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178 Cards in this Set

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Fetal Circulatory adaptations that make intrauterine life possible are the?
Umbilical Vein/Umbilical Ateries/ductus arteriosus
As a Group the B vitamins are?
Involved in the oxidation of carbohydrates/lipids/proteins. Essential for normal cellular metabolism. Water soluble substances
The vitamin that functions as part of coenzyme A is?
Panthothenic acid
Newborns tend to develop water imbalance problems because?
Their kidneys can not produce concentrated urine
As an energy source body cell preferentially use?
The greater omentum is composed of the?
Peritoneal membrane
The external genitalia of the fetus can be distinguished as male or female by which of the following periods after fertilization?
about 12 weeks
Fetal Circulatory adaptations that make intrauterine life possible are the?
Umbilical Vein/Umbilical Ateries/ductus arteriosus
As a Group the B vitamins are?
Involved in the oxidation of carbohydrates/lipids/proteins. Essential for normal cellular metabolism. Water soluble substances
The vitamin that functions as part of coenzyme A is?
Panthothenic acid
Newborns tend to develop water imbalance problems because?
Their kidneys can not produce concentrated urine
As an energy source body cell preferentially use?
The greater omentum is composed of the?
Peritoneal membrane
The external genitalia of the fetus can be distinguished as male or female by which of the following periods after fertilization?
about 12 weeks
When nutrients are digested but are not taken in by the intestinal tissues the condition is called?
Digestion of which of the following would be affected the most if the lover were severely damaged?
Heartburn is usually caused by the effects of gastric juice on the?
The term newborn refers to the period from birth through_____whereas the term infant refers to the period from_____?
The first 4 weeks;the 1st month to 1 year
The hormone called secretin functions to?
stimulate the release of pancreatic juice
A major difference between fetal blood flow and adult blood flow is that in the fetus the?
inferior vena cava contains blood high in oxygen
The main part of the stomach is called the?
none of these
Which of the following is not a monosaccharide?
If a person has an ileostomy the contents of the alimentary canal will bypass the?
Which of the following is not a characteristic of childhood?
becoming reproductively functional
The cells that are most dependant upon a continual supply of glucose are those of the?
Nervous system
The placental membrane is composed of?
a double layer of epithelial cells
The fat-soluble vitamins include?
vitamins A D K
The circulatory change that occurs in the newborn that allows it to stop mixing oxygenated and deoxygenated blood is the?
constriction of the ductus arteriosus
As a rule a newborn tends to become?
dehydrated and its body temperature is unstable
Drugs ingested by a pregnant woman most likely reach her fetus by passing through the?
placental membrane
Intrinsic factor regulates the absorption of?
vitamin B12
The epithelial cells that form the inner lining of the small intestine?
are replaced every few days
The circulatory change that occurs in the newborn that prevents it from mixing blood from the right to the left artia is the?
foramen ovale closes
Which of the following is (are) true in regard to the fetal stage of development?
the head is disproportionately large compared to the rest of the body at the beginning of the stage. It begins at the end of 8 weeks after fertilization. The organs are mostly formed although immature
Microorganisms promote the development of dental caries by utilizing carbohydrates and producing by-products that are?
A hiatal hernia is due to a weakness of the?
After birth the foramen ovale is an opening that allows fetal blood to pass from the?
right atrium to the left atrium
The mechanism of swallowing involves?
invountary reflexes moving food into the esophagus. Food being forced into the pharynx. Peristaltic contractions moving food through the esophagus
The condition called osteomalacia is caused by a deficiency of?
Vitamin D
Jaundice which is characterized by a yellowish tinge to the tissues is due to an increased blood concentration of?
Bile Pigments
Which of the following adult structures is not derived from the same primary germ layers as the others?
Most commonly a blastocyst becomes implanted in the uterine?
Upper posterior wall
Plant proteins typically contain less than adequate ammounts of ?
essential amino acids
Which of the following vitamins is necessary for the production of?
Vitamin C
If the blood vessels of the anal columns become enlarged the condition is called?
The food substances most clearly associated with the development of caner is?
As a rule during adulthood?
Skeletal muscles tend to lose strength. The skin becomes less elastic. The circulatory system becomes less efficient
During the defecation reflex the?
diaphragm is lowered
Which of the following is the correct sequence for the digestion of lipids?
emulsification by bile. Hydrolysis by pancreatic lipase. Dissolved in the epithelial cell membrane. Formation of chyloicrons. Diffusion into lacteal ducts
The parietal cells of gastric glands secrete?
Hydrochloric acid
The effects of sympathetic nerve impulses on the alimentary canal are______and parasympathetic impulses are______?
Inhibitory or slow down activity;stimulative or cause increases in activity
Kwashiorker is a condition that may develop in children who have dietary deficiencies of?
A premature fetus has an increased chance of surviving if it produces enough surfactant to aid the functions of its?
Respiratory system
The ductus arteriosus allows fetal blood to move from the?
pulmonary trunk into the aorta
Which of the following is a protein-splitting enzyme found in pancreatic juice?
Night blindness is most likely to be caused by a deficiency of?
vitamin A
Treatment with antibiotic drugs which interferre with the activities of intestinal bacteria is sometimes followed by a deficiency of?
Vitamin K
Cholecystokinin from the intestinal wall is stimulated by the presence of?
protein and fat in the small intestine
The direct cause of obesity is/are?
a positive energy balance
A protein deficiency may be accompanied by edema because of?
a decrease in plasma proteins and therefore a decrease in osmotic pressure
Which of the following is true in regard to bile?
none of these are true
The placenta is composed of tissues from the?
Mother and embyro
Which of the following vitamins has steroid hormonelike characteristics and promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the intestine?
vitamin D
All of the essential amino acids must be present in the body at the same time for growth and tissue repair because?
The protein synthesis process cannot occur if they are absent
Dietary fiber seem to inhibit the development of colon cancer by?
promoting the movement of intestinal contents
The cells of a blastocyst that give rise to the body of the developing offspring constitute the?
inner cell mass
Gallstones are usually composed of
The ductus venosus is a fetal vessel that functions to transport blood from the umbilical vein to the
inferior vena cava
Which of the following provides a short-term energy source after cellular glucose supplies are depleted
Tetrogens are substances that
cause congenital malformations
The major body part(s) derived from the ectoderm layer is/are the
nervous system and skin
The Valsalva maneuver is normally used to aid
As a result of the foramen ovale, blood is allowed to by-pass the
WHich of the following provides the main source of energy for a newborn during its first few days
Following birth, the infant's netabolic rate,
increases and its oxygen consumption increases
The correct sequence for the layers within the wall of the alimentary canal from inside to outside is the
mucous membrane,submucosa,muscular layer,serous layer
WHich of the following are major functions of the liver
secretion of bile,blood filtering,storage of certain molecules
The salivary enzyme amylase functions to digest
Which of the following best describes the numbers of blood vessels usually found in the umbilical cord?
two arteries and one vein
Which of the following would create a laxative effect?
increasing osmotic pressure of intestinal contents,preventing intestinal reabsorbption of water, stimulating intestinal peristaltic waves
One of the major functions of the large intestine is to
reabsorb water from chyme
In order to lose one pound of fat, a person's diet must provide a deficit of
3,500 calories
The major body parts derived from the mesoderm germ layer are the
muscle tissue,bone tissue,and bone marrow
A characteristic shared by all enzymes involved in protein digestion is that all are
secreted in an inactive form
The major body parts derived from the endoderm layer are the epithelial lining of the
urinary bladder and urethra,respiratory tract,digestive tract
WHich of the following is a function of the large intestine
absorption of water and electrolytes
Which of the following factors seems to stimulate a newborn's first breath
a low oxygen concentration,an increasing concentration of carbon dioxide,a decreasing PH
The liver utilizes fatty acids to synthesize
The digestive functions of saliva include
acting as a lubricant during swallowing,digesting starch into disaccharides,dissolving food chemicals
Changes in anatomy and physiology during adolescence occur primarily by the influence of
The inner cell mass within a blastocyst is significant in that it
gives rise to the embryo
The condition called celiac disease involves an intestinal reaction to the presence of
gluten from wheat
WHich of the following minerals is important in the production of ATP and is involved in its utilization
The AMerican Heart Assosciation recommends that the percentage of calories in a person's diet derived from fats should not exceed
The allantois
form blood cells and give rise tot he umbilical arteries and vein
Which layer of the alimentary canal is responsible for absorption of nutrients
The Glycogen normally stored in the liver and muscle tissues is sufficient to meet the "at rest" energy demands of body cells for about
12 hours
The condition called acute pancreatitis is often caused by the conversion of
trysinogen to trypsin
After birth, the ductus arteriosus constricts and becomes the ligamentum arteriosum
The esophagus provides a passageway for substances from the larynx to the bronchi
Some factors that help to stimulate the newborn's first breath are increasing CO2 decreasing PH decreasing O2 decreasing temperature and mechanical stimulation
The cecum is located at the inf end of the ascending colon
The neonatal period of development extends from birth tot he end of one year
Food passing from the stomach through the small intestine would first pass into the duodenum then the jejunum and lastly the ileum
Childhood begins at the end of the first 4 weeks of development
If the caloric intake exceeds the output, a positive energy balance is said to occur
The ductus arteriosus allows fetal blood to by-pass the lungs
the gallbladder is connected to the common bile duct by the hepatic duct
Fat molecules with longer chains of carbon atoms tend to be transported away from the intestine by lymph
The implantation of an embyro is aided by digestive enzymes that the embryo secretes
The primary function of surfactant is to increase surface tension within the newborn's lungs
Fatty foods tend to remain in the stomach longer than protein or carbohydrate foods
A COmplete protein is one that contains adequate amounts of the essential amino acids
Some of the degenerative changes that begin during adulthood after age 30 are the skeletal muscles become larger, and the circulatory system becomes more efficient,very tight and stretched
The stomach is c-shaped and extends from the duodenum to the spleen
Bile is composed of HCL,pepsin,mucus, and intrinsic factor
The enterogastric reflex begins in the stomach and ends in the small intestine
Gram for gram, carbohydrate provides about twice as much energy as protein
Cholesterol functions in the body as an energy source, and furnishes molecular components for the synthesis of various sex hormones
The organs of the alimentary canal are innervated by sympathetic as well as parasymoathetic nerve fibers
The pyloric sphincter serves as a valve that controls the movement of food between the stomach and the esophagus
THe loss of teeth is associated with senescence and cannot be prevented
The paratoid gland differs from the submandibular and sublingual glands in that it secretes a clear fluid that is rich in amylase
Linoleic acid is an essential acid
Pancreatic acinar cells secrete pancreatic juice
Cholecystokinin, a hormone released from intestinal mucosa by the presence of fats, stimulates the gallbladder to contract and release bile into the duodenum
The umbilical cord contains two umbilical veins.
The fetal stage of development begins at the end of the eighth week
The movement of chyme through the small intestine is increased by parasympathetic impulses and is inhibited by sympathetic impulses
Receptive relaxationis related to peristalsis in that when peristalsis occurs, the muscular wall just ahead of the contracted ring relaxes
Cholesterol is synthesized chiefly in the liver
hollow ball of cells
embryonic disk
structure composed of 2 germ layers
embryonic membrane that contracts the uterine wall
solid ball of cells
Hepatic lobule
funtional unit of the liver
large molecule of lipoprotein
plicae circulares
circular folds in the wall of the small intestine
lymph vessel in the villus
vermiform appendix
projection from the cecum
mixture of food and gastric juice
membrane that anchors the tongue
projections from free ends of intestinal epithelial cells
section of the small intestine
masses of lymphatic tissue
growth and development
increase in cell numbers and the process by which an individual changes from one life phase to another
placental membrane
exchange of nutrients and wastes between maternal and embryonic blood occur through this structure
stage of development from the eight week until the time of birth
the process of growing old culminates in death of an individual
stage of development from adolescence to old age
Stimulates secretion of small intestine
distension of the small intestinal wall
converts sucrose into glucose and fructose
increae absorption of digested products
active transport
absorption mechanism for amino acids
diffusion and active transport
absorption mechanism for monosaccharides
Vitamin B1
needed for the oxidation of carbohydrates
vitamin A
synthesized from carotenes
Vitamin C
closely related to monosaccharides
vitamin E
an antioxidant
Vitamin K
needed for the synthesis of prothrombin
required for pyruvic acid to enter the citric acid cycle
functions as part of the coenzyme NAD
acts with another B complex vitamin to promote production of normal red blood cells
ascorbic acid
needed for the production of collagen
plats a role in the fomation of myelin withing the central nervous system
splits proteins into smaller molecules
stimulates the secretion of pancreatic juice
storage form of iorn
splits maltose into glucoes
activates trypsinogen
Large fixed phagocytes in the lining of the hepatic sinusoids are called
Kupfen cells
The esophagus passes through an opening in the daiphragm called
the hiatal orifice
The sphincter muscle located between the small intestine and the large intestine is the
ileocecal sphincter
The process by which bile causes the breakdown of fat globules into smaller droplets is
the most common dietary lipids are fats called
Pyridoxine,pyridoxal and pyridoxamine are forms of bitamin
Niacine can be synthesized in human cells from the essential amino acid called
The double layered folds of peritoneum that support portions of the small intestine are called