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45 Cards in this Set

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Distributive Property of multiplication over addition
a(b+c) = ab + bc
Defining rules of algebra; self-evident or universally recognized truth.
Commutative Property for Addition
a+b = b+a
Commutative Property for Multiplication
ab = ba
Associative Property for Addition
(a+b)+c = a+(b+c)
Assoctiative Property for Multiplication
(ab)c = a(bc)
The power Rule
When a base is raised to an exponent and then that expression is raised to another exponent, the result equals the base to the product of the two exponents.
A collection of objects.
Universal Set
Represented by U, the Universal Set contains everything.
Empty Set
Represented by Ø or {}, the Empty Set or Null Set contains nothing.
the combination of two or more sets to get their Union. AUB is the combination of set A and set B
Natural Numbers
Also called Counting Numbers, Natural Numbers are the whole numbers that we use for counting. They're represented by the set N= {1,2,3...}
Whole Numbers
Natural numbers plus 0. They are represented by the set W = {0,1,2,3...}
Whole numbers that are either positive or negative. 0 is included in this set. They are represented by the set I = {...-2,-1,0,1,2...}. Another symbol commonly used for the set of integers is Z.

Rational Numbers

Rational numbers are made up of ratios.

A ration can be written as a fraction. Any number whose decimal either repeats or terminates is a rational number. Since integers can also be written as ratios with a denominator of 1, they are also rational numbers. The set of Rational numbers is represented by Q. (ex. 1/3 = .333..., and 3/8 = .375 are rational numbers) Q = {p/q | p, q Є I, q ≠ 0}

The top part of a fraction.
The bottom part of a fraction.
Irrational Numbers
Nubers that are not rational. The can never be fully written as a ratio or decimal. They are decimals that do not repeat or end. For example, the square root of 2 (1.41421356...) is an irrational number because the decimal part neither repeats nor ends.
Real Numbers
The set of rational numbers and the set of irrational numbers combined.

Number Line

The number line is such that every point on it corresponds to a real number.

A set of numbers can be represented on a number line. A solid cirle indicates that the point is included in the set. A hollow circle indicates that the point is excluded from the set.

The reciprocal of non-zero number x
The reciprocal of zero
The reciprocal of zero is not defined because division by zero is not defined.
Absolute Value
The absolute value (or modulus, or magnitude) |a| of a real number a is the numerical value of a without regard to its sign.Represented as |x| = x if x ≥ 0 and |x| = -x if x < 0
Distributive Property of Multiplication Over Subtraction
a(b-c) = ab - ac
Subtraction and Division are not...
commutative: a - b ≠ b - a, and a ÷ b ≠ b ÷ a
To add numbers of the same sign...
add the numbers and retain the sign. 5 + 3 = 8, (-5) + (-3) = -8
Additive Identity
Zero is called the additive identity because zero added to any real number equals the number itself. a + 0 = a. Zero subtracted from any real number is the number itself. a-0 = a
Additive Inverse
The additive inverse of any number x is -x.
Multiplication of two real numbers with the same sign equals:
a positive number
Multiplication of two real numbers with opposite signs equals:
A negative number
Division of two real numbers with the same sign equals
a positive number
Division of two real numbers with opposite signs equals
a negative number
Exponents are a notation to indicate repeated multiplication of a number by itself. For example, a x a x a...n times = a^n.
Linear equation
A linear equation is an algebraic equation in which each term is either a constant or the product of a constant and (the first power of) a single variable. A linear equation is a polynomial of degree 1.
Any set of ordered pairs
Domain (of the relation)
The set of all first components of ordered pairs
Range (of the relation)
The set of all second components of ordered pairs

The definition of a linear equation with one variable.

A linear equation in one variable x is an equation that can be written in the form ax + b = 0, where a and b are real numbers and a ≠ (is not equal to) 0.

Identity Equation
An equation that is true for all real numbers for which both sides (of the equation) are defined. For example,

x + 3 = x + 2 + 1

Conditional Equation

An equation that is not an identity equation, but that is true for at least one real number. For example,

2x + 3 = 17

The equation is not an identity, and it is only true if x is 7.

Inconsistent Equation
An equation that is not true for even one real number. For example,

x = x + 7

There is no number that is equal to itself plus 7.The equation has no solution, which is visualized as an empty set; { } or Ø
Functions are methods of explaining relationships and can be represented as a rule, a graph, a table, or in words.
Simplify or Answer
To replace a variable with a value


Change in y over change in x