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53 Cards in this Set

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Although the source of the infection could not be found, it was eventually cured with antibiotics.

Emotional scars were the source of the teenager’s pain and her main reason for attending therapy


She staved off panic and tried to organize her thoughts

The librarian tried to organize the books so that they were in alphabetical order


I stumbled on the uneven pavement

He stumbled drunkenly across the room

After he hit his head while playing at the park, he was only able to stumble home to safety

She needed practice walking in high heels for her wedding day as she managed to only stumble around in them.



person who takes up an art, activity, or subject merely for amusement, especially in a desultory or superficial way

When it comes to learning how to play the guitar, my daughter is a dilettante who will practice one day but not the next day.


The book concludes with a look towards the future

His attitude toward her did an about face so obvious that even Jonathan noticed.

She waved a hand at the house and leaned toward Carmen.


Sorrow and rage pierced him to the core.

Full of rage, the man slammed his fist through the car windshield




I find it difficult to balance on one foot. He had trouble balancing on his skis.

He helped his daughter balance on her bicycle before she started peddling



physiotherapy and rehabilitation

العلاج الطبيعي واعادة التأهيل

Attain a goal

Linda can not attain peace of mind until she finds her missing dog.

Fred took a beginners course to attain knowledge on investing in stocks

Anyone can attain success with determination and hard work


When you realize that food is a fuel used to propel your body, you will begin to choose healthier chow

Tax refunds are seen by some as a way to fuel the economy and strengthen our nation

I ran out of fuel

We're almost out of fuel.

We're almost out of fuel.


To the sick the doctors wisely recommend a change of air and scenery.

We do not recommend going to the restaurant if you are in a rush since the service is rather slow

The exhausted mother asked experienced friends and family to recommend ways to deal with a colicky baby.


امر، قيادة سلطة

Your wish is my commed

طلباتك اوامري

Popped into my head

أتاني فجأة








If given in excess the drug is eliminated by way of the intestines and kidneys




The runner must come in first or second place to qualify for the next round.

To qualify for a housing loan, the applicant had to raise his credit score by several points

Although she wasn’t really qualified for the position, the high-school dropout was able to convince the CEO to give her a shot.

To be qualified to teach, the professor will need to take a licensing test and receive his certification

There's is nothing mutual💙between us.

Even though the feeling was mutual, the girl was a little hurt that her boyfriend wanted to break-up.

Although they disagreed at times, the friends had a mutual respect for each other that surpassed all wrongdoing

Proper jealousy

الغيرة الشديد


لا شئ


He pronounced the words that would forever alter her life

The Photoshop expert can alter the picture to make people think you spent your vacation on the beach.

Sarah hopes the antidepressant will alter her mood so she won’t feel sad all the time.


The professor’s voice was not audible until he spoke into the microphone

To ensure I hear my alarm in the morning, I’m going to raise the audible volume on my phone.

To block out audible sounds, Jack uses earplugs when flying.

Edible. Inedible

Mom’s dinner was barely edible so I ordered takeout instead

Our two-year-old tried eating her book, thinking it was edible

Ben will feed his dog anything, as long as it’s edible


We would like to express our deep gratitude for your generous support. I extend gratitude to my parents for their love and support


The thief ditched the purse in an alley.

Michael was willing to ditch his baseball cap and jeans for a wedding day suit.

My mother wants me to ditch the dark colors, but I don’t want to get rid of my black duds

They ditched me at the concert.

Exclamation mark💙

علامة تعجب

Inspiring, inspired, inspiration

The news inspired hope that the war might end soon.

Her first novel was inspired by her early childhood

To inspire other students to take acting classes, my drama troupe performed a flash mob in the school cafeteria

She has been a great inspiration and she's certainly going to be a hard act to follow.

The way they film the movie was so good

تصوير فيلم


She was a fairly rigid person who had strong religious views

The rigid teacher ignores the latest technologies because she prefers to educate using traditional materials

His face looked rigid with distress.


Without thinking, Maria made a spontaneous choice to join her boyfriend’s gang

Jake never plans anything because he is extremely spontaneous.


The impulsive woman regretted getting into the stranger’s car

Don't be so impulsive - think before you act.


تلاعب الكلمات

to get scolded

Don't scold him when he has an accident. If she doesn't like a particular food, though, don't scold her or try to force her to eat!


The store is always busy but they manage to keep the shelves stocked and neat.

Each neat row of corn in the farmer’s field was planted efficiently for a quick harvest

The girl’s room was always neat since she organized her toys and clothes precisely every afternoon.

Only a neat freak would worry about whether or not the sink is wiped out after every use

Compelling 💙💙

إلحاح، ارغام، تجبر


The novel was so compelling that I couldn't put it down. He made a compelling argument. I would need a very compelling reason to leave my job.

Fanta go peal patotoes



Saying, byword


She plans to contest a seat in Congress next year. Both candidates have agreed to another debate before this hotly contested election. Contest winners receive a cash prize.


of vow in a Sentence. The monks take a vow of silence. The bride and groom exchanged vows. The mayor made a vow to reduce crime


The super hero vowed to catch his nemesis before he wreaked havoc on the planet.


Thankfully, the car’s engine is serviceable and can be repaired instead of being replaced.

The military tank was still completely serviceable even after being involved in several battles.


. I get a desire to slap Phil in the face when he starts to whine like a baby


The spokesman was completely discombobulated by the hecklers.2. The term comes from "discombobulate," which means to confuse or frustrate,

That really can discombobulate you

Toll on your health💙

ياخد من صحتك


Since I forgot about Jim’s birthday last week, I will send him a belated greeting today

Weeks after the funeral we were still receiving belated notes of comfort

She rolled her eyes on me



Dogs like to bury their bones and toys in the yard.

All of their family and friends headed to the cemetery to bury her father

Heavy winter storms bury cars under several feet of snow

symptoms💙💙 of the disease



Many people have become sick by eating the poisonous and inedible berries growing near the blueberries

The peel of the fruit is inedible, but the rest can be cooked or eaten fresh.

The waiters were rude, the food inedible.

The food was totally inedible.

This kind of oil is inedible and is used principally for lighting.


The critics did not see the heiress as a serious filmmaker, only as a dilettante who was bored with her life