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67 Cards in this Set

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An _________ is any machine that is capable of flying through the air.
The word aerospace is a combination of ____________ and ______________.
Aeronautics and space
When an airplane moves down the runway, for takeoff, a flow of air is created in the opposite direction to the direction of the takeoff. This is known as the _____________ ___________.
Relative wind
Forces in motion are said to be ____________.
If the air is dead calm at an airport, can airplanes still fly?_________ (Y/N)
In 1299 AD, Marco Polo observed ______________sailors being used as observers aboard what kind of a flying device?______________.
A bird is a living ____________machine.
A large bubble of warm air is used to lift what kind of flying machine?_____________. Who is given credit for inventing this flying machine?_______________________________________
Balloon, Montgolfier brothers
As the air flows over the top of a wing, it is accelerated. What happens to the
pressure? _________________________.
It decreases or drops
As air passes under a wing, a certain amount of lift is generated. This is an example of _____________________Law.
A curvature on the top of a wing, is called the _______________.
Name the two artificial forces acting upon an airplane in flight: ________________and _______________.
Thrust and lift
A person weighing 160 pounds is flying a high performance fighter. In one combat maneuver, that person weighs 1280 pounds. How many “Gs” is that?_________
Bicycle helmets now have a distinct “tear drop,” or streamlined shape. This is an effort to reduce what natural force?_________
There are four ways of increasing lift in an airfoil. They are:
increase speed, increase camber, increase area, increase angle of attack
What is that point at which a wing will stall? ___________________________
critical angle of attack
The word “burble” means turbulent, tumbling air. This occurs over the top of a wing during a _____________.
That axis which passes through an airplane from nose to tail? ________________
That axis which passes through an airplane from top to bottom? _______________
That axis which passes through an airplane from wingtip to wingtip?_____________
The point where all three axes come together is called the ____________________
center of gravity
What control surface, on an airplane, makes it roll about the vertical axis?
a. The rudder
b. The ailerons
c. The elevator
d. None of the above are correct.
The elevator causes the nose to _________ up and down.
The ailerons cause the aircraft to _________about its longitudinal axis.
The ____________causes the aircraft to yaw about its vertical axis.
If an elevator and stabilizer are combined to make one control surface that acts by changing angle of attack, it is called a ________________________________.
When one aileron moves down, the other ___________ __________.
moves upward
A propeller is actually a wing lifting ____________.
In close to the hub of a propeller, the __________ of ________ is greater than at the tip.
angle of incidence (or attack)
The tip of a propeller achieves most of its “lift” because of greater ____________.
The “wing” of a propeller is called the ___________.
Fluid motion due to regions of unequal heating is called? _________________
The ratio between the span of a wing and its chord is called? _________________.
The mathematical relationship between the distance a glider will travel forward to the loss of altitude is known as the ______________________________________.
glide ratio
A column of air that moves vertically is known as __________________________.
What is the great force that drives the motion of our atmosphere? ___________.
If a glider’s wing has a span of 80 feet and a chord of 4 feet, what is the aspect ratio? _____
20 to 1
If the Air Force Academy TG-4A glider has an aspect ratio of 11.85 to 1, what is the chord of its wing? _____________.
4.3 feet
Adding a penny to a foam glider adds weight ahead of the ________of ___________.
center, gravity
The heat source for filling an envelope with hot air is known as the ____________.
A lightweight, low carbon fuel used in hot air balloon burners?_____________
The main body of a hot air balloon?_________________
A balloon operates on the principle of ____________________.
A ________________ inside of the envelope of a hot air balloon allows the pilot to release hot air for the purpose of descent.
Although a hot air balloon has no horizontal control, pilots can achieve some directional changes by seeking out changes in ____________ ___________at various altitudes.
wind direction
If “sub” means below, trans” means between, and “super” means above or beyond, develop three words from these prefixes for the range of speeds below, between, and beyond the speed of sound: ________________, _________________,
Subsonic, transonic, supersonic
Air is made up of several gases. Which one of these gases makes up the greatest percentage in the atmosphere? ____
If a control surface, such as a vertical or horizontal stabilizer, does not move or provide lift, can it still be considered an airfoil?_______.
If the average worldwide temperature at 59 degrees Fahrenheit, what would be average temperature for a city 5000 ft above sea level.
Name the two natural forces acting upon and airplane in flight: _____________and_________________.
Gravity and drag
In the myth about Icarus and Daedulus,it gives an account of a man and his son flying from an island across the Aegean Sea. There is an error in the myth that has to do with their flight. Which of the following answers best describes that error.
a. As Daedulus flew higher, the wax on his wings melted.
b. As Icarus flew higher, the temperature of the air should have been cooler.
c. Sea bird feathers don’t provide lift.
d. Warm bee’s wax won’t stick to human arms.
a & b
Sir Isaac Newton’s three laws of motion can be used to explain how a bird flies. When the wings move downward, this propels a bird forward as well as providing lift. This is an example of Newton’s ____________________Law.
The action of a bird’s wing that moves the air downward and backward can be compared to a _________________on an airplane.
If you mount a ski rack on top of an automobile, it creates aerodynamic_________and this can affect gas mileage.
The ___________________is an imaginary line, in an airfoil, that connects the leading and trailing edges.
The curvature, or camber, on the upper surface of a bird’s wing, is an example of what kind of “lift.” (Bernoulli or Newton) _________________________.
The dive brakes, or spoilers, on the TG-4A create a _________ of __________ when deployed in flight.
loss, lift
The control surfaces on the trailing edge of a paper airplane’s wing are called ____________________.
There is a line between the leading and trailing edges of a wing. What is it called?_______________________
This aircraft is kept aloft by the aerodynamic forces upon it wings and is thrust forward by a propeller, or other means of propulsion such as a jet or rocket.
To find the Celsius equivalent of a Fahrenheit temperature, use the formula C=5/9(F-32). Based on this formula, what is the average Celsius equivalent temperature, worldwide, if the average Fahrenheit temperature at sea level is 59 degrees. Answer__________.
15 degrees C
A very significant date in history was November 21, 1783. What happened on that date?
a. Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier first flew in a hot air balloon.
b. The first hydrogen balloon flew over Paris, France.
c. Marco Polo first flew the English Channel in a Montgolfier balloon.
d. None of the above are correct.
As a fluid, like air, is accelerated, the ___________________drops. This is an example of ______________________Law.
Pressure, Bernoulli’s
When a wing is angled upward, this is called “increasing the angle of _______? At a certain point, the airflow over the top of the wing will separate. This causes the boundary layer of air to break away from the upper camber of the wing. When this
happens, a loss of lift occurs. This is called a ________.
attack, stall
When an airplane is ready for takeoff, the pilot applies power. This power provides an artificial force called thrust and it overcomes a natural force known as _________. As the plane gathers speed, a mechanical device, called an airfoil, or ________, causes a fluid, commonly known as air to accelerate over under and around the airfoil. This causes a drop in pressure on the upper curvature, known as the ________. When the pressure on the top is decreased and on the bottom is ________, the airfoil will rise away from gravity. This creates an artificial force called ___________. The oncoming air, known as the relative________also impacts the underside of the airfoil. This is an example of ___________Law.
drag, wing, camber, increased, lift, wind, Newton’s
A bird has two “control surfaces” for maneuvering. They are the ____ feathers and the _____ _______.
Tail and wing feathers
A typical hot air balloon will derive about _____of lift per 1,000 cubic feet. If a balloon has a volume of 68,500 cubic feet, how much weight can be lifted?________
17-20, 1164.5 – 1370.0