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157 Cards in this Set

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1st Continental Congress
56 delegates, each state (minus Georgia) sent representitives, met about intollerable acts
1st Continental Congress leaders
A) Radicals- Lee, John Adams

B) Conservative- Randolf (head of Continental Cong.)
1st Continental Congress decisions
1) boycott England, no imports or exports
2) militias are to start drilling
3) meet again in Sept 1774
won the great revolution of 1688, inspiration for colonists
Thomas Gauge
general sent to the colonies from Brittian to keep order
richest man in Mass., befriends Sam Adams, funds Adams
April 18, 1775
Revier and Davis warn about Brittish invasion
April 19, 1775
"Shot heard around the world", minutemen flee after 8 are killed and several are wounded
Battle of Conquer
1st victory for colonists, fired on Brittish troops from hidden positions between Lexington and Conquer, Brittian loses over 300 troops, traps Brittain in Boston
May 10, 1775
2nd Continental Congress, Hancock led Cont Cong again, called for colonies to send men for Continental Army
Charles H. Lee
favored to lead Continental Army
George Washington
wore unifom to all meetings, choosen to lead the Continental Army
June 1775
congress approves to send the Olive Branch Petition to England
Olive Branch Petition
agreed to accept English rule rule but demanded self govt. if accepted or a rebellion would occur
June 1776
Thomas Payne wrote "Common Sense" urging colonists to declare independance, Brittish began encouraging indians to fight, Brittish hire foreign mercenaries (hired troops from the German state of Hesse)
June 7, 1776
Richard H. Lee introduces resolution to declare independance
John Dickenson
wrote Olive Branch Petition, opposed Lee's resolution
July 4, 1776
signing of Declaration
colonists loyal to England during the war (in NY and the south)
led by Washington, only wanted to changed govt. and gain independance
led by Jefferson, sees an opportunity to alter society
Articles of Confederation
1777, sent to colonists to be ratified, created a new house govt., all colonies are given one vote, can't raise taxes, into effect after Maryland ratifies in 1781
American Advantages in Revolutionary War
1) home field advantage
2) motivation
3) military leaders
4) fighting a defensive war
American Disadvantages in the Revolutionary War
1) lack of trusts between states
2) poverty
Fort Tichonderoga
Benedict Ardold and Lee attack and capture, gain cannons
Bunker Hill
colonists fire on Brittish from a hill, won by Brittish because colonists ran out of ammo
Spring 1776
cannons arrive in Boston, Brittish flee to Nova Scotia
Fall 1776
invades Canada to gain support, America loses
William Howe
Brittish commander, replaces Gage, aspires to capture NY abd Hudson, defeats Washington
Dec. 24, 1776
Washington crosses Deleware and counter attacks next morning, complete victory at Trenton
Howe pulls troops from NY against orders
Von Staben
Prussian military officer, aided Washington in drilling troops
Johnny Burgandy
led Brittish troops from Canada down the Hudson, had 8000 troops and lost 7000 at Tichonderoga
Gates and Arnold
led campaign against Burgandy, Gates takes all credit
Henry Clinton
takes Howe's position due to his disobedience of orders
US alliances
1778- France
1779- Spain
1780- Netherlands
battle of Clinton and Washington, ended in a draw, hottest day recorded caused a majority of the casualties
Brittish troops invade Georgia, led by Cornwallace, then head north
Benedict Arnold
first american traitor, plot failed when plans dropped on the road
de Lafayette
frenchman, commander of Virginia army, lost one battle then immitated Gates's fight tactics
Oct 17, 1781
Cornwallace is surrounded, Brittain agrees to negotiations in Paris
used gorilla tactics and took supply items
American delegates
Franklin, Adams, Jay
France and Spain
conspire against US, wanted to gain territory and keep US small
Treaty of Paris
sets boundry at the Miss, independance is officially gained, northern boundry at Great Lakes, southern boundry at 31 parallel
Jay Gardocky Treaty
US gets Florida but agrees to stay out of the New Orleans port against Congress wishes, congress rejects treaty
Northwestern Ordinance of 1784
it is up to congress to divide new territories into states and give them the equality of other states
Northwestern Ordinance of 1785
divide territories into townships, auctioned town lots of 1 acre, creates a standardized record keeping system, lot 16 is used for education and 5 are given to govt
Northwestern Ordinance of 1787
Wis, Mich, Ohio, Indiana, and Ill. boundries are created
1) organized by fed. govt.
2) when territory gains 5000 male inhabitants it is allowed legislation
3) 60000 total is allowed to draft a proposed state constitution
4) forbids slavery in NW territories
taxes farmers to pay off debt, starts a revolution
leader of farmers
Alexander Hamilton
discusses need for stronger central govt
James Madison
creates Virginia Plan and Large State Plan
Virginia Plans
calls for a strong national congress (3 branches, 2 houses)
Large State Plan
more populous states get more delegates
New Jersey Plan
each state has equal representitives
John Dickenson
proposed mixed plan but only had one branch of govt
Great Compramise
Sherman restates Dickenson with plan
3/5 Compramise
slaves would count as 3/5 a person, congress can't tax exports
Supremacy Clause
federal govt is ultimately supreme over state
Federalist Papers
collection of essays, states that a strong national govt is needed (supported by Hamilton and Madison)
New York City
first capital, Washington and Hamilton are first elected
Bill of Rights
promised by Madison, first 10 amendments
Judiciary Acts
sets uo the court system we have today
John Jay
first justice over the Supreme Court
first secretary of state
first secretary of treasury, calls for a national bank, tax program, and for states to pay debt, taxes whiskey
Henry Knox
first secretary of war, fort knox is named for
Elastic Clause
grants govt permission to intervein if it is necessary
opposed to Hamilton's idea of a national bank
Republicans (Jeffersonians)
want to strictly abide to the constitutionand limit federal govt power, profrance
Federalists/Democrats (Hamiltonians)
wins vice presidency, federalist/democrat, democrats gain control of house
Whiskey Rebellion
farmers create militia, attacked by Hamilton and his army, 3 killed
Supremacy Clause
federal govt is ultimately supreme over state
Federalist Papers
collection of essays, states that a strong national govt is needed (supported by Hamilton and Madison)
New York City
first capital, Washington and Hamilton are first elected
Bill of Rights
promised by Madison, first 10 amendments
Judiciary Acts
sets uo the court system we have today
John Jay
first justice over the Supreme Court
first secretary of state
first secretary of treasury, calls for a national bank, tax program, and for states to pay debt, taxes whiskey
Henry Knox
first secretary of war, fort knox is named for
Elastic Clause
grants govt permission to intervein if it is necessary
opposed to Hamilton's idea of a national bank
Republicans (Jeffersonians)
want to strictly abide to the constitutionand limit federal govt power, profrance
Federalists/Democrats (Hamiltonians)
wins vice presidency, federalist/democrat, democrats gain control of house
Whiskey Rebellion
farmers create militia, attacked by Hamilton and his army, 3 killed
"Mad" Anthony Wayne
given command to fight off indians, "Battle of Fallen Timbers"
Treaty of Greenville
forces indians west of the Miss
ask US for help in French revolution, US remains neutral
Citizen Edmond Ginea
Jackobin Ambassador, arrives in south and begins hiring US pirates
John Jay
sent to negotiate national affairs (naval)
Jay's Treaty
brittish must leave american forts, brittish can continue capturing US ships, Brittain will only pay after debt retribution
Thomas Pinkney
sent to negotiate with spain, spain fears us/brittish alliance
Pinkney's Treaty
opened port of New Orleans, set boundry of Florida, allowed storage of goods in NO
Washington's Resolution
1) country should avoid creating political parties
2) country should avoid entering foreign alliances
3) don't allow foreign countries to meddle in US affairs
secretary of state, fired for taking money from France in their suppor against Jay's treaty
Adams/Pinkney vs. Jefferson/Burr
Adams wins popular vote, Adams wins presidency, Jefferson becomes vice president
James Monroe
US ambassador to France, replaces Pinkney
Marshall, Jay, Pinkney
sent to negotiate with France, "XYZ Affiar"
compramises with the US to end unofficial naval war, ends treaty with france and accepts freedom of seas
pass 3 laws (alien act, sedition act, naturalization act)
alien act
immigrants that are deemed dangerous can immediately be deported
naturalization act
increases the waiting period to become a US citizen to 14 years
sedition act
any words that show disrespect to congress or the president can lead to incarceration
Matthew Lyon
sent to jail for slandering Jefferson
voluntary agreement entered into by the states
Kentucky Resolution
declares each state has the power to enforce/unenforce federal law
order directing a govt official to take a certain act
Marberry vs Madison
first time supreme court makes the decision on grounds of the constitution
USS Constitution
"iron sides", ship in the US navy made of oak, led attack on barbarry states
sent to france to aid livingston in negotiation to buy louisiana territory
Louisiana Purchase
US land size doubles, purchased for 15 million
Louis and Clark
explorers, follow the Miss river and travel to the pacific ocean
Zebulan Pike
explored the miss r, descovers pikes peak, arrested in santa fe for trespassing
Essex Junta
group that wanted New England to seceed (including Burr and Pickering) as well as NY, Hamilton greatly opposes Burr as governor and he is not elected
murders Hamilton, flees and gains an army only to be arrested and acquitted
The Essex
american ship captured by Brittain, tried in a brittish court and was decided to have been legal
Impresment Law
people may be forced to be drafted in the brittish navy
Chesapeek Affair
the Leopard (brittish ship) attacks the Chesapeek and captures several of its members
Embargo Act
forbade the export to any foreign countries, and inadvertantle creates the US textile industry
became president after Jeffersons second term
Nonintercourse Act
trade is allowed but not to brittain and france until they repeal their trade laws
attempts to negotiate but it rejected by brittain, creates brittish mistrust in madison
Macon's Bill Number Two
allows trade until either brittain or france violates, results in boycott of brittain
William Henry Harrison
governor of indiana, conflicts heavily against indians
indian leader, attempts to unite indian tribes
Battle of Tipee Canoe
Harrison defeats Tacumpsa
War Hawks
wants to capture Canada to end brittish influence of indians
Peace Hawks
contrasts the war hawks
War of 1812
congress declares war on Brittain
Battle of Thames River
brittain is defeated and tacumpsa is killed
Andrew Jackson
defeated Creek indians in south alabama, after war invades florida
Three Prong Attack
1) brittish invaded washington dc and burned the white house but is defeated at fort mckinney (star spangled banner)
2) attacton the Great Lakes, brittain is defeated in the battle of Plaxburg
3) Jackson defeats Brittish in New Orleans
Heartford Convention
concluded to repeal 2/3 lawand baring of new states
Henry Clay and Quincy Adams
American negotiators in brittain
1) brittish fear of another french war
2) brittish army was stopped in a stalemate
Treaty of Gent
everything reverts to the way it was before the war
Problems in US
1) need of a new national bank
2) US industrialization competing with brittish trade
3) transportation
Felix Grundy
first president of the new national bank
Calhoun and the South
vote in favor of brittish tax trade
Bonus Bill
designed to give internal finance, vetoed
Era of Good Feelings
period from the end of the revolutionary war until 1824 of peace and cooperation
Rufus King vs Monroe
Monroe wins presidency
27th Amendment
congressional pay raises would not be in effect until the following term
Adams Onease Treaty
US recieves florida but must pay 5 million in damages to spain
Great Migration
shift from east of the Appalacians to west
Panic of 1819
banks begin to be shut down by the national bank
Missouri Compramise
missouri enters as a slave state, maine enters as a free, sets mason-dixie line
John Marshall
last federalist in govt, makes decisions in several key cases
Peck vs Fletcher
state was overturned by federal
Darkmyth College vs Woodworth
contract clause upheld the charter and can't be changed by the state
Daniel Webster
represents Darkmyth College in court
Spencer Rome
argues states should have final say in state laws
McCollagh vs Maryland
argument of taxing federal govt bank, bank is constitutional but federal taxing is not