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64 Cards in this Set

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Offer and Acceptance

Which case demonstrates that an advertisement is not an offer but an invitation to treat?

Partridge v Crittenden

Which case, from America, demonstrates that an advertisement may constitute an offer if it is specific about quantity, stock and number of customers that can accept the offer?

Lefkowitz v Great Minneapolis Surplus Store

Which case established that displaying items in a shop is not an offer but an ITT?

Pharmaceutical Society of GB v Boots

Which case demonstrates that a shop window display is not an offer but an ITT?

Fisher v Bell

Which case shows that acceptance of a unilateral offer to the world can be made by performance and not necessarily communicated?

Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball

Which case shows that a counter-offer extinguishes the original offer?

Hyde v Wrench

Which case shows that an inquiry does not extinguish an offer?

Stevenson v McLean

Which case established the Postal Rule?

Adams v Lindsell

Which case shows that the Postal Rule does not apply to revocation of an offer?

Henthorn v Fraser

Which case shows that the Postal Rule applies even if the acceptance letter is lost in the mail?

Household Fire Insurance v Grant

Which case shows that the Postal Rule does not apply to acceptance by telex?

Entores v Miles Far East Corporation

Which case shows that revocation of an offer is effective if the offeree finds out about it through a third party?

Dickinson v Dodds

Which case shows that a unilateral contract cannot be revoked once the offeree has started performance of the contract?

Errington v Errington


In order for a contract to be enforceable, there must be an intention by the parties to create legal relations

In family dealings, what is the presumption regarding ITCLR and which case demonstrates this?

Presumption that there is no ITCLR.

Balfour v Balfour

What is the presumption regarding ITCLR in business dealings and which case demonstrates it?

Edwards v Skyways

What is required to rebut the presumption of ITCLR in business dealings and which case demonstrates this?

There must be an explicit statement that there is no ITCLR.

Esso Petroleum v Commissioners of Customs and Excise

(soccer coin case)

What is the principle of certainty?

The courts cannot enforce a contract if the terms are too uncertain.


In order for a promise to be enforceable, that promise must be supported by consideration.

What is consideration and which case demonstrates this?

Any benefit gained by the promising party or detriment suffered by the other.

Currie v Misa

Which case shows that consideration can be something of no value to the receiver?

Chappell v Nestle

(candy wrappers case)

What is the presumption regarding past consideration and which case demonstrates it?

An act coming before a promise cannot serve as consideration for that promise.

Roscorla v Thomas (quality of horse promised after the fact)

What is the exception to the presumption against past consideration and which case demonstrates it?

Past consideration can be good consideration where work was done previously on the assumption that the worker would be repaid. A promise for repayment afterwards can be enforced with the work as consideration.

Re Casey's Patents

Which case demonstrates that performance of an existing public duty is not good consideration?

Collins v Godefroy

Which case shows that where a public duty is exceeded it can be good consideration?

Glasbrook v Glamorgan

Which case shows that a promise to perform a contractual duty to a third party is good consideration?

Shadwell v Shadwell (uncle promised nephew payments if he married)

Which case shows that a promise to perform a contractual duty already owed to the promisor is not good consideration?

Stilk v Myrick (ship crew case)

Which case demonstrates that performance of a contractual duty to the promisor can be consideration if there is a practical benefit gained?

Williams v Roffey Bros

Which case shows that part payment of a debt before the due date is not good consideration for discharging the whole debt?

Re Selectmove

What is the key case in Promissory Estoppel?

Central London Property v High Trees

What are the three requirements for promissory estoppel?

Clear and unequivocal promise

Must be inequitable for the promisor to go back on their promise

There must be reliance on that promise

Which case shows that estoppel only works as a shield, not a sword?

Combe v Combe


Conditions, Warranties, and Innominate Terms

What is the difference between a condition and a warranty?

A condition is a central obligation of the contract. A warranty is a contractual promise other than the central obligation.

Which two cases about singers demonstrate the difference between a condition and a warranty?

Poussard v Spiers (actress couldn't perform - condition)

Bettini v Gye (singer missed some rehearsals - warranty)

What is an innominate term?

A term where the effects of breach could vary and which may be held to be a condition or a warranty depending on the breach.

What was the ruling in Hong Kong Fir?

The term that the ship was "in every way fitted for ordinary cargo service" was an innominate term. The breach had not been serious enough to repudiate the whole contract, and was treated as a warranty rather than a condition.

What is Reynolds' argument against using the threefold distinction of terms and instead only classifying terms as conditions and "other terms"?

Sometimes a breach of warranty can give a party a right to repudiate the contract as a whole, so there is no real difference between warranties and innominate terms.

What is Peel's argument for maintaining the threefold distinction?

There is a difference between warranties and innominate terms, in that in warranties there is a prima facie rule towards remedies in damages, whereas there is no such rule for innominate terms.



What is the difference between a breach of a representation vs a breach of a term?

The first gives rise to Misrepresentation. The second gives rise to Breach of Contract.

Which case shows that the more important the -pre-contractual statement, the more likely it is to be a term?

Bannerman v White

Which case requires that reasonable notice be given for a term to be incorporated?

Parker v South Eastern Railway (checked luggage case; terms printed on ticket)

Which case stipulates that notice be given before a contract is formed?

Olley v Marlborough Court (hotel case)

Which case shows that a term can be incorporated by a common course of dealings or general trade practice?

British Crane v Ipswich Plant

Which case deals with Entire Agreement Clauses?

Inntrepreneur v East Crown

By what two tests might a term be implied in fact and which cases deals with each?

Business efficacy test (Moorcock)

Officious bystander test (Shirlaw v Southern Foundries)


False statements giving rise to remedies

What is the principle for Misrepresentation and which case evidences this?

There must have been an unambiguous false statement.

Dimmlock v Hallett (mere sales talk puff is not misrepresentation)

What is the exception to the rule that a mere opinion is not misrepresentation and which case deals with it?

It may be misrepresentation if the party making the statement had greater knowledge or a duty to provide correct information.

Esso Petroleum v Marden (negligent estimation of oil proceeds)

Which case deals with fraudulent misrepresentation?

Derry v Peeks

What two types of remedies are available for misrepresentation?

Rescission and Damages


Non est factum: makes a contract VOID

Duress and UI: makes a contract VOIDABLE

What is non est factum?

"This is not my deed"

Someone did not actually agree to what they thought they were agreeing to

What are the two requirements of non est factum and which case deals with them?

Negligence - the person has to have taken reasonable measures to ensure they were signing what they thought. (i.e. asking the contract to be read to them.)

The contract must be fundamentally different than what they thought.

Saunders v Anglia Building Society

What are the three types of duress?

Duress of the person

Duress of goods

Economic duress

What is the requirement for duress of the person and which case deals with it?

If duress of person was a factor in a person's decision, it renders the contract voidable even if they may have signed the contract anyway.

Barton v Armstrong

What are the two requirements for economic duress and which case deals with them?

Compulsion of the Will and Illegitimate Pressure

The Universe Sentinel

Which case used to be the leading authority on UI? What was its classification?


Class 1 and Class 2 (A and B)

Which case has since replaced Aboody as the key UI authority?


What are the two requirements for undue influence under Etridge?

A relationship of trust and confidence, either through the automatic presumption of a former Class 2(A) relationship or through evidence relating to the specific relationship, AND

A transaction that calls for an explanation

What is a bank put on when it knows the relationship between a debtor and a surety is non-commercial?

The bank is put on inquiry.

What reasonable steps must a bank take when it is put on inquiry?

It must ensure the wife receives independent legal advice from a solicitor and that the solicitor is given all relevant financial information.