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59 Cards in this Set

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__________ is the lowest layer of the earths atmopshere.


An increase in temperature with altitude is normally defined as ______

an inversion

The transition between the troposphere and the stratosphere is called ______

the tropopause

In the Stratosphere Temperature _________ with altitude


What is the most stable layer, generally devoid of signifcant weather?


Four things standard atmosphere is used for:

Pressure altitmeter calibrations,
aircraft performance calculations,
aircraft design
weather-related processes

Decrease of temperature with height is called what?

Lapse rate

Generally what is the lapse rate in the troposphere?

2 degrees per 1000 feet

________ is relatively strong wings concentrated within a narrow horizontal band in the upper troposphere

Jet stream

Two jet streams are:

Polar & subtropical

_____ is often produced in jet streams

CAT Clear air Turbulence

What is the value of sea level pressure in the standard atmosphere?

29.92 of mercury

_______ is water in the invisible gaseous form

Water vapor

______ is the change of liquid water to water vapor


_________ is the change of ice to water vapor


Water vapor is the raw material for clouds and precipitation. It constitutes for ___ % of the volume

4 %

______ A measure of the hotness or coldness of the air


What kind of air can hold more water vapor?

Warm air

________ is the maximum possible quantity of water vapor that a parcel of air can hold at any given temperature and pressure


________ is The temperature to which a given parcel of air must be cooled at constant pressure and constant water-vapor content in order for saturation to occur

Dew Point

_____is the ratio of water vapor actually in the air

Relative humidity

_______ is the change of water vapor to liquid water


When the spread (temp&dewpoint) decreases to zero, air becomes saturated and condensation will form ____, ______, _______

dew, fog, or clouds

What time of day is dew or fog most likely to form


______ a visible mass of tiny water droplets and or ice particles in the atmosphere above the earth


When do clouds form

When air is cooled to its dew point and becomes saturated

A parcel of rising air ______ and ______ as pressure decreases with altitude

Expands and cools

A parcel of sinking air ____ as it encounters increasing pressure and is compressed


High level, Whispy, Thin clouds


Fluffy, large, clouds


Blanket like, little to no turbulence, featurless low layer that covers the sky


The prefix and suffix Nimbo/Nimbus means?


_____ is air in motion relative to the surface of the earth


A High pressure system has what characteristics

Air flow diverge clockwise and sinks

A low pressure system has what characteristics

Air flow converges in a counterclockwise motion and rises

______is large body of air that has similar horizontal temperature and moisture characteristics

Air mass

______ is a region where air masses orginate and acquire their properties of temp and moister

Air mass source region

List the three temp properties of air masses

A - Arctic
P - Polar
T- Tropical

List the two moisture properties of air masses

c - Continental
m - Maritime

Cold are mass moving over a warm surface often produces ______ air


Warm air mass moving over a cold surface often produces _______ air


_______ is a boundary of transition zone between two air masses of different density, and thus (usually) different temperature


Two ways a front can be detected

Temperature difference and Pressure typically decreases as a front approaches and increases as it passes

What type of front is associated with cumulus clouds, showers and T stroms in the front, good visibility and turbulence

Cold front

What type of front is associated with stratiform cloudiness and precipitation, poor visability , smooth air

warm front

What type of front is two when a front undercuts the retreating cold air mass associated with the warm front

Occluded front

What type of front is when the boundary between two air masses generally dont move


_______ is any of the forms of water particles that fall from the sky


Precipitation needs three things:

Water vapor, Lift, Growth Process

_____ is precip of snow crystrals

Snow (SN)

_______ is precip of transparent or translucent pellets of ice (5 mm in size)

Ice Pellet (PL)

PL is formed when:

Inversion, thick cold layer based at the surface

______ is rain that freezes on contact with the ground or exposed objects

Freezing rain (FZRA)

FZRA is formed when:

Inversion, and thin Cold layer based at the surface

_____ is precip 0.5mm or smaller drops from the sky

Rain (RA)

NWS stand for

National Weather Service

How many weather forecast offices are across the US


The NWS issue 4 products


______ are NWS offices in every ARTCC

CWSUs Center Weather Service Units