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119 Cards in this Set

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The main cell of the nervous system

Transmit nerve impulses


Supplies nutrients and carry waste materials away from the neurons

Neuroglial cells

Contain the nucleus

Cell body

Carry nerve impulses toward the cell body


Carries nerve impulses away from the cell body


Point where axon leaves the neuron

Axon hillock

Terminal structure of each axon


Synapse that is found in the muscle fiber

The button like pre synaptic endings have vesicles that contain chemical neurotransmitters

Neuromuscular junction

The most common neurotransmitter


The speed of transmission of the nerve impulse along the axon is increased by the presence of

Myelin sheath

These are lipoprotein materials that make up the myelin sheath

Makes the nerves appear white

Also found in the white matter of the central nervous system.

Schwann cells

Spaces that are found interrupting the myelin sheath

Where the axonal tissue receives nutrients and oxygen supply

Nodes of ranvier

These are embedded within the Schwann cells

Nonmyelinated fibers

Are classified according to their function and to the structure they supply

Peripheral nerves

Carry impulses toward the CNS

Sensory nerves

Carry impulses away from the CNS

Motor nerves

Carry both sensory and motor fibers

Mixed nerves

The ones that lie between the sensory and motor neurons

Intercalated neurons

Carry impulses toward a structure usually in the cns

Afferent nerves

Carry impulses away from the structure usually in the CNS

Efferent nerves

Associated with visceral organs

Visceral nerves

Associated with somatic organs

Somatic nerves

Control and coordinate all the activities of the normal body


Takes up most of the forebrain contains 90% of all neurons

Divided into 2 hemispheres

Cerebrum/ telencephalon

2 hemispheres are linked by the?

A tract of white matter found in the roof of the 3rd ventricle

Corpus callosum

Also known as convolutions

These are numerous folds on the surface of the cereb hemispheres


The shallow grooves between the gyri


Deep grooves


Divides the cereb into 2 hemispheres

Longitudinal fissure

The rostral part of cereb hemisphere

Motor of the brain

Frontal lobe

The caudal part

Vision centers located

Occipital lobe

The lateral side

Hearing centers

Temporal lobe

The dorsal

Temperature, pain sensations

Parietal lobe

Center for taste and smell

Ventral cerebrum

The area next to the sensory and motor areas

Deal with memory

Association areas

2 cerebrospinal fluid filled spaces of the ventricular system

Lateral ventricles

Enclosed by the diencephalon encircling the adhesion

3rd ventricle

Outer layer of gray matter

Contains millions of cell body of neurons

Cerebral cortex

A group of cells found deep in the brain

Acts as relay stations

Basal ganglia

Composed of tracts of myelinated nerve fibers linking one area to another

Inner layer of white matter

Axons connecting nerve cells in different parts of the same cereb hemi

Association fibers

Axons passing between nerve cells of both hemispheres forming the corpus callosum

Commissural fiber

Axons connecting the cerebral cortex to other parts of the brain and spinal cord

Projection fibers

Nerve impulses carried by cranial nerve 2 optic nerve

Optic chiasma

An endocrine gland found below the hypothalamus

Pituitary gland

A pair of bulbs which form the most rostral part of the brain

Olfactory bulb

The stalk attaching the pituitary gland to the hypothalamus


Located between the diencephalon and the pons

Midbrain mesencephalon

Roof or tectum has how many colliculli?


2 rounded eminences that contain visual reflex centers

Rostral colliculi

2 rounded eminence that contain auditory reflect centers

C nerve 3 and 4 originate and emerge from this part

Caudal colliculi

Ventral tube running through the mid brain

Cerebral aqueduct

The deep grrove separating the cerebellum from the cerebral hemispheres

Transverse fissure

This bulge between the mid brain and medulla

Bridges the spinal cord and brain

Cranial nerves V VI VII VIII have their cell bodies origin in the Cranial nerve V is the only cranial nerve emerging from the

Cranial nerve V is the only cranial nerve emerging from the

Cranial nerve V is the only cranial nerve emerging from the


Second largest subdivision of the brain

Located dorsal to the pons and medulla and caudal to the occipital love of cerebrum

Motor reflex centers coordinate subconscious and conscious skeletal muscle movement


Central part of the cerebellum


Parts on either side of the vermis

Lateral masses

A thin outer layer of grey matter

Cerebellar cortex

White matter tracts branching into the cerebellum

Arbor vitae

Bundles of fibers connecting the cerebellum to the brain cells

Cerebellar peduncles

Connects the medulla spinal cord and cerebellum

Caudal cereb peduncles

Connects the cerebellum and the pons

Middle cerebellar peduncles

Connect the mid brain and the cerebellum

Rostral cerebellar peduncles

The caudal portion of the brain stem that continuous caudally to the spinal cord

Serve as origin of cell bodies of Cranial nerves VIII IX X XI XII


Formed by motor tracts coming from the cerebral cortex


Located between the medulla and the cerebellum

Fourth ventricle

Deals with emotions

Limbic system

A network of nerve fibers and islands of gray matter

It functions in consciousness and arousal

Reticular formation

CSF is secreted by?

These groups of capillaries that are found on the roofs of the ventricles

Choroid plexus

Is a clear fluid with no protein and is transcellular

Protects the CNS form damage by sudden movement or knock

Also provides nutrient to the nervous tissues of the cns

Cerebrospinal fluid

Membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord


The outer most of the meninges

Also known as pachymeninx

Outer layer forms the inner periosteum

Inner layer extends into the fissures

Dura mater

The delicate middle meninx

Composed of collagen fibers and larger blood vessels that supply adjacent area of nerve tissues w nutrients


The cavity between the arachnoid and the pia mater

Subarachnoid space

Inner most meninx

Pia mater

Refers to the piamater and the arachnoid together


Expansion of the subarachnoid space

Site where the CSF is removed for clinical testing

Cisterns magna

A modification of the neuroglial tissue that supports all the neurons within the nervous tissue

Protects the brain from substances that are harmful or not needes

Blood brain barrier

Breeds of dogs with thin bbb


Is a disease seen in kittens

Cerebellar hypoplasia

Is due to the accumulation of CSF in the brain ventricles

Internal hydrocephalus

Is due to the accumulation of CSF in the subarachnoid space

External hydrocephalus

Longest cranial nerve

Cranial nerve X vagus nerve

Largest cranial nerve

Cranial nerve V trigeminal Nerve

Can cause circling disease in small ruminants

Can damage cranial nerve vIII


Is a glistening white tube running from the medulla oblongata of the brain

Spinal cord

The structure where the rest of the spine breaks up into several terminal spinal nerves

Cauda equina

This is the enlargement tof the caudal part of the cervical and cranial part of the thoracic spinal cord

Cervical enlargement

This is the enlargement of the spinal cord where nerved to the pelvic limb are attached

Lumbar enlargement

This is the tapered end of the spinal cord

Conus medullaris

This is the fibrous cord derived from the conus to the caudal vertebrae

This aids as anchor of the spinal cord

Filum terminale

This is the structure formed by the nerve roots leaving the caudal part of the spinal cord

Cauda eqiuna

The dorsal groove extending the leght of the dorsal surface of the spinal cord

Dorsal median fissure

The groove extending the length of the ventral surface of the spinal cord

Ventral median fissure

The nerve cell bodies and synapse organized into the letter h

Gray matter

The axons running up and down the cord of the fascicuki

The tracts connect the brain and interconnect the various spinal segments of the cord

Myelin gives its white color

White matter

These are axons that travel up the cord

Ascending tracts

These are axons of the nerve cell bodies in the brain

Travel down the cord

Descending tracts

The root bringing sensory fibers to the spinal cord

Dorsal root

A swelling on the dorsal root containing the cell bodies

Dorsal root ganglion

This carry the motor fibers from cell bodies in the spinal cord

Ventral root

Extends dorsal to innervate deep muscles and skin above transverse process of vertibrates

Dorsal branch

Supplies the muscles and skin of the limbs and the lateral and ventral areas of the trunk

Ventral branch

Connects the spinal nerves to the autonomic nervous system

Communicating branches

A delicate connective tissue


A connective tissue sheath that surrounds bundles of endonerium covered nerve fibers


A bundle of fibers surrounded by the perineurium


This connecting tissue covering the entire spinal nerves


Portion of the nervous system operating involuntarily

Regulates smooth muscle cardiac muscele ... E!regency situations

Regulates heart rate

Controlled by reflex arcs


These are fixed involuntary response to certain stimuli

Means of protection

Reflex arcs

Found in the smooth muscle cardiac muscle glands

Controlled by ANS

Have dual innervation Sympa and para

Visceral effectors

Carry stimuli from visceral effector

Cell body located in dorsal root ganglia of spinal nerves

ANS sensory neurons

Carry motor impulses to visceral effector by 2 motor neurons

ANS motor

Pushing down on the back of dog

Standing reflex

Displacement of the part of the body

Attitudinal reflex

Dropping an inverted cat

Righting reflex

Pushing a supported dog

Hopping reflex

Found in the tunics submucosa

Important in controlling the secretions of the epithelial cells

Meissner plexus

Found in the longitudinal muscle layer and circular muscle layer

Controls gastrointestinal movement

Auerbach plexus