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154 Cards in this Set

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The text characterizes prograssivism as
a network of overlapping and somethimes conflicting coalitions to reform American society between 1890 and the outbreak of World War I
The text characterizes prograssivism as
a network of overlapping and somethimes conflicting coalitions to reform American society between 1890 and the outbreak of World War I
What does the text identify as the fundamental impulse for "progressive" reform?
The political, economic, social, and cultural dislocations of industrial capitalism
What does the text identify as the fundamental impulse for "progressive" reform?
The political, economic, social, and cultural dislocations of industrial capitalism
How does the text characterize the accomplishments of progressivism?
It accomplished less than it promised, though the period did set the stage for a new
How does the text characterize the accomplishments of progressivism?
It accomplished less than it promised, though the period did set the stage for a new
Which of the following was illustrated by the campaign for simplified spelling of English?
A "searh for order" among professionals and experts
Which of the following was illustrated by the campaign for simplified spelling of English?
A "searh for order" among professionals and experts
The work of "muckrakers" such as Lincoln Steffens and Ida Tarbell illustrated
a distrust of political parties among reformers who often worked outside the political system
The work of "muckrakers" such as Lincoln Steffens and Ida Tarbell illustrated
a distrust of political parties among reformers who often worked outside the political system
The text characterizes prograssivism as
a network of overlapping and somethimes conflicting coalitions to reform American society between 1890 and the outbreak of World War I
What does the text identify as the fundamental impulse for "progressive" reform?
The political, economic, social, and cultural dislocations of industrial capitalism
How does the text characterize the accomplishments of progressivism?
It accomplished less than it promised, though the period did set the stage for a new
Which of the following was illustrated by the campaign for simplified spelling of English?
A "searh for order" among professionals and experts
The work of "muckrakers" such as Lincoln Steffens and Ida Tarbell illustrated
a distrust of political parties among reformers who often worked outside the political system
The text characterizes prograssivism as
a network of overlapping and somethimes conflicting coalitions to reform American society between 1890 and the outbreak of World War I
What does the text identify as the fundamental impulse for "progressive" reform?
The political, economic, social, and cultural dislocations of industrial capitalism
How does the text characterize the accomplishments of progressivism?
It accomplished less than it promised, though the period did set the stage for a new
Which of the following was illustrated by the campaign for simplified spelling of English?
A "searh for order" among professionals and experts
The work of "muckrakers" such as Lincoln Steffens and Ida Tarbell illustrated
a distrust of political parties among reformers who often worked outside the political system
The text characterizes progressivism as
a network of overlaping and somtimes conflicting coalitions to reform American society between 1890 and the outbreak of World War I
What does the text identify as the fundamental impulse for "progressive" reform?
The political, economic, social, and cultural dislocations of industrial capitalism
How does the characterize the accomplishments of progressivism?
It accomplished less than it promised, though the period did set the stage for a new relationship between working people and a more activist national government.
Which of the following was illustrated by the campaign for simplified spelling of English?
A "search for order" among professionals and expets
The work of "muckrakers" such as Lincoln Steffens and Ida Tarbell illustrated
a distrust of political parties among reformers who often worked outside the political system.
How does the text characterize the impact of the settlement house movement?
It went beyond humanitarian relief in immigrant neighborhods, as many settlement house workers went on to spearhead reforms on a variety of women's and labor issues.
What was new about women's political culture at the turn of the twentieth century?
The scale of women's activism was new, as were the ability of women's organizations to forge alliances among women of different classes and with male reformers.
According to the text, what was a reason for strained relationships between some white and black female reformers?
Some white women believed that their role was mainly to influence men andthat since many black men were disenfranchised, black women were also politically weak.
Why did the fate of thesuffrage movement hinge more on local activism than on national
Suffragists ad to win support state by state, since three-quarters of the states had to ratify a constitutional amendment
Women first won the right to vote in western states because
opponents of suffrage in eastern states took advantage of the divions between Catholic immigrats and native-born Protestants and made coalitions less sustainable
What was the relationship between the suffrage movement and feminism in the early twentieth century?
For some, suffrage was only part of feminism, which came to be defined more broadly as a commitment to full equality of the sexs
Which of the following was not true about the Supreme Court decision in Muller v. Oregon?
It had its biggest impact in the South, where women constituted a large percentage of the workforce in textile mills.
Which is the most accurate statement about the movement to abolish child labor?
The movement achieved laws regulating child labor in most states, but significant problems of enforcement remained.
Sweatshop labor was especially difficult for workers becuase
they were paid by the piece rather than the hour, and at low piecework rates, they had to work long and hard to make a living.
The Uprising of the Twenty Thousand was a strike by
young immigrant women in the grament industry
After Triangle shirtwast fire,
a diverse coalition of reformers, workers, and socialists successfully pressured lawmakers for factory regulation.
A violent explosion in the Banner Coal mine in Alabama in 1911 is cited to show that
industrial reform was less successful in the South than in the rest of the country,owing to a weak union movement and a racially divided worforce.
American socialism was rooted in
all of the below
European Marxism, as imported by German immigrants.
nieteenth-century religious and secular utopian communities
Edward Bellamy's utopian novel Looking Backward
How does the text interpret the fact that Socialist Party membership peaked at 118,000 in 1912?
The party's influence went beyond these 118,000 members, because the party helped to redicalize debates about progressive reform
Anarchism centered on
the belief that a society based on shared ownership could be organized voluntarily through communes.
Which of the following called for "the emancipation of the working class from the slave bondage of capitalism"?
The Industrial Workers of the World
The Industrial Workers of the World drew upon all of the following labor traditions except the
belief that a workers' political party was the key engine of change
The Lawrence strike showed that
immigrant workers of many ethnic backgrounds could unite to win a strikes
How does the text interpret the fact that as of 1910, roughly 30 percent of all coal miners were unionized?
This was higher than the unionization rate in the U.S. labor force as a whole, reflecting the racial and ethnic inclusiveness of the United Mine Workers of America.
Which was an example of socialist influence over municipal reform?
Public ownership of utilities
Which of the following resulted from the Seventeenth Amendment to the U.S. Consitution?
Direct popular election of U.S. senators
Voter participation during the progressive Era
declined, owning partly to "reforms" aimed at limiting the participation of immigrants and African Americans
The founding of the National Association for he Advancement of Colored People (NAACP is cited as an example of
the increasing importance of voluntary associations that worked outside the electoral political system to confront social problems
The text argues that Theodore Roosevelt supported progressive reform because he
saw it as the best alternative to radicalism
Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle helped lead by the U.S. Forest Service
Meat Inspection Act
President William Howard Taft annoyed progressives with his stance on
the Payne-Aldrich tariff
Theodore Roosevelt's "New Nationalism" called for
greater government regulation of industrial capitalism
According to the text, Theodore Roosevelt's third-party candidacy in 1912
might have been successful if the Democrats hadnot also put foward a reformist candidate
According to the text, the most striking aspect of the election of 1912 was that
three-fourths of the electorate backed either Wilson, Roosevelt, or Debs, all of whom championed the interests of the people over monopoly capitalism
For African Americans, the Woodrow Wilson presidency was
a step backward, as Wilson exteded and defened segregation in the federal civil service
The labor movement saw the Clayton Act as a major improvement over the Sherman Act because
offered a more precise definiton of monopolies and stated that unions were not conspiracies in restraint of trade
The passage of a federal eight-hour law for railroad workers and a federal child-labor law were significant because
they established the federal government's interest in regulating the conditions of labor.
How does the text charaterize President Wilson's role with respect to key federal legislation in support of workers' rights?
He responded to and accommodated labor activism
According to the 1915 report of the Commission on Industial Reltions, labor violence such as the Ludlow Massacre had been caused by
poor working conditions, autocratic business management, and the concentration of wealth
Which was not true about the Federal Reserve System that the Wilson administration established in 1913?
It stripped bankers of their influence over nation's currency and credit systems
What is a shirtwaist?
a woman's fitted buttoned blouse
The Simplified Spelling Reform was supported by
Theodore Roosevelt
Andrew Johnson and Bill Cinton hold the distinction of being the only two presidents to
be impeached but not found guilty
The subject of How the Other Half Lives was
life among the urban poor.
The Haymarket rally called to support a strike of the McCormick International Harvester Company an
ended when a bomb was thrown into the crowd killing policemen and wounding many more
Andrew Carnegie's legacy in philanthropy is most noted for his gift of
Libraries in American cities that wanted one
Sanitation in cities was complicated by
all of the bellow
dead horses
unsanitary water
polluted rivers
manure and urine in the streets
The two presidents who were assassinated after Abraham Lincoln were
James Garfield and William McKinley
What was World War I called at the time it was fought?
The Great War
Which of the following became the primary military strategy of World War I, resulting in an extraordinary number of deaths?
Trench warfare and a war of attrition
During World War I, all of the following provided U.S. buiness with a major boost except the
ability to trade equally with both sides
During World War I, all of the following provided U.S. buiness with a major boost except the
ability to trade equally with both sides
Germany's sinking of the Lusitania showed
the difficulty the United States had in maintaining neutrality
Germany's sinking of the Lusitania showed
the difficulty the United States had in maintaining neutrality
According to the text, when war broke out in Europe, the strongest impulse in the United States was for
peasce, owing partly to the work of activists who previously had focused on domestic reforms
Which part of the country as most opposed to U.S. intervention in the war in Europe?
The South and the Midwest
According to the text, when war broke out in Europe, the strongest impulse in the United States was for
peasce, owing partly to the work of activists who previously had focused on domestic reforms
Which part of the country as most opposed to U.S. intervention in the war in Europe?
The South and the Midwest
The test presents Wilson's 1916 campaign slogan "He kept us out of war" as a reflection of his
vacillation on the issue of intervention and his need to appeal to progressive, labor, and anti-interventionist voters.
The test presents Wilson's 1916 campaign slogan "He kept us out of war" as a reflection of his
vacillation on the issue of intervention and his need to appeal to progressive, labor, and anti-interventionist voters.
President Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany because
he felt a need to protect American commerce and to postion himself to play a role in the aftemath of the war
President Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany because
he felt a need to protect American commerce and to postion himself to play a role in the aftemath of the war
In response to Wilson's request for a declaration of war against Germany, Congress
supported the President, bbut not without significant dissent from six senators and fifty representatives
The Committe on Public Information was a
federal agency that sponsored and distributed prowar pamphlets, ads, films, and speakers
In response to Wilson's request for a declaration of war against Germany, Congress
supported the President, bbut not without significant dissent from six senators and fifty representatives
Under the Esionage Act and Sedition Act, thousands were arrested for
expressing or publishing critical opions about the government or the military
The Committe on Public Information was a
federal agency that sponsored and distributed prowar pamphlets, ads, films, and speakers
During World War I, all of the following provided U.S. buiness with a major boost except the
ability to trade equally with both sides
Under the Esionage Act and Sedition Act, thousands were arrested for
expressing or publishing critical opions about the government or the military
The migration of rough 50,000 Akron Ohio at the outset of World War I is cited to show how
Americans moved from the country sidde to the city for industrial jobs
The migration of rough 50,000 Akron Ohio at the outset of World War I is cited to show how
Americans moved from the country sidde to the city for industrial jobs
Germany's sinking of the Lusitania showed
the difficulty the United States had in maintaining neutrality
According to the text, when war broke out in Europe, the strongest impulse in the United States was for
peasce, owing partly to the work of activists who previously had focused on domestic reforms
Which part of the country as most opposed to U.S. intervention in the war in Europe?
The South and the Midwest
The test presents Wilson's 1916 campaign slogan "He kept us out of war" as a reflection of his
vacillation on the issue of intervention and his need to appeal to progressive, labor, and anti-interventionist voters.
President Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany because
he felt a need to protect American commerce and to postion himself to play a role in the aftemath of the war
In response to Wilson's request for a declaration of war against Germany, Congress
supported the President, bbut not without significant dissent from six senators and fifty representatives
The Committe on Public Information was a
federal agency that sponsored and distributed prowar pamphlets, ads, films, and speakers
Under the Esionage Act and Sedition Act, thousands were arrested for
expressing or publishing critical opions about the government or the military
The migration of rough 50,000 Akron Ohio at the outset of World War I is cited to show how
Americans moved from the country sidde to the city for industrial jobs
Which of the following is not true of the "Great Migration" of black southerners?
By 1940, a majority of African Americans lived outside of the South, in northern cities such as Chicago and New York
Many African Americans who left the South during the Great Migration
faced significant disrimination but still earned better oay and more respect than had been possible in the South
Which is a true statement about Mexican immigration to the United States between 1910 and 1920?
Employers pushed the federal government to assure Mexican immigrant workers that they would be exempt from the draft
The text cities an example of a vigilante group in Vicksburg, Mississippi, that tarred and feathered one woman because she
refused to work as a domestic servant
Which statement does the text support with regard to American radicalism during World War I?
Both A & B
A. the war years saw an upsurge of radicalism because many European immigrants had been part of socialist, anarchist, and trade union movements in their native lands.
B. The war years saw an upsurage of radicalism rooted in american sources, as leaders such as Eugene Debs insisted the United States live up to its democratic ideals
On the home font during World War I, many German Americans were
treated reasonably well, as Americans made distinctions between them and the country of Germny
Bewteen 1914 and 1918, the US Army grew in size from about
120,000 to about 3,600,000
During World War I, African American soldiers
Saw some combat always in segregated units
The role of US troops during World War I was
crucial in part because their arribal undercut German resolve to continue the war
How does the text place into perspective the statistic that 112,000 American soldiers and sialors diesd during the war?
Athough many US soldiers foght and died in the war the United States suffurered far fewer casualties that did the European nations
The League of Nations was
Woodrow Wilson's major achievement at the Versailles peace conference, but the US congress would not support it, and it never became an effective force for peace
How does the text evauate the Red Sacre of 1919-1920?
It was an overreaction on the part of the Justice Department; American radicals had been greatly weakened and posed little threat to the status quo.
Which theme was central to Republican Warren Harding's landslide victory in the presidential election of 1920?
A return to "Normalcy"
Federal government control of the railroads
was implemented during World War I, but in 1920, congress returned the railroads to corporate control
In the 1924 presidential election, the Democrats were deeply divided over
Prohibiton and religion
After World War I, the United States government sent the US Marines to oocupy countries such as Nicaragua and Haiti
almost continuosly, over a span of decades
The immigration Act of 1924 greatly restricted immigration from southern and eatern Europe by
setting a quota for each country based on 1890 levels of immigration
The farm crisis of the 1920s was due to
overproduction and falling prices
Which of the following was not true of the housing situation in the 1920s
The Supreme Court opened the way for African Americans, asians, Mexicans, and Jews to move to the suburbs, striking down the use of :restrictive covenats" to keep them out.
Roughly what percentage of American families owned a car by 1929
General Motors createdfive separate car divisions in order to
serve a segmented market with a wide range of styles and prices
Why did Henery Ford abandon production of the Model T
He was forced to introduce new models and styles to compete with General Motors
In the 1920s women
made some inroads into professional work, even as they coutinued to face serious discrimination
In the North during the 1920s most blacks
voted for Republicans
Which was not true of the Scopes trial
The trial led to the striking down of sntievolution laws in Tennessee and all other states
In the 1920s the Ku Klux Klan had its strongest support in the
Midwest and southwest
According to the text, the fatal weakness of the American economy in the 1920s was the
inaility of the people to consume what industry produced
In the early twentieth century, other industriallized western nations, such as Great Britain, Germany, and the Scandinavian democracies, established "welfare states," which provided
social insurance programs to protect working people against the hazards of unemployment, sickness, and old-age insecurity
The Social Security Act provided all of the following except
old-age medical benefits
A single mother could recieve benefits from the Aid to Dependent Children program only if a social worker approved her application on the basis of
all the above
a. her degree of need
b. her adherence to a code of acceptable sexual conduct
c. the stability of the home life she provided
During the 1930s African American activists made gains in each of the following struggles except
the passage of federal antilynching legislation
What role did African Americans play in the election of 1936?
They shiftted to the democratic party in large numbers, helping to establish urban working people as the core of the new democratic electorate
As a result of the Flint sit-down strike, Gerneral Motors agreed to
recognize United Auto Workers as the sole voice of its employees and negotiate with the union
Philip Randophlph was an African American
labr leader and socialist who merged unionism and struggle for civil rights
Which of the following hired amateur and professional photographers to document the human suffering of the Great Depression
The works progress administration, the department of agriculture, and the farm security administration
The new Deal era spawned a lasting and influential alliance between
southern democratic and nothern republican opponets of the New Deal
Which of the following Roosevelt administration policies was ispired by the theories of Bristish
A massive spending bill aimed at stimulating a stagnant economy
How does the text charaterize the oveall economic achievements of the New Deal?
It failed to solve the underlying economic problems that caused the Great Depression; its most important legacy was in transforming the nation's politics culture
Like the Italian facists, the Nazis repudiated
the Treaty of Versilles
in the 1930s the US congress pssed a series of Neutrality Acts which were intended to
ensure US isolationism as many in the nation still regretted the huge social and economis cost of the earlier Great War (WWI)
Which of the following statements is nottrue?
After Germany's invation of France, most American trade union members ended their support for US involvmnet in the conflict
In 1941 a "wildcat," or unauthorized work stoppage, at an aircraft plant in California ended
President Roosevelt sent in troops to disperse the picketers
The surprise attacks by Japan against US forces, which led to the United States' official entry into war in 1941 and galvanized public support, took place in
Hawaii and the Philippines
In 1942 and 1943 British and American Forces undertook an aerial assult on German industry this effort
reflected the hope that the modern war technology could make the dangers of conventional ground fighting a thing of the past
The Close cooperation betweendefense contractors and the military during World War II became known as
the military-industial complex
Soon after the United States entered World War II, a special campaign to recruit women into the defense industries was mounted by the
ironically named war Manpower Commission
Wartime changes in trade union policies and stances, arising from the entry of American women into the worforce in upprecedented numbers, included
new support for laws mandating equal work
Historians understand the war to have supported the growth of the civil rights movement in which of the following ways?
many blacks southerners achieved an unprecedented level of economic mobility and exposure to organized political action as they moved into northern, urban work, encouraging their involvemet in the growing movment
In 1944, Philadelphia's transit system promoted eight African Americans to positions as streetcar drivers. The immediate result was
a protest strike by white transit employes
During WWII the most decorated unit in the US army was composed maily of
young Japanese American men from interment of "relocation" camps
In trying to defeat Japan US military forces
closed in on Japan by island-hopping across the Pacific
After the war Truman's use of the atomic bomb was seen as having been motivated, at least in part, by political intentions that included
demonstrating US strenght to the Soviets, to giv American diplomacy the upper hand over the Soviets
Congress passed the G.I. Bill of rights to provied returing vertrans with
access to education and job training
Postwar dissatisfaction led US voters to
deprive democrats of congressional control for the first time since 1930