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76 Cards in this Set

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Decentralized police agency operates as highway patrol state police? True or False?


Police chiefs are only ejected? True or false?


Sheriff's are elected? True or False?


Community Policing

A philosophy that promotes organizational strategies which support the systematic use of partnership and problem solving techniques.

Relationship between the police and the community

Police use discretion to excersie their choice? True or False?


Descrestion is used mostly as routine situations that involves offensses that are not really that serious? True or False?


Strategic Policing

Retains traditional Crime Fighting goal but enlarges the enforcement target to include nontraditional kinds of criminals.

Emphasizes increased capacity to deal with crimes that are not well controlled by other methods.

Strategic Policing emphasizes capacity to deal with crimes that are not well controlled by traditional Policing? True or False?


Community Policing is a partnership between the community and police? True or False?


Which police strategy reorganizes conventional strategy integrative, versitile, police teams design to a fix district?

A. Team Policing

B. Community Policing

C. Problem solving policing

D. Strategic Policing

A. Team Policing

Team Policing

The reorganization of conventional patrol strategies into "an intergrated and versatile police team assigned to a fixed district."

Which police strategy emphasizes the increase capacity to deal with crimes that are not well controlled by English confedents?

A. Problem solving

B. Strategic

C. Community

D. Team

B. Strategic

The FBI is a federal state or a local law enforcement agency?


(FBI) They operate one of the largest prison's in America, traffic control, private productive services, or crime labs?

Crime Labs

What was the name of the FBI when it first began?

Bureau of investigation

When was the FBI founded?


A centralized law enforcement agency is:

A. One head quarter

B. Characteristics of southern United States

C. Combines criminal investigations with patrol

D. draws a jurisdiction between traffic enforcement, state highways, and other state level law enforcement functions?

C. Combines criminal investigator with patrol

Centralized law enforcement agency?

Assists local law enforcement agencies, patrol's highways, and maintains criminal records.

Which agency would not be considered a local police?

A. Shierff's department

B. Campus police

C. State police

D. Municipal police

C. State Police

The FBI headquarters are named after who?

J. Edgar Hoover

The FBI headquarters are located in what city?

Washington D.C.

Which is the nation's largest agency with over 34,000 law enforcement officers?

New York

Which is not one of the 3 major levels of law enforcement?

A. Federal

B. Local

C. District

D. State


Which agency is responsible for managing DNA profile of offenders?


B. Secret service


D. Customs (ICE)


Which local agency is responsible for serving court papers, anything in court security, and running the county jail?


Police subculture?

Particular set of values that are characteristics of the police.

Police style?

James Q. Wilson associated police styles.

A neighborhood resource officer can express residents to clean up and remove graffiti and install better lighting near by parks and neighborhoods known to high traffic and drug activity. This type of request is known as what type of policing?

A. Strategic

B. Problem solving

C. Rural

D. Crime fighting

B. Problem solving

This is known when law enforcement officers exercise their points when carrying out there duty? Also known as Spirit of the law?


Spirit of the law?


Letter of the Law?

One obeys by the book

Miranda Rights?


A knowing waiver of Rights requires the defendant to be able to understand the consequence of not invoking the Miranda Rights? True or False?


The soul condition for an emergency warrantless search is a probable cause to believe that there is an emergency threat of distruction of evidence? True or False?

False (exigent circumstances)

Evidence seized by police officers who are proceeding on a warrant but are violating that rule will be subject to exclusionary rule? True or false?

True (knock and notice)

Probable cause is a minimum standard necessary for an arrest under any circumstance? True or false?


Police officers may enter a home to conduct a warrantless search, even if one of the residents does not give them permission? True or False?


Officers are usually required to submit an affidavit demonstrate probable cause to a judge or prosecutor In order to obtain an arrest warrant? True or False?


The U.S supreme Court rules, that officers are prohibited from searching arresties of the opposite sex? True or False?


Officers need to provide the Miranda warning only in situations involving an arrest and custodial interrogation? True or False?


Warrantless searches of a vehicle are permitted if officers have probable cause to believe that controvert is present? True or False?


An arrest occurrs when an officer restricts a person's freedom to leave? True or False?


Are reasonable searches or seizures protected under what amendment?

4th amendment

The writ of certiorari is what?

A writ issued from an appellat court for the purpose of obtaining a lower Court's records of a particular case.

Fruit of the poisonus tree doctrine

Which of the following requires that incriminating evidence seized by police according to the Constitution specifications of due process will not be allowed as evidence in court.

Exclusionary rule

Exclusionary Rule

Holds evidence that an offense, collected or obtained by law enforcement officers in violation of the defense Constitutional rights in municipal for the use of criminal prosecution in the court of law.

A legal principle that excludes from introduction at a trial, any evidence later developed as a result of illegal seziure is called what?

A. State

B. Compelling interest

C. Fruit of the posionus tree

D. Late in evidence

C. Fruit of the posionus tree

Exigent circumstances


Destruction of evidence or danger to life or escape

Which famous 1966 U.S supreme Court case that provided the advisement of a person's rights?

Miranda V. Arizona

All due process supreme court cases


5 questions on Miranda rights


The scope of the search?


Anticepetory search? (Warrant)

Search warrant issued on the basis or probable cause to believe that evidence, while not currently at the place described, will likely be there when the warrant is executed.


Issued by judge, provides legal basis for apprehending of suspects by police.

Plain view

Officers may seize evidence in plain view without warrant.

Probable cause

A set facts that would induce a reason person to believe that crime was committed.

Reasonable suspicion

Would justify an officer in making further inquiry or in conducting further investigation.

Compelling interest





The information gathering activity of police that involves direct questioning of suspects.

Court case involving the exclusionary rule?

Weeks V. U.S

search limited to area in suspect's immediate control? (Court case)

Chimel v. California

Minnesota V. Carter

Reasonable expectation of privacy

Georgia V. Randolph

Officers may not conduct a warantless search if one resident give permission, but the others refuse.

Bailey V. U.S

Limited the power of the police detain people who are away from home while police search their residents.

U.S V. Leon Massachusetts V. Sheppard

Evidence seized on the baises of good faith but later shown to be a mistake, may still use the seized evidence in court.

Good faith clause

Court cases involving the plain sight doctrine?

Harris V. U.S

U.S v. Irizarry

Arizona v. Hicks

Horton V. California

U.S v. grubbs

Affirmed the Constitutionality of the anticipatory warrants.

Detention and Arrest court cases?

U.S V Mendenhall

Stansbury V. California

Yarborough V. Alvarado

Muehler v. Mena

Rodriguez V. U.S

A warrantless search of an arrested individual to ensure the safety of officer.(court cases)

U.S v. Robinson

Terry V. Ohio

Brown V. Mississippi

Physical abuse cannot be used during investigation.

Ashcraft V. Tennessee

Interrogation involving inherent coercion is not acceptable.

Arizona V. Fulminate

Interrogation may not involve sophisticated trickery or manipulation.

Miranda V. Arizona

Suspects must be advised of their rights prior to any questioning.

Hayes V. Florida, Winston V. Lee

The courts have placed limits on seizures of personal nontestimonal evidence.

Which court case forbid body-cavity searches

U.S V. Montoya de Hernández