to stand on one foot; what might you witness?

- glut med and min usually contract as the foot leaves the ground to keep the pelvis level

- with a superior gluteal nerve injury the unsupported side will drop because the muscles on the supported side will be weak

The ______ branch of the superior gluteal artery supplies the glut max. The _____ branch supplies glut. medius, minimus and TFL.

superficial/external branch; deep branch

What is the highlighted artery?

What is the highlighted artery?

Superior gluteal artery

The inferior gluteal artery descends medially to the sciatic nerve. T/F


What does the inferior gluteal artery supply?

- glut max.

- QF

- obturator internus

- gemelli

- superior part of hamstring

- sciatic nerve

What two arteries arise from the anterior division of the internal iliac artery?

- inferior gluteal

- internal pudendal

The internal pudendal artery enters the perineum through the lesser sciatic foramen. T/F


The superior gluteal nerve exits the ________ space and enters between the _____ and ______.

supragulteal space; gluteus min. and med.

What are 4 things the sciatic nerve rests on in the gluteal area?

- posterior surface of ischium

- nerve to quadratus femoris and inferior gemelli

- obturator internus and gemellus muscles

- QF muscle

The sciatic nerve is accompanied by the posterior femoral cut. nerve and the superior gluteal artery. T/F

False; the inferior gluteal artery