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50 Cards in this Set

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The primary function of muslce is ?
A.) conversion of chemical energy into mechanical energy.
Thick Filaments ?
A.) are composed primarily of myosin.
Thin Filaments ?
D.) are composed of actin, troponin and tropomyosin.
Which of the following does NOT happen during a muscle contraction ?
E.) The thick and thin filaments shorten.
Under which condition can muscle fibers generate the most tension ?
E.) When fibers have an overlap of thick and thin filaments that is close to their optimal length.
How do muscle fibers produce ATP ?
A.) from creatine phosphate
B.) through anaerobic cellular respiration
C.) through aerobic cellular respirtation
E.) A,B and C are correct
An adult has more muscle mass than a child. How did that increase in muscle mass ?
E.) hypertrophy
Anaerobic cellular respiration ?
A.) converts glucose to pyruvic acid and ultimatley to lactic acid.
Skeletal muscle ?
A.) is Striated
B.) is largely under voluntary control
D.) A and B are correct
The ability to respond to simuli by producing action potentials ?
A.) is called electrical excitability.
B.) is a property of muscle tissue.
D.) A and B are correct
In order to prevent an accidental immune response, Helper T cells are required to costimulate?
A.) B cells
B.) T cells
D.) Both A&B
Which of the following is NOT funation of blood ?
D.) promote blood loss
Which of the following hematocrit values indicates that a patient has polycythemia?
A.) 62%
How do white blood cells (WBC's) differ from red blood cells (RBC's) ?
A.) WBC's have nuclei: RBC's do not.
B.) WBC's can leave the blood vessels; RBC's cannot.
D.) A and B are correct
_______ develop into mast cells that release heparin, histamine and serotonin ?
B.) Basophils
Each of the following contributes to muscle fatigue EXCEPT:
B.) presence of adequate amounts of o2 in the mitochondria.
Wave summation in a muscle fiber ?
A.) occurs when additional stimuli arrive before the fiber has relaxed after the intial stimulus.
B.) usually result in subsequent contractions that are stronger than 1st.
C.) A and B are correct
Platelets ?
A.) stop bleeding by plugging holes in blood vessels.
B.) release chemicals that make blood clot
D.) A and B are correct
Slow oxidative muscle fibers ?
C.) Resist fatigue and contain large amounts of myoglobin.
Cardiac muscle tissue ?
E.) all of the above are correct
E.) all of the above are correct
which of the following is associated with the extrinsic pathway of blood clotting ?
E.) all of the above are correct
the intrinsic pathway ?
B.) may be initiated by damage to the endothelium of blood vessels.
Lymphatic nodules ?
A.) include the tonsils and peyers patches
A decreased number of red blood cells?
A.) will decrease the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood.
B.) may be caused by decreased RBC production and/or increased RBC destruction.
D.) A and B are correct
the lymphatic system functions include ?
A.) reabsorbing fluid lost from the capllaries and trans[orting in to the blood.
B.) absorbing fats from the digestive system.
C.) defending the body against infectous disease
E.) A,B and C are correct
Which of the following is NOT considered part of the lymphatic system?
C.) Yellow bone marrow
Natural killer (NK) cells ?
C.) Secrete perforin and granzymes to destroy target cells.
The first stage of the inflammation response is ?
A.) Vasodilation
RBC's display only antigen B
C.) type B
RBC's display antigens A and B
B.) Type AB
RBC's display neither antigen A or B ?
D.) type O
Place the stages of phagocytosis in hte order in which they occur:
D.) 2,1,4,5,3
How does immunity differ from nonspecific defenses ?
A.) immunity provides protection against specific foreign antigens
B.) immunity displays memory
C.) Immunity refers to a variety of body responses against a wide range of pathogens.
D.) A, B and C are correct.
Cytotoxic cells may destroy pathogens and abnormal body cells via all of the following mechanisms EXCEPT:
B.) phagocytosis of target cell
Complement ?
A.) is a series of proteins that assist in fighting infections.
B.) stimulates phagocytosis, cycolysis, and inflammation when activated
D.) A and B are correct
Both skeletal and ____ muscle are striated, but only skeletal muscle is voluntarily controlled.
A.) Cardiac
___ is a protein found in the sarcoplasm of skeletal muscle cells the binds and releases o2.
B.) Myoglobin
In a blood transfusion, Rh ____ blood will cause in Rh___ person to make antibodies which could be harmful in subsequent transactions
B.) positive, negative
Immunological memory.
E.) all of these are correct
____ is made by bacteria in the large intestine and is required for the synthesis of clotting factors.
C.) Vitamin K
Which white blood cells combat the effects of histamine in allergic reactions ?
B.) Eosinophils
Which of the following is a propery of muscle tissue ?
D.) all of the above are properties of muscle
_____ is the site where T cells mature
B.) Thymus
______ is the site where B cells mature
A.) bone marrow
_____ is found inside most lympathic vessels; it is identical to interstitial fluid.
A.) lymph
____ muscle is nonstriated and not under voluntary control. It is found in blood vessels.
B.) smooth
_____ is the ablilty of the body to defend itself against specific invading agents.
A.) immunity
_____ cells are differentiated clones of B cells that produce anitbodies.
C.) Plasma cells
____ include interferons and interleukins; they regulate cellular activities assiociated with specific and nonspecific resistance to disease.
B.) Antimicrobial proteins