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23 Cards in this Set

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Volatile, unstable

A situation that is volatile is likely to change suddenly and unexpectedly.

Liability <-> asset

In the future when the borrower repays the loan, plus interest the asset and liability disappear and the transaction is settled.

As soon as credit is created, it immediately turns into debt. Debt is both an asset to the lender and a liability to the borrower.

Collateral is the money or property which is used as a guarantee that someone will repay a loan

Most people here cannot borrow from banks because they lack collateral

Zenith; the top; the peak; the highest point

Everyone was so surprised that he retired at the zenith of his career.

Cocky: showing confidence in an arrogant and often unpleasant way

He's so cocky. He thinks he's always right.

Admonish, scold, rebuke, reprove : to warn or reprimand firmly

The student were admonished for skipping class.

Klutz : someone who is a little clumsy, awkward, or foolish

He broke another mug. I can't believe it. He's such a klutz

Vaguely : not clearly expressed or stated

Perhaps you vaguely remember some of these words.

Quintessential : representing the most perfect or typical example of something

He is the quintessential superhero.

Embezzle; steal : to take money fraudulently

The executive got caught trying to embezzle money from the company

Preposterous; ridiculous; absurd; outrageous; contrary to reason

You think I stole your wallet. That's preposterous

Dilettante; a person who cultivates an interest in something without learning in-depth information.

He doesn't know what he's talking about. He's not professional. He's just a dilettante

Ubiquitous; existing or being everywhere.

The company's ubiquitous influence is felt around the world

Impugn : to cause people to doubt someone's character or reputation by criticlzing them

During the trial, they tried to impugn her character.

Capricious: subject to sudden or unpredictable change

It's very annoying he always changes his mind because he is so capricious

Fervently; ardently : having or showing great enthusiasm or intensity

The team worked fervently around the clock= round the clock 24시간내내

Presumptuous : showing a lack of respect by doing something that you shouldn't

You can't just take food out of our fridge. That's presumptous

Meticulous; fastidious; thorough : showing great attention to detail.

Meticulous planning/research.

We must be meticulous down to the last detail


The race is not only physically difficult, but it is also mentally grueling

Drained=zero energy

She suddenly felt totally drained

Horrible, horrendous, depressing, awful, terrible, dreadful, miserable=very bad

The coffee tasted horrible

Deafening=very loud

The deafening roar of fighter jets taking off

Quid pro qup; giving something in exchange for something else that had some sort of vaule