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25 Cards in this Set

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What do long-term liabilities include?

Long term notes payable, warranty liabilities, lease liabilities, and bonds payable

Accounting for liabilities involves addressing what three important questions?

To whom to pay? When to pay? How much to pay?

What are known liabilities also called definitely determinable liabilities?

They are agreements, contracts, or laws and are measurable. That include: accounts payable, notes payable, payroll, sales taxes, and Unturned revenues, and leases

What is the entry to record sales tax?

Debit cash, credit sales , and credit sales tax payable

What is a short term note payable?

A written promise to pay a specified amount on a definite future date within one year or the company's operating cycle, whichever is longer

What is the entry to record a note paid with interest

Debit notes payable , debit interest expense , and credit cash

What is gross pay?

The total compensation an employee and see including wages, salaries, commissions, bonuses, and any compensation earned before deductions such as taxes

What is net pay?

Also called take-home pay, it is gross pay less all deductions

What are payroll deductions?

Called withholdings, they are amounts withheld from an employee's gross pay either required or voluntary

What are the two FICA taxes?

The Social Security tax and the Medicare tax

What are some voluntary deductions?

Employee request, contract, Union, or other agreements. They can include charitable giving, medical and life insurance premiums, pension contributions, and union dues

What are the taxes taken out of an employee's pay?

FICA social security tax , FICA Medicare tax , and Employee Federal Income Tax.

What is the entry to record employee payroll with deductions?

Debit salaries expense , credit FICA Social Security tax payable, credit FICA Medicare tax payable , credit Employee Federal Income Tax payable, and credit salaries payable

What are all the employer payroll taxes?

FICA Social Security, FICA Medicare, futa tax , and suta tax

What's the entry to record employers payroll taxes

Debit payroll tax expense, credit FICA Social Security tax payable, credit FICA Medicare tax payable, credit State unemployment tax (Suta) payable, and credit federal unemployment tax (futa) payable

What does the current portion of long-term debt refer to?

The part of the long-term debt due within one year or the operating cycle

What is an estimated liability?

A known obligation that is of an uncertain amount but that can be reasonably estimated

What are employee benefits?

Benefits that go beyond salaries and wages including Medical, Dental, life, and disability insurance

What is a warranty?

A seller's obligation to replace or correct a product or service that fails to perform as expected within a specified period

What is the entry to record estimated warranty expense

Debit warranty expense and credit estimated warranty liability

What is the entry to record cost of warranty repairs?

Debit estimated warranty liability and credit auto parts inventory

What is a contingent liability?

A potential obligation that depends on a future event arising from a past transaction or event

When do we record a contingent liability?

When it is probable and estimable , but if it is probable or possible and nonestimable we disclose it in the statement notes

What are some examples of contingent liabilities?

Potential legal claims , debt guarantees, and other contingencies

What is the times interest earned ratio?

Income before interest expense and income taxes ÷ interest expense