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23 Cards in this Set

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11-yo girl has severe OI; thin bones & multiple fx. @ f/u  scoli mother noticed 1 yr ago. no bck pain & is neurol. intact. x-rays: 42-deg R thoracic curve-->incr from 31-deg from 9 mth ago. What is the most appr manag.for her spinal deformity?
11-yo girl has severe OI; thin bones & multiple fx. @ f/u scoli mother noticed 1 yr ago. no bck pain & is neurol. intact. x-rays: 42-deg R thoracic curve-->incr from 31-deg from 9 mth ago. What is the most appr manag.for her spinal deformity?
Posterior spinal fusion with instrumentation 
 Children with severe forms of OI and progressive scoliosis should be treated with posterior spinal fusion with instrumentation when the curve > 35 degrees.
Ans: Pos spinal fusion with instrumentation
Children with severe forms of OI and progressive scoliosis should be treated with posterior spinal fusion with instrumentation when the curve > 35 degrees.
A 10-year-old girl has bilateral knee radiographs as shown in Figure A. Which of the following conditions is most likely present?
10yo girl has b/l knee xrays Fig A. Which of the following conditions is most likely present? 1(OI) 2 Ellis-van Creveld (EVC) syndrome/chondroectodermal dysplasia 3 Marfan syndrome 4 Caffey dz 5 Juv idiopathic arthritis (JIA)
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI);dense parallel bands in distal fem& prox tibial & fibular metaphyses. xrays ass long-term bisphosphonate use, MoA inc BMD ex. pamidronate, risedronate, alendronate, olpadronate, neridronate
1 (OI);dense parallel bands in distal fem& prox tibial & fibular metaphyses. xrays ass long-term bisphosphonate use, MoA inc BMD ex. pamidronate, risedronate, alendronate, olpadronate, neridronate
what is the defect with 1 Scurvy
1 definition of condition; 2 genetic defct; 3 zone affect
Scurvy is caused by a vit C def that causes a decr in chondroitin sulfate synthesis & subsequent defect in intracellular hydroxylation of collagen peptides. 
widened zone provisional calcifi; b/w epiph & metaphs
1 defcy of vit C, required for synthesis of collagen; 2 decr in chondroitin sulfate & impaired intracellular hydroxylation of collagen peptides; 3 widening zone of provisional calcftn physis & spongiosa metaphysis
1 defition of condition; 2 genetic defct; 3 zone affect
4 xray findings; 5 sx-assoc PE-I/P; provc; n/v E 6 Tx
4 sx; (2) PE-I/P (3); Assoc conditions ; 5 xray findings; 6 Tx
4 dense band (White line of Frankl) growing metaphyseal end; 5 malaise & lethargy, spots skin, spongy gums, & bleeding mucous membres. assoc-limtg facts long-dist voyages; 6 vit C-250mg qid x 1wk
4 malaise & lethargy, spots skin, spongy gums, & bleeding mucous membres. assoc-limtg facts long-dist voyages; 5 dense band (White line of Frankl) growing metaphyseal end; 6 vit C-250mg qid x 1wk
Which of the following pediatric congenital disorders is caused by a glycine substitution in the procollagen molecule? 1 Scurvy 2 OI 3 Fibrous dysplasia 4 Diastrophic dysplasia 5. Ochronosis (alkaptonuria)
Which of the following pediatric congenital disorders is caused by a glycine substitution in the procollagen molecule? 1 Scurvy 2 OI 3 Fibrous dysplasia 4 Diastrophic dysplasia 5. Ochronosis (alkaptonuria)
OI: defect-Collagen, type I, alpha 1, aka COL1A1 & COL1A2= abn. cross-link via a glycine sub in the procollagen molc. defect dec collagen secr, bone fragility (“wormian” bones), shrt stature, scoli, tooth def, hearing def, & lig. lax
2 OI: defect-Collagen, type I, alpha 1, aka COL1A1 & COL1A2= abn. cross-link via a glycine sub procollagen molc. defect dec collagen secr, bone fragility (“wormian” bones), shrt stature, scoli, tooth def, hearing def, & lig. lax
what is the defect with 3 Fibrous dysplasia
Fibrous dysplasia
1 defition of condition; 2 genetic defct; 3 zone affect
1 nor bone-replaced w/ fibrous abn bone; 2 gene coding-> alpha subu GS alpha prtn->overprod cAMP-> overexpren-> c-fos->regulates prolif & diff Oblasts & Oclasts -> hypophosphatemia 3 medullary cavity filled w/ Fib Tssue
1 nor bone-replaced w/ fibrous abn bone; 2 gene coding-> alpha subu GS alpha prtn->overprod cAMP-> overexpren-> c-fos->regulates prolif & diff Oblasts & Oclasts -> hypophosphatemia 3 medullary cavity filled w/ Fib Tssue
what is the defect with  4 Diastrophic dysplasia
Diastrophic dysplasia
2 genetic defct; 4 Assoc; PE-I/P;2 ; 5 xray findings; (2)
Diastrophic dysplasia is  mutation of a gene coding for a sulfate transport protein, DTDST gene. cauliflower ears, hitchhikers thumb, severe cervical kyphosis, ("twisted dwarf")  progressive deformity
2 mutation of a gene coding for a sulfate transport protein, DTDST gene. 4 prog deformitycauliflower ears, hitchhikers thumb, severe cervical kyphosis, ("twisted dwarf") rigid clubfeet (equinocavovarus)
what is the defect with  5. Ochronosis (alkaptonuria)
Ochronosis (alkaptonuria)
2 genetic defct; 5 PE-I/P; (4) 4 xray findings; 1
Ochronosis (alkaptonuria) is  a defect in the homogentisic acid oxidase sys. Osteoporosis; marfanoid habitus; inferior lens dislocation; retardation; dx by homocystine in urine-black urine
2 defect in the homogentisic acid oxidase sys. marfanoid habitus; inferior lens dislocation; retardation; dx by homocystine in urine-black urine 4 Osteoporosis;
Type I collagen defects are responsible for the clinical manifestations of osteogenesis imperfecta. Mutation of what gene or genes are most responsible for this?
Type I collagen defects are responsible for the clinical manifestations of osteogenesis imperfecta. Mutation of what gene or genes are most responsible for this?
COL1A1/COL1A2 .  OI-->abnormal collagen type I. Clinical manifestions include multiple fractures, blue sclera, and scoliosis. The genes collagen synthesis are COL1A1/COL1A2.
COL1A1/COL1A2 . OI-->abnormal collagen type I. Clinical manifestions include multiple fractures, blue sclera, and scoliosis. The genes collagen synthesis are COL1A1/COL1A2.
An adol male w/ COL1A1 pres to ER with sx of unsteady gait & diff buttoning shirt. PE, when pt holds his fngrs extn & add, the small fing spon abd. Snap of the patient's dis mid finger leads to spon flex other fingers. What cause of the pt's sx?
An adol male w/ COL1A1 pres to ER with sx of unsteady gait & diff buttoning shirt. PE, when pt holds his fngrs extn & add, the small fing spon abd. Snap of the patient's dis mid finger leads to spon flex other fingers. What cause of the pt's sx?
Basilar invagination with associated central canal stenosis is the most likely cause.; myelopathy in a patient with Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI).olecranon apophyseal avulsion fracture
ans:Basilar invagination with associated central canal stenosis is the most likely cause.; myelopathy in a patient with Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI).olecranon apophyseal avulsion fx
A mutation in the COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes is associated with all of the following manifestations EXCEPT: 1Basilar invagination;2 Webbed neck; 3 Olecranon apophyseal avulsion fractures; 4 Scoliosis 5 Discoloration of sclerae
A mutation in the COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes is associated with all of the following manifestations EXCEPT: 1Basilar invagination;2 Webbed neck; 3 Olecranon apophyseal avulsion fractures; 4 Scoliosis 5 Discoloration of sclerae
2 Webbed neck; Quantitative defects in Type I collagen result in less sev forms of OI. basilar invagination with  tip of the odontoid & anterior arch of atlas are above Chamberlain line (white line) & clivus canal angle <150° (yellow line).
2 Webbed neck; Quantitative defects in Type I collagen result in less sev forms of OI. basilar invagination with tip of the odontoid & anterior arch of atlas are above Chamberlain line (white line) & clivus canal angle <150° (yellow line).
12-yo w/hx numerous long bone fxs in the past. PE w/nor -apprg sclera, & dentin abn Fig A xray LE in Fig B.  what  Dx? 1 Vit D def 2 Abn osteoclast func 3 Qualitative def type I collgn synth 4 Mut fibroblast grow fac recpr 5 Def N-Ac-Gal-6 sulf sulf enzm
12-yo w/hx numerous long bone fxs in the past. PE w/nor -apprg sclera, & dentin abn Fig A xray LE in Fig B. what Dx? 1 Vit D def 2 Abn osteoclast func 3 Qualitative def type I collgn synth 4 Mut fibroblast grow fac recpr 5 Def N-Ac-Gal-6 sulf sulf enzm
OI Type IV, which is caused by a qualitative defect in the synthesis of Type I collagen. genetic mutations of genes COL1A1 and COL1A2
OI Type IV, which is caused by a qualitative defect in the synthesis of Type I collagen. genetic mutations of genes COL1A1 and COL1A2
A child has a genetic disorder-COL1A1 gene resulting in a dec prod of funt type I collagen. Which of the following radiographs is MOST consistent with his condition?
A child has a genetic disorder-COL1A1 gene resulting in a dec prod of funt type I collagen. Which of the following radiographs is MOST consistent with his condition?
telescoping rod in the right femur and bowing of the L femur with coxa vara; a common finding in (OI).
telescoping rod in the right femur and bowing of the L femur with coxa vara; a common finding in (OI).
Which of the following radiographs is MOST consistent with osteopetrosis condition?
1 defition of condition; 2 genetic defct; 3 zone affect
dense bone & obliterated medullary canals, suggesting osteopetrosis; osteoclasts lack ruffled border; bone resorption is defective; dec blood cells may lead to anemia & inc susceptibility to infection; Erlenmeyer flask defm
1 metabolic bone dz 2^ defect osteoclastic resorption of immatre bone 2AD/AR enzymatic mutation leadg abn carbonic anhydrase funct osteoclasts 3 no bone resorp in Howship's lacunae.
Which of the following radiographs is MOST consistent with cleidocrainial dysplasia condition?
cleidocrainial dysplasia
1 defition of condition; 5 PE-I/P;
dysplastic clavicles, characteristic of cleidocrainial dysplasia.  hypermobility of shoulders
dysplastic clavicles, characteristic of cleidocrainial dysplasia. hypermobility of shoulders
Which of the following radiographs is MOST consistent with MED or SED condition? multiple epiphyseal dysplasia/spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia
MED or SED multiple epiphyseal dysplasia / spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia
2 genetic defct;
epiphyseal abnormalities found in multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (MED) or spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia (SED).  mutation gene for cartilage oligomeric matrix protein, COMP
epiphyseal abnormalities found in multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (MED) or spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia (SED). mutation gene for cartilage oligomeric matrix protein, COMP
which of the following radiographs is MOST consistent with  achondroplasia condition?
4 xray findings; 5 PE-I/P; (3)
relat nor-sized trunk,larg head, rhizomelic short limbs, lum lordosis & short pedicles, trident hands. abn pelvis with sm square iliac wings, horiz aceta roofs, & narrwg grt sciatic notch
4 lum lordosis & short pedicles, trident hands. abn pelvis with sm square iliac wings, horiz aceta roofs, & narrwg grt sciatic notch 5 relat nor-sized trunk, larg head, rhizomelic short limbs
10yo boy sustained isolated inj Fige A. Immediate CR perfor in the ER with conscious sed. Post-red xray Fig B & post-red CT scan Fig C. What is the next appropriate step in mangt?
10yo boy sustained isolated inj Fige A. Immediate CR perfor in the ER with conscious sed. Post-red xray Fig B & post-red CT scan Fig C. What is the next appropriate step in mangt?
Hip arthrotomy-postr apprh; postr hip dislctn, s/p-reduc xray assess  jnt congruity & articular widening. Persistent jnt incongruity ML sft tiss interpos  torn labrum; Since Pt w/postr disl, GO posterior struct already been disrupted
Hip arthrotomy-postr apprh; postr hip dislctn, s/p-reduc xray assess jnt congruity & articular widening. Persistent jnt incong ML sft tiss interpos torn labrum; Since Pt w/ postr disl, GO posterior struct already disrupted. incr AVN
18-yo male c/o painful prominence over his medl midfoot x 2 years. NSAIDs & orthotics failed. PE demonstrates a firm, nonmobile, tender bump medial midfoot no skin changes. xray fig A. Which is the best tx option?
18-yo male c/o painful prominence over his medl midfoot x 2 years. NSAIDs & orthotics failed. PE demonstrates a firm, nonmobile, tender bump medial midfoot no skin changes. xray fig A. Which is the best tx option?
Surgical excision. no periosteal changes, bony destruction, or matrix present xray not 3 & 4 w/u of malignancy. Conservative measures 1st line treatment sx accessory navicular. Surgical for refractory TX
Surgical excision. no periosteal changes, bony destruction, or matrix present xray not 3 & 4 w/u of malignancy. Conservative measures 1st line treatment sx accessory navicular. Surgical for refractory TX
accessory navicular Symptoms?
accessory navicular Symptoms?
medial arch pain that is worse with overuse due to repeated microfracture at the synchondrosis or from inflammation of the posterior tibialis tendon insertion
medial arch pain that is worse with overuse due to repeated microfracture at the synchondrosis or from inflammation of the posterior tibialis tendon insertion
1Shepherd's crook ground glass appearanceib
high dose calcitriol (1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D), bone marrow transplant
autosomal recessive (infantile-malignant) form
interferon gamma-1beta
autosomal dominant form
dense bone & obliterated medullary canals, suggesting osteopetrosis; osteoclasts lack ruffled border; bone resorption is defective; dec blood cells may lead to anemia & inc susceptibility to infection; Erlenmeyer flask defm

classic "rugger jersey" spine lateral radiograph and illustration C shows the classic "erlenmeyer flask" distal femur radiograph,
Fibrous dysplasia

4 Sx-assoc; PE-I/P; provc; n/v E;
Fibrous dysplasia
4 Sx-assoc; PE-I/P;
4- usually asymp & discovered incid. findg, may pain ->stress fx, 1 bone=monostotic 80%/ many bons= polystotic; cafe au lait spots- larger& irregular borders than neurofibromatosis;may w/ McCune-Albright synd
4- usually asymp & discovered incid. findg, may pain ->stress fx, 1 bone=monostotic 80%/ many bons= polystotic; cafe au lait spots- larger& irregular borders than neurofibromatosis;may w/ McCune-Albright synd
Fibrous dysplasia

5 xray findings; 5 1/2 histology 6 Tx
Fibrous dysplasia
5 xray findings; (5) 5 1/2 histology 6 Tx
5  cortical thing w/expnsle lesion, highly lytic ; ground glass apper, "punched-out"; Shepherd's crook; vertebral collapse & kyphoscoliosis 1/2 "alphabet soup"/ "chinese letters",  woven bone no Oblastic rimmg 6 biphophonate-fosamax
5 cortical thing w/expnsle lesion, highly lytic ; ground glass apper, "punched-out"; Shepherd's crook; vertebral collapse & kyphoscoliosis 1/2 "alphabet soup"/ "chinese letters", woven bone no Oblastic rimmg 6 biphophonate-fosamax