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25 Cards in this Set

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Joe: thanks for letting that bit of candle, Tom


Joe: I just wanted to see your face

Don’t loose hope little brother.

Joe: I feel like I’ve gone blind

In a place where the dark be absolute. In a cave were the nights full come. No light, nowhere, no light, not a trace.

In a place with a dark be a Prison, where every breath be a prayer, where every hope in your heart be a face. I know we’re going to see it, a light shining through the dark.

Joe: I don’t even know what time of day it is anymore Tom

Filling the cave, spilling color, cross this dead black rock.

Joe: and it’s been how long since? A day? More I guess

Like looking from a ship for a Beacon On The Rock

Joe: 🎵 a house that was Shelter a

🎵from here I can see

Joe: a shelter to

🎵I can see a beacon on the Rock, filling the cave spilling color cross thus dead black rock. Like being lost at sea, and seeing light coming off the dock.

Reflecting through the glass

Joe: 🎶 my home

🎵reaching through the night

Joe: 🎶 my home.

A beacon throwing light on

Joe:🎶 will I ever see, ever see

🎶my home

Joe: if we were to be digging just a bit toward where they must be digging to find us

And where’d that be?

Joe: just, just

Just nothin, just wait. You’ve no idea where to dig from where we are.

Joe: I can’t sit anymore

You can’t dig, lad. You know better too. Nothing certain on direction or what’s in front of the next handful of dirt and whether that handfuls holding up, something needs to be held up. You know that. Better to wait.

Joe: can ye sing

Soft ifn ya must. Don’t think about the fear. Don’t think what’s happening on the other side. They are doing all they can get us out. The only job he has now is not to think. Thee needs to be thinking, on family or home or… Not home maybe. Something close but outside of here.

Joe: what are you thinking on Tom

I’s thinkin’ how once were out, I’m goin to walk down to where they got the logs all piled. I’d thinking it would be nice to just sit, maybe, and just look out at the water, and smell that ol lake.

Joe. Tom TOM?

Yeah, Joe

Joe: thee hear that, Tom?

What? You hear something? Joe?

Joe: there! There someplace, Tom? HELLO, HEY!

I hear it little brother, JOE DOWN

Joe: I think, if they be close, we’d see

Don’t think! Don’t talk! Sorry brother, but like always ye be wishing for what you don’t have.

Joe: Tom, did you see?


Joe: I thought I saw a light like a Beacon On The Rock



There’s a Beacon

Joe: 🎵 no light, nowhere, no, Light, not a trace

In a place with a dark, be a prison, when every breath be a prayer

Rudy: 🎶 there is a Beacon on the rock for those at sea

There’s a Beacon On The Rock for those on land

Kyounja: we have soup. Lots and lots

It’s good soup! A little spicy. I like it!