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59 Cards in this Set

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what two items have the ability to alter their membrane potentials in response to stimulation? (two tissues)
Muscles and nervous tissue
why do cells have a negative resting potential?
the membranes potential changes if membranes permeability to specific ions is altered (usually increased) Now the ion flows down its concentration gradient = ion current
what happens when a postivie charge flows into the cell?
If positive charges flow into a cell, the potential inside becomes less negative, i.e., more positive = depolarization
What happens when positive charge goes out of cell?
If the positive charges flow back out of the cell, the potential inside the cell becomes more negative = repolarization
what happens when positive charge flows out of resting cell or negative charges flow in?
If positive charges flow out of a resting cell (or negative charges flow in), the inside of the cell will be more negative than RMP = hyperpolarization
why do voltage gated channels open?
Voltage gated (VG) channels open in response to change in membrane potential...Gated channels are part of proteins that comprise the channel.
• Can be open or closed in response to change.
– 2 types of channels for K+:
• 1 always open.
• 1 closed in resting cell.
– Channel for Na+:
• Always closed in resting cells though some Na+ does leak into the cells.
what does stimulus do to threshold?
Stimulus causes depolarization to threshold
what happens when VG Na+ channels open?
Electrochemical gradient inward.
• + feedback loop.
– Rapid reversal in membrane potential from –70 to + 30 mV.
– VG Na+ channels become inactivated
what happens when VG K+ channels open?
Electrochemical gradient outward.
– - feedback loop.
– Restore original RMP
Membrane Permeabilities
AP is produced by an increase in Na+ permeability.
• After short delay, increase in K+ permeability
Depolarization and repolarization occur via_______________
diffusion....does not use active transport
what happens once AP is completed? does it require atp?
Once AP completed, Na+/K+ ATPase pump extrudes Na+, and recovers K+. (Requires ATP.)
why does amplitude not become more positive that +30mV?
Amplitude does not normally become more positive than + 30 mV because VG Na+ channels close quickly and VG K+ channels open.
– Duration is the same, only open for a fixed period of time
what is recruitment
– Stronger stimuli can activate more axons with a higher threshold.
what is an Absolute refractory period?
Axon membrane is incapable of producing another AP due to Na+ gated VG channels not opening

what is Relative refractory period?
VG ion channel shape alters at the molecular level.
– VG K+ channels are open.
– Axon membrane can produce another action potential, but requires stronger stimulus
Cable Properties of Neurons
Ability of neuron to transmit charge through cytoplasm
Cable Properties of Neurons
Axon cable properties are poor:
– High internal resistance.
– Many charges leak out of the axon through membrane.
• An AP does not travel down the entire axon.
• Each AP is a stimulus to produce another AP in the next region of membrane with VG channels.
Conduction in an Unmyelinated Axon
Cable spread of depolarization with influx of Na+ depolarizes the adjacent region membrane, propagating the AP.
• Conduction rate is slow.
• Occurs in 1 direction; previous region is in its refractory period.
• The “WAVE”
Conduction in Myelinated Axon
Myelin prevents movement of Na+ and K+ through the membrane.Interruption in myelin (Nodes of Ranvier) contain VG Na+ and K+ channels.
where do AP occur
AP occurs only at the nodes.
– AP at 1 node depolarizes membrane to reach threshold at next node.
• Saltatory conduction (leaps).
– Fast rate of conduction.
• Axon diameter also influences speed of conduction
Table 7.3
Functional connection between a neuron (presynaptic) and another cell (postsynaptic – either another neuron or an effector cell).
There are chemical and electrical synapses.
Synaptic transmission at chemical synapses is via neurotransmitters (NT).
– Electrical synapses are rare in the nervous system
Electrical Synapse
Impulses can be regenerated without interruption in adjacent cells.
Electrical Synapse
Depolarization flows from presynaptic into postsynaptic cell through channels called gap junctions
gap junctions
Adjacent cells electrically coupled through a channel.
– Formed by connexin proteins
– Found in smooth and cardiac muscles, brain, and glial cells
Chemical Synapse
Synaptic cleft separates terminal bouton of presynaptic from postsynaptic cell
Chemical Synapse
NTs are in synaptic vesicles
Chemical Synapse
Axon of first (presynaptic) to second (postsynaptic) neuron.
• Synaptic vesicles fuse with bouton (presynaptic) membrane; release NT by exocytosis
• Amount of NT released depends upon frequency of APs
Synaptic Transmission
APs travel down axon to depolarize bouton
Synaptic Transmission
Open VG Ca2+ channels in bouton
– Ca2+ enters bouton by electrochemical gradient
• Ca2+ binds to synaptotagmin (protein sensor)
• Triggers exocytosis of synaptic vesicles; release of NTs by exocytosis
Neurotransmitter Release
Action potentials reach the axon terminal
Neurotransmitter Release
Ca2+ enters axon terminal via voltage gated channels
Neurotransmitter Release
Ca2+ binds to sensor protein (snaptotagmin) in cytoplasm
Neurotransmitter Release
• Ca2+ -protein complex stimulates fusion and exocytosis of neurotransmitter..Neurotransmitter is released from the vesicles into synapse
Neurotransmitter Release
Neurotranmitter diffuses across cleft
– Binds to receptor proteins on postsynaptic membrane
• Opening chemically-regulated ion channels
– Depolarizing channels cause EPSPs (excitatory postsynaptic potentials)
– Hyperpolarizing channels cause IPSPs (inhibitory postsynaptic potentials)
– These affect VG channels in postsynaptic cell
• EPSPs and IPSPs summate
• If MP in postsynaptic cell reaches threshold at the axon hillock, a new AP is generated
– Axon hillock has many VG channels and is site where APs are normally initiated
axon hillock
If MP in postsynaptic cell reaches threshold at the axon hillock, a new AP is generated
– Axon hillock has many VG channels and is site where APs are normally initiated
net diffusion occurs in what two stages...what is an action potential
Define depolarization, repolarization, and hyperpolarization.
If positive charges flow into a cell, the potential inside
becomes less negative, i.e., more positive = depolarization.................If the positive charges flow back out of the cell, the potential
inside the cell becomes more negative = repolarization....• If positive charges flow out of a resting cell (or negative
charges flow in), the inside of the cell will be more negative
than RMP = hyperpolarizatio
Explain the actions of voltage-regulated Na+
and K+
and describe the events that occur during the production of an
action potential.
2 types of channels for K+
• 1 always open.
• 1 closed in resting cell.
– Channel for Na+
• Always closed in resting cells though some Na+
does leak into the
Describe how the permeability of the axon membrane to Na+
and K+
is regulated and how changes in permeability to these
ions affect the membrane potential.
Draw and describe the sequence of events that are occurring in a
voltage-gated ion channel.
Describe the properties of action potentials and explain the
significance of the all-or-none law and the refractory periods.
Relative refractory period:
– VG ion channel shape alters at the molecular level.
– VG K+
channels are open.
– Axon membrane can produce another action potential, but
requires stronger stimulus.
Explain the all-or-none law of action potentials and describe the
effect of increased stimulus strength on action potential
production. How do the refractory periods affect the frequency
of action potential production?
Distinguish between absolute refractory period and relative
refractory period
Absolute refractory period:
– Axon membrane is incapable of producing another AP.

Relative refractory period:
– VG ion channel shape alters at the molecular level.
– VG K+
channels are open.
– Axon membrane can produce another action potential, but
requires stronger stimulus.
Describe what is meant by cable properties of an axon.
Ability of neuron to transmit charge through cytoplasm.
• Axon cable properties are poor:
– High internal resistance.
– Many charges leak out of the axon through membrane.
• An AP does not travel down the entire axon.
• Each AP is a stimulus to produce another AP in the next
region of membrane with VG channels.
Explain how action potentials are (re)generated along
myelinated and unmyelinated axons.
Conduction in an Unmyelinated Axon
• Cable spread of depolarization with influx of Na+
the adjacent region membrane, propagating the AP.
• Conduction rate is slow.
• Occurs in 1 direction; previous region is in its refractory
• The “WAVE”........................Conduction in Myelinated Axon
• Myelin prevents movement of Na+
and K+
through the
Draw and identify the conduction of action potentials in an
unmyelinated axon. (Figure 7.19.)
Describe how action potentials are conducted by
unmyelinated nerve fibers. Why is salutatory conduction in
myelinated fibers more rapid?
Saltatory conduction (leaps).
– Fast rate of conduction. • Axon diameter also influences speed of conduction..The cytoplasm of an axon is electrically conduction and because myelin inhibits charge leakage through the membrane, depolarization at one node of Ranvier is sufficient to elevate the voltage at a neighboring node to the threshold for action potential initiation.
Draw and identify the conduction of action potentials in a
myelinated axon.
How does the diameter of a nerve affect its conduction
velocity and function?
The conduction of action potentials along an axon behaves exactly the same way- larger diameter axons have a greater total volume for charges to flow through and are correspondingly meet less resistance from the membrane.
Describe the events that occur in the interval between the
electrical excitation of an axon and the release of
neurotransmitter. (Figure 7.23.)
Describe the structure, locations, and functions of gap
Depolarization flows from presynaptic into postsynaptic cell
through channels called gap junctions
– Adjacent cells electrically coupled through a channel.
– Formed by connexin proteins
– Found in smooth and cardiac muscles, brain, and glial cells
Describe the location of neurotransmitters within an axon and
explain the relationship between presynaptic axon activity and
the amount of neurotransmitters released.
Describe the sequence of events at the terminal boutons from
the time of the arrival of action potentials until the release of
neurotransmitters from presynaptic axons.
Distinguish between voltage-regulated and chemically
regulated ion channels.
Ligand-gated ion channels are cell membrane receptors that are activated by neurotransmitters and this causes the opening of the ion channel causing depolarization of the cell. Voltage gated ion channels are ion channels also present on the membrane but are activated by a change in voltage across the membrane and this will cause the ion channel to open and will start depolarization of the cell membrane. Often both type are present in some neurons and cardiac myocytes. When the ligand-gated ion channels are activated by a neurotransmitter, like norepinephrine these channels will open and change the permeability of the membrane to sodium. This change in voltage across the cell membrane will open the voltage dependent ion channels opning more sodium channels and causing the depolarization of the membrane.
What is an EPSP?
Depolarizing channels cause EPSPs (excitatory postsynaptic
What is an IPSP?
Hyperpolarizing channels cause IPSPs (inhibitory postsynaptic
Distinguish between EPSPs and IPSPs.