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30 Cards in this Set

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is the identification of a sample's components

Qualitative Analysis

identity of the substance present in a sample

Qualitative Analysis

what makes up ionic compounds



the seperation of ions in solution can be accomplushed by the addition of a

precipitating agent

how does precipitating agent reacts


the solid produced by adding precipitating agent can be removed from the liquid by



Because many ions may behave similarly seperation of individual ions from a complex mixture is

Not usually possible

what group of ions can be sperated by precipitation

Similar reactivuty

the most common reaction to confirm the presence of ions in solution

Precipitation and Complexation

an ion in solution reacts with an added reagebt to form a solid

Precipitation Reaction

Whether a solid will form from a given reaction can be predicted by the

Solubility Product constant

are the equilibrium constants for dissolution of an insoluble ionic solid in water

Solubility product constant

Implies that the compound does not dissolve to an appreciable degree in water

Low Solubility product constant

if steps have been taken to remove ions that form competing precipitates, the presence of----- can be used to confirm the presence of a given ion

properly colored solid

Anions tend not to group themselves as well as cations so we rely more for their identification on individual tests called

Elimination and confirmation tests

total process of seprating and identifying ions is a

qualitative analysis

produce insoluble chlorides so they can be precipitated with dilute HCl while all other cations remained in the solutions

Group 1 Cations

group 1 cations produces

insoluble chlorides

produces very insoluble sulphides so they can be precipitated by low amounts of sulphide ions and this is achieved by adding an acidic solution of H2S

group 2 cations

what does group 2 cations produces

Very insoluble sulphides

Ksp value of group 2 cations


produces slightly solluble sulphides so they can be precipitated by relatively high amounts of sulphide ion tjis is achieved by adding a nasic solution of H2S

Group 3 Cations

what does group 3 cations produces

slightly soluble sulphides

ksp of group 3 cations


produces insoluble carbonates so they can be precipitated by addition of carbonate once the ions of the first 3 groups have been removed.

Group 4 Cations

group 1-3 ions have similar rections with


do not precipitate with any of the above reagents

group 5 cations

called the chloride group because they sparinglh soluble to insoluble precipitates with chloride ions


•Mercury I

•Lead II

Silver, mercuryI, and lead II produces what solid

White Solid

what buffer is added in group 2 cations

Ammonia or Ammonium Buffer