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425 Cards in this Set

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Define moral therapy
the 19t century treatment apporac that emphasized treating hospitalized paients with care and understanding
Define psychologist
a person with advenaced training in psychology
Define sample
part of a population
Define catharsis
purgation of feelings
Define casual
cause and effect1
Define correlation
relationship between variable
Define significant
a magnitude of difference that indicates a meaningful differences between graups
Define incidence
the number of new cases of a disorder that occursw within a specific peroid of time
Define experimental subject
subjects wh are given the experiemnetal treatment in an experiemnt
Define descriptim
an objective of science, it is based upon careful observation of behavior
Define blind
a state of being unaware of whether one has receieved the experiemental treatment
Define tehroy
a model; indicates laws and principles underlying behaviors
Define positive correlations
a statisitical relasionshp between two vairable such that increases in one are associated with increases in the otehr
Define longitudinal study
a stype of correational study whereby subjects are followed over time
Define prevalence
the overall number of cases of a disroder in a population with a specific period of time
Define dependent variable
variable that is measured in an experiement
Define negative correlation
the degree to which treatements effects can be accounted for y the teoretrical contrstucts represented in independent variables
Define construct validity
the degree to which treatments effects can be accounted for by the theoretical constructs represeneted in independement variableDefine
Define unobtrsive
not interfeetting
Define psychodynamic model
the model of Freud and his follows in which abnorlmal behavior is vieqed as the product of clashing forces within the pesronality
Define scientific method
a series of steps used to answer questions based on empirical evidence
Define deinstitutionalizetoion
the practice of discharging psychiatric patients from hospitals into the community
Define medical model
a perspective in which abnormal behvaior is viewed as symptomiatic of underlying illness or disorder
Define psychological disorders
abnormal behavior patterns that involve a distubnace of psychological functioning or behavior
Define trephinaton
a prehistoric practive of cutting a hole in a person's skull
Define abnormal psychology
the branch of psychology that deals with the desxcrptiong, causes, treatment of abnormal beavhior patterns
Define critical thinking
a questionable attitude about information you hear and read
definge monoxygotic twins
twins that develop form the same fertilized egg
Define case study
a carefully drawn biography based on clinical interviews, observations, and psychological tests
Define dizigotic twins
twins that develop from seperate fertilized eggs
Define informed consent
the principle that subjects should recieve enough information about an experiment before hand to decide reely whether or not they want to participate
Define external validity
the degree to which experiemental results can be generalized to other settings or conditions
Define placebo
an inert medication or bogus treatement that is intended to control for expectancy results
Define negative correlation
a statistical relasionship between two caribale such that increases in one are accosiacted with decreases in the other
Define deluision
a firml held but unfounded belif or idea that persists deptsite eveidence that it has not basis in realityu
Define worldview
a prevailing view of the times
Define experimental method
a scientific method that aims to discover casusal relations
Define independent vairrable
the varable that is manipulated in an experiment
Define discreditied treatment
treatments unable to consistently produce success beyong that obtained by time, positive expectations, or placebos
Define phenothiazines
a group of antipsycholtic drugs used to treat schitzophenia
Define hypothesis
a state induced by suggestion; Charcot used this for the treatment of hysteria
Define internal validity
the degree to which manipulation of the independent variables ccan be causually related to the changes in the dependent varibales
Define psychoquakery
discredited psychological treatments in mental health
The objective of the _______________ research method is to uncocver cause and effect relasionships between variables.

a. case study
b. experimental
c. correlational
d. naturalistic-observational
b. experimental
Which is not required by multiple baseline designs?

a. a reversal plane
b. a treatment phase
c. a baseline phase
d. an intervention phase
a. reverasal phase
Correlations allow for....... but do not provide information regarding causal realsionships between variables.

a. informed studies
b. predicition
c. explanation
d. causation
b. prediciton
It is necessary that a reasearch cample be representative of the.... of interest

a. experiment
b. population
c. subject
d. behavior
b. population
An experiemnet is deigned to assess the effects of in modeling on a public speaking peformance. In this design:

a. mdoeling is the dependent variable and the independent variable
b. public speaking performance is the dependnet and modeling is the independent.
b. public speaking performance is the dependnet and modeling is the independent.
The extent to which experimental results may be generalized to other settings and conditions is referred to as....
external validity
In a correlational study, Dr. Sanford discovered that as test schors increased for students, the time speng watching tv decrease. This would indicate a..... correlation between the two variables
Explanation of abnormal behaviro in terms of supernatural forces is characterisitics of the...... model
Which of the following is NOT an objective approach to the study of abnoramal psycholgoy?

a. description
b. statistical analysis
c. explanation
d. control
d. control
A single subject reasearch method in the fomr of an A-B-A-B design is called...
a reversal design
Which of the following is true of naturalistic observation?

a. it provides consideratable infomration about beahvori but cannot specifiy why a beahviro occurs

b. it is conducted through quasiexperiemnts
In the early sixties community health centers were given the responsibility of providing continuing support and care to the fomer hospitialized paitents udner the polocuty of...
A group of antischotic drugs, .......permitted many patients with schizpphreinia to be discharged to less restrictive living arrangements and reducted the most flagrant behavior patterns associated with this disorder.
The.....model provided the first psycholigcial perspective on abnormal behavior
The......involves systematic attempts to test our assumptions and theories about the world through gathering objective evidence
scienctific method
Reasearch subjects must be given enoough information in advance about a study's purposes, method, risks and beneits to allow them to make decision regariding their participation. THis illustrates the principle of....
infomred consent
The ....... allows scientits to demonstrate a causaul relationship between variables
experimental method
In an experiment, ...... are not given experimental treatment
control subjects
in A ........ neither the researcher nor the subject is told whether an active drug or placebo is being administered
double blind placebo design
If observered changes in the dependent variable cna be causally related to the independent variable, an experiemnet is aid to have...
internal validty
Rates of occurance of abnormal behavior in various settings or population groups are studied by use of the..... method
Sam and Sue are identitical twins. They are also known as....
Freud's in depth study of Leonao da Vinici illustrates the use of the
case study method
In an A-B-A-B design, the experimenter can be confident the treatment has inteded to effect...
the behavior imporves whenever treatment is introduced, but returns to baseline levels in the reversal phase
While reading about a psychological disorder on the INternet, Sally began to question the credibility of ingormation presented. This illustrates he....
critical thinking skills
Benjamin Rush, the father of American psychiatry, advanced the moral therapy moverment by....
encouraging staff to treat patients with kindness and understanding
When designing her study on the effectiveness of drug treatment interventions, Dr. Spurrier took great care in obtaining a sample in such a way that each emmebr of the population of interehast had equal pobablity of election. Dr. Spurrier recognized the importance of a ....in research
random sample
While drawing conclusions from thier findings, psychologists use statistical methods to determine the liklihood that differences between groups are......as opposed to chance fluctuations.
Sarah has began hearing voices that are not present. She has been referred to a psychologist to determine why she is experienceing these....
THe interaction of genetic and environmental influences is represented by the indiviudals
The scientific methof...
requiores systemtical evaluation of hypothese
The first step in scientific method involves...
forming a research question
Correlations do not tell...
how two variables are related
In an experiment, the dependent variable is...
the response
In an experiment, the independent variable is...
what the reaearchers are manipulating
A reasearcher has just completed a study of Oprah Winfrey, including her family background, life history and expressed opinions. This is an example of....
case study method
Compared to other methods, the case sudy has a major limitation in that...
its conclusion might not apply to everyone else
Longitudianl research...
can uncover not only change but the process of change
What is a prominent limiation of pseduoscientific treatments?
they do not rely upon expert consensus.
Define ego
governed by the reality principle, it is the psychic structure that corresponds to the concept of self
Define reinforcement
that which increase the likelihood of a response
Define magnificiation
a type of cognitive error
Define cognitions
thoughts, beliefs, expectations and attitudes
Define archetypes
primative images that reside in the collective unconsious
Define nuerotransmitters
chemical substances that allow communication between nerurons
Define nueron
a nerve cell
Define psychoanalytic theory
the theoretical model of personality developed by Freud
Define liido
sexual energy or drive
Define synapse
the space between nerve cells
Define diathesis
a vulnerability to a stressor
Define oral stagee
a psychosexual stage during which pleasure is sought through oral activities
Define CNG
Central nervous system

consistes of the brain and spinal cord
Define self actualization
becoming what you are capable of
Define serotionin
a nuerotransmitter involved in regulation of mood
Define hypothalmus
part of the lymic system, it is involved in the regualation of body temperature, emotion, and motivation
Define behavior appliciation
the application of learning principles in oder to modify behavior
Define punishment
stimulit that reduce the likelihood a behavior will be repeated
Define positive reinforcement
a type of reinforcer that increases the frequency of a response
Define central cortex
the outer layer of a cerebrum associated with higher thought processes
Define downward drift hypothesis
theory that links socioeconomic stautus and behavior difficilty
Define object relations
a psyhcoynamic theory that focues upon the influence of internalized representations of attachment figures
Define dopamine
a type of nuerotransmitter involved in Parkison's disease
Define Oedipus complex
the conflict that occurs during the phallic stage of development
Define soma
cell body
Define conditioned stimuli
paired with an unconditioned stimulus, it elicits a conditioned response
Define ID
the psychic structure governed by a principle pleasure
Define repression
a type of defense mechanism that involves the banishment of aniexy-provoking ideas to the unconsious
Define parasympathetic division
a divison of the automatic nervous system whose actitivity relaxes the body
Define biopsychological perspective
a model of abnormal behavior that focuses upon the interplay of sociocultural, biological, and psychological disorders
Define identifitication
the process of incorpotiating the behavoris of personalitities of others
Define superego
the psychcic structure governed by moral principle
Define negative reinforcement
removal of an aversive stimulus that increases the frequency of a response
Define unconditioned stimulus
a stimulus that triggers an unlearned response
Define reality principle
the governing principle of the ego
Define defense mechanisms
psychological defenses preventing unacceptable impules from rising into consiousness
Define pleasure principle
the governing principle of the ID
Define SYMPATHETIC division
a divisiion of the automatic nervous system that arrouses the body
Define acetylcholine
a type of nuerotransmitter involved in alzheimers disease
Define denial
refuing to accept the true nature of a theat
The ________ model seeks an understanding of abnormal behavior based upon the interplay of cultural, psychological, and biological facors.
`___________ theorists focus upon the role of distorted thinking in the emergence of abnormal behavior
The central nervous sytsem consists of the....
brain and spinal cord
Communication between neurons is ..... in nature
Sam has been diagnosed with clinical depression. His physician believes his depression is linked to dysfunctions involving...
serotonin and norepinephrine
A tiny structure located between the thalmus and pituitary gland the..... is viral in regulating body temperature and motivations
To Jung, the ..... represents the storehouse of archetypes or primative images
collective unconsious
Explanations of abnormal behavior in terms of environmental factors such as rewards and punishments is characterisitc of .....
learning model
In Pavlov's experiemn the food was the...
unconditioned stimulus
Salivation as the result of the presentation of food is knonwn as/an....
unconditioned response
What is something true about behavior modificition
It involved the systematic application of learning principlees to alter behavior
After a breakup with her partner, Alexandra said she didn't think anyeone would ever ask her out again. Alexanera's belif is an example of...
Social cogntiiv theorists emphasize the role of observational learning or...... in human behavior
The ..... model provided the first psychological perspective on abnormal behavior.
Overultilization of the nuerotransmitter .... may account for the develoment of schitzophenia
According to psychodynamic theorists, structures of personality include the....
id, ego, and supergo
Sam avoids iving a speech that has caused him great aniety in preparing for. Throuh avoidance, he has reduced his anxiety and is now more likely to avoid similar speeches in the futre. From a lernaing perspective, this type of avoidance is an exmaple of....
negative reinforcement
Many cognitive pychologists are influecnted by the concepts of.....
computer science
All of the following are associated with cognitive tehory except...
individual psychology
The nervous system is made up of billions of never cells called
The disthesis-stress model of genetic-environmental interaction suggests tat...
biological vulnerablity combined with environmental stress results in abnormal behvaior
According to Frued, excessive self controla nd perfectionism may beigin at the..... stage f a psychosexual development
...... theorists believe is is important to understand the obstacles that people encounter as tehy strive toward eself actualization and authenticity
...... decreases the liklihood that behavior will repoeat
Both negative reinforcement and punishment involve negative stimuli that decrease or supress the frequency of a behaviro.

t or f
Food, water, sexual stimulation and escape from pain are all considered....
primary reinforcers
Ellis' cognitive model utlitizes a A-B-C approach to expalin the cuases of negative emotions. In this mdoell, therpatists focus upon...
activiating events, beliefs, and consequences
According to Araon Beck, selective abstraction, overgeneralization, and magnification are examples of....which leads to emotional distress
cognitive errosd
Keri has forgotted that a difficult paper is due. According to Frued, which defense mechanism is at work?
The autonomic nervous system regulates all of the following activities, except....
The part of the psyche that attempts to satifiy impules and drives, stick within constraints of relaity, and maintain norms of acceptable behavior is the...
According to Freud, the majoriyt of what drives human thoiught and behaviour occurs in the....
The correct sequence of Freud's pyschosexual theroy is...
When unconsious wishes, needs and memories are unacceptable to a person or to a society, the .... pushes them back in to the unconsious in a preccess called..

Mellissa was 5 years olf when her brother Timmy was born. Although she had been completely toiet trained for neraly three years, soon after Timmy arrived Melisssa began having "accidents" Her parented threateined to put her back in diapers. Besides this, Melissa also insisted that she wanted to suck on a bottle again, just like Timmy. This would demonstrate the defense mechanism of....
A child in the phallic stae would mostly likely exhibit...
derisre for the opposite parent
Amanda chooses boyfriends who she knows her mother will dislike. THis behaviro could be explained an an unconisous process by which theorist?
Which theoretical perspective rejects the noton that unconisous conflicts act as the primary force driving human behavior?
behavioral perspective
Bheavriorsts focus on....
observable, replicable relasionships between events and behvaior
Keisha has become anxious about playing basketmball since her serious injury last month. IN this example, the condtional stimulus is...p
playing basketball
Jaun is afraid to swim even since he saw a man drown. In this example, the unconditioned repsponse is...
anxiety about witnessing a drwoning
Cogntivie theories stress the importance of...
thoughts and beliefs
Define BEAM
a sophistated type of EEG that anaylyxes brain wave patterns and reveals areas of activity form moment to moment
Define reliable
that which is consistent
Define validity
the dregree to which a test schore is predicitoon of some future beahvior
Define analgoue measure
intended to stimulate the setting in which a bheavior naturally occurs
Define PET scan
an imaging technique that monitiors glucose utilization within the brain
Define unctionaed analoy
a behaviorall analysis that exxamines the antecendencts and consequences of bhavior
Define IQ
measure of intelligence
Define self monitorin
observing one's own behvaior, emotions and thoughts
Define MRI
an image of the brain formed by measuring singals emotted when the head is palced in a strong magnetic field
Define cutlure bound context
a disorder found only wihtin a few cultural contexts
Define projective test
psycholiogical tests that present ambigious stimulit onto which an indiviudal is thought ot project his or oher personality ir unconisous motives
Define reactivity
the tendancy for observed behavior to be influecned by the manner in withi it is measured
Define DSM
a classification sytsme for the diagnosisi of mental disorders
Define sanims
the negative stereotyping of indivudals who are identifieid as mentally isl
Define construct validity
the degree to which a test measures the hypothetical construct that claims to be measure
Define objective tests
tests that allow a limited range of options whihc may be scored objectively
Define false negative
idnetigying an indiual as not hving a disorder who truly has a disorder
Define unstructured intervie
a type of interview wheteby the clinician adopts his or her own style of question a without following a standard format
Define syndrom
a cluster of symptons characaterisitc of a particular disease
Define hypothyroidism
casued by a deificnecy of thyroxin and characterized by lethargy
Define internal consistency
interrelationships of items on a test
Define phrenology
determining personality by examining bumps on an indiviudal's head
Define structured interview
an interview that follows a precise format
define metnal age
teh age equalialent that corresponds to an inviiduals level of intellience as measured by the Stanfore Binet Intelligence SCale
Define TAT
a projective test that consists of a seriues of cards, each of which depicts an ambious scene
Define uerological assessment
used to eveluatae whetehr psycholoigcla problems reflect underlying nuerlogical damage
Define behvairoi raiting
a checklist used to record the frequency of occurence of a target behavior
Define galvanic skin
a measure pf charge in electiricla activity of the skin
Define EEG
measures the eletctcal activity of the brian
Define CT scare
an X-ray of brain that provides infomration regarding its internal structures
Define validity
the degree to which a test mearusres what it putposts to measure
Define relaity testing
the ability to perceive world accurately.
Define ATQ
a cognitive assessment whetby clinetns rate the frequency and degree if cinbctuin associated with theiry automatic negative thoughts
Define specificity
the ability of atest to avoid classifiying indivuals as hainvg disorder when they do not have the disorder
Define cinicial interview
the most wdiely used means of assessment
Define MCMI
an objective test that focues on the Axis II diagnoises
Define Axis I
the axis that clincial disorders are diagnosed
Define Axis IV
the axis that psycholsocial stressors or difficulties in individuals life is diagnose
Define Axis II
the axis tat personality disorder and/or mental retardation is disgnosed
Define Axis V
the axis that the Global Assessment of Functioning score is assigned
Define aXIS iii
the axisw that general medical consitions are needed
Crieteron validity has two general types. These include...
concurrent and predicitive
Specific diagnostic criteria is DSM-IV ....
include essential features and associated featurees
Which brain imagin technique requires an indiivual to be place d in a tunnel that generats a strong magnetic field?
The major value of the structured interview is in...
relability of diagnostic classification
The Automatic Thoughts Questionaiires is an example of...
a conginitive assessment measure
The DSm classification system is an outgraouh of the work of...
Questions in the MMPA-2......
were selected bevause they discriminated between normal andd clinical poululations
The degree to which a test correctly identiifies people who have a perticulaar disorder is referred to as...
An advancangtae of the Wechslet intelligences scales is...
relative strenthgs and weakenesses of an indivudal are assessed
A clinician who asks a series of uesions about problem behaviors, histories and relaiosnhisp to situational events is using which metho of assessment?
the behavhoiral interview
The.... is projective test that requires indivudals to respons to an ambious scence by contrcuting at story.
All of the folloiwing are clinical scales on the MMPI-2, except...
The Staford-Binet and Wechsler Scales are used to meausre...
Which is tnot true of computerizied clinical interviews?
Computerized interviews are actually more tmie consuming
All of the following subjetest on the Halstead-Reitan Nuergopshcyological Battery except...
audio-visal test
The disadvantgae of self rating scales is that...
test responses are biased
Which of the folloing would be coded on teh Axis IV of the DSM
problems in the socila and psychical environment that afect the diagnosis, treatement and outcome of psycho idsoder
tHE MMPI-2 is to..... as the MCMI is to.....
abnormal beavior paaterns; personality stryle
An aexmaple of a culture boudn syndrome is
anorexia nervose
An electromyograph measrues
mucles tension
Whihc of the following is the most widely used emans of assessment and is emplyied by essentiall all heloing professionals?
the clinical interview
Whihc of the following is a major avantage of the DSM-IV?
it develops a comprehensive view as a result of its multiaxxial system
From which of the following theoretical persepctincae might an interviewer try to focus on antencendents or stimulus cues related to a specfici event?
According to the DSM-IV, a mental disorder requires...
a behavior pattern that does not represent an experected or culturally appropraite response to a streessful even
Housing and economic factors affating the diagnosis, treatment and outcome of sypchoogical disorder are listed under the.....of the DSMv
Axis IV
Examination of behavor in terms of antecendent stimulai and reinforcement consequences is known as a ...
functional analysis
DUring the clinical interview, most clinicians obtain informaitons regarding...


medical histoy
Questions from the mental staus exam such as "would you please tell me your name and do you you know what the date is today help assess...
A functional analysis inovles
learning bout a person's beahvioir
Clinical interviews are preferered assessment technique of many practiioners. One particular straneth of the iointerview process is...
the chance to get a general sttae of the client
The assumption behind th eus e of porectve tests as assessment tools is that...
the reponses come from the client's incnosious
DSM-IV, the most widely used classification sytsem of mental disorders, divisdes categroies allong five separe axis. The Axis I disorders are disorders...
that cause significiacant impairments and that may emerge and end at various points in the life cycle
Mental retardation is found in.... of DSM-IV
Axis II
Axis III includes....
any relevent general medical condition
Axis IV includes....
any relevent psychological or environmentla problem
A test that has a high degree of consistency is said to have good....
All of the folloing are ways to meausre validiyt, excetot...
Define psychotherapy
a structured form of treatment consisteing of ne or more verbal interactions between client and therapist
Define REBT
a theraputirc approach that focuses on replacing irrational, maladaptive beliefs with more maladaptive beliefs
Define cognitive distortion
errors in thinking
Define managed health care
Define manifest content
the material of a dream the individual experiences and reports
Define rebound anxiety
strong aniety following withdrawl from an anti-anxiety medication
Define SSRI
antidepressant medications that block the reuptake or reabsortion of serotonin
Define deinstitutionalization
the policy of reintegratubg mental patients into society
Define dydtematic desensitazation
behavioral tehcnique involving the exposure to progressively more fearful suimuli while remaining relzed. Used for the treatment of phobias
Define eclectic orientatino
incorporating pschodynamic, behavioral and cognitive apporahces
Define family therapy
therapy in which the family, not the indiviudal, is the focus of treatment
Define ECT
a technique involving the administration of electricall shock to the head
Define tricyclics
a group of antidepresseants medications that increase the activity of noorepinphrine and serotnion in the brain
Define primary prevention
preventing preoblems from arising in the first place
Define lithium
a medication that stablized mood sqings of patients and bipolatr disorder
Define displacing
transferring impulses toward unacceptable objects onto more acceptable objects
Define counter transference
the transfer of feelings that the therapist holds toward others persons onto a client
Define latent content
the symbolic content of a dream
Define modeling
leraning desires behvaiors throught he observation of otehrs
Define client centered therapy
also called a person-centered therapy
Define unconditioned positive regard
unconditionally accepted
Define CBT
a therapy that focues on changing overt behavior and underlying thoughts
Define tolerance
a psysiological sign of dependence
Define antidepresseants
medications used to treat depression
Define psychoanalysis
a method of psychotherapy developed by Freud
Define resistance
the blocking of thoughts or emotions that would elicit anxiety
Define token economy
an operant conditioning technique in which clients earn token for performing appropriate behavior
Define empathy
understanding someone's experiences from their point of view
Define metaanalysis
a statistical technique averaging the results of large number of studies
Define person centered therapy
a type of humanistic therapy characterized by acceptance
Define transference relationship
the cleints transfer of emotions or attitudes onto the therapist
Define secondary prevention
attempts to reduce existing problems at an early stge
Define neuroleptics
antipsychotic drugs
Define free association
verbalizing uncensored thoughts as they come to mind
Define object relations
the individual's relationshps to the internalized representations of others' personalities that have been introjected within the individual ego structure
Define genuiness
the abilility to be open about one's feelings
Define congruence
the fit between one's thoughts, emotions and behaviors
Define insight
awareness and understanidng o ofne's motives and emotions
Which of the following is the process of uttering uncensored thoughts as they come to your mind?
freee association
Which of the following is not one of the deining chracteristics of psychotherapy?
psychotherapy involves a core fundamental system of interaction and techniquers used by all theraputic orientations
A psychotherapist having difficulties in his marriage begins arguing more and more with his female clients. His behavior may be an illustration of...
All of the following are antidepressent medications except...

According to cognitive therapists.....
irrational thought prossesses lead to abnormal behaivor
Research suggests that all of the following are barriers that prevent ethnic minorities from utiliing mental health services except....
cultural barrers
institutional barriers
econonomic barriers
Which of the following has gained widespread attention and support as a means of assissting individuals overcome fears and phobias?
behavior therapy
Which of the following may be produced by the regular use of benzodiasephines?
A managed care system most likely advoacate whihc of the following types of treatment for a depressed paitent?
cognitive-behavioral therpay
Whihc of the following would a humanistic therapist ac ept as an apprporitate outcome measure for the client?
client self report regarding his or her state
Research indicates that psychotheray is....
Evidence regarding psychological treatment of low income groups and people of olor indicate that.....
psychotherapy is helpful regardless of the cultural sensitivity of the therapist
Selective serotonin reuptae inhibitiros (SSRIs) such as prozac....
increase the availability of serotonin in the brain
Systematic desensitization, modeling, and aversive conditioning are all forms of....
bheavioral therapy
ECT is a controversial treatment for derpession because....
it reamins unclear how or why it works

it reuslts in memory loss
The nerve that joins the ...... and the ....... is servered in a prefrontal lobotomy
thalamus; prefrontal cortex
A/An........... orientation draws upon the theories and techniques expoused by two or more theoreticcal oreintations in psychology
Simon dreamed he owned a house and a large farm. The unconsious material this dream sysmbolizes is known as the dream's....
latent content
The token economy is a ...... approach based upon......
behavioral; operant conditioning
A central difference between traditional and newer forms of psychoanalysis is that...
newer approaches focus more on an individual's present relationships and encourage the inividuals to make adaptive behavior changes
The process by which clients are exposed to progresssively more fearful stimuli while remaining deeply relzed is known as........... This theraputic tehcnique is especially useful for the treatment of fears and phobias.
systematic desensitation
According to Rogeers, an effective therapist should possess four basic qualitites. These include....
unconditional positive regard, empathy, congruence, and genuinness
Rogers believed an effecctive therapist must be accepting of the cleint as a person, even if the therapist seems to sometimes disagrees with the client's hoices or behaivor. This illustrates the importance of....
unconditional positive regard
Ellis therapetuic appraoch, whihc isncludes actively disputing an indivudal's self defeating belieff system is refered to ass...
rational emotive behavior therapy
Therapists who draww upon the techniquees of different schools of therapy without necessarily adopting the theoretical orientations assocaited with these techniques are known as....
technical eclectics
Al of the folliwung are problems associng with internet counseling except...
all of these are:

online therapists may not be able to provide the more intensive services tat clients need during periods of emotonal distress

it is unclear whther mental health proessional can legally provide online services to residents of states in which the therapists are not lisences

there is no system in place for ensuring that online therpaist are qualified practionaizeers
Family therapists utilize a...... apporach to understand the dynamics of the famil and the emotional problems that may arise with it
David used tranquilizers on a reguar basis to help him sleep. Lately, he has been experienceing significant levels of anxiety and insomnia, which have been more distressing than what he experienced prior to the meidcaitons. Its likely that David is experiecing .....
rebound anxiety
Many communtiy mental health centers administer transitional treatment facilities in the community such as.....which provide sheltered lving environmonet to help clients adjust to the community
halfway houses
Indicated preventive interactions, which are directed toard individuals who display early signs of mental disorder are referred to as...... interventions
secondary prevenation
The model of abnormality that focuses on learning is the .....
behaviorla model
The model of abnormality that concentrates on thiking is the...
cognitive modell
The mdoel of abnormality that focuses on the roles of behavior in culturall context is that....
sociocultural model
"Abnormal" behaviors-indeed, all behaviors--are acquired through learning. Which model of abnormality does this quote most likely represent?
Electroconvulsive therpay (ECT) is use most often in the t reament of.....
Freud believd that the three central aspects to personality are....
the id, ego and superego
"Get it, and get it now!" might be an appropriate motto for the...
If you imagine biting into a big , juicy, sour lemon, you are likely to salivate. THe lemon is an example of...
an unconditionaed stimulus
Animals and humans lern without reinforcement. They learn just by watching. This form of learning is called
The form of therapy that helps clients recogniz errors in logic and try out new interpretations of events is called...
Define TABD
behavior pattern characterized by a sesne of time urgency, competiveness, and hostility; associated with a higher risk of CHD
Define AIDS
an immunological disease caused by HIV
Define mantra
a word or phrase that is reapeated to induce relaxation
Define stress
a demand madne on an organizem to adapt or adjust
Define endocrine system
the system of glabds that secrete hormones
Define alarm reaction
the frist stage of the general adaption syndrome
Define problem focused coping
a coping style that attempts to confront the stressor directly
Define psycholigcial hardiness
stress buffering traits characterized by ommitment, control, an challenge
Define ateriosclerosis
buildup of fatty depositst along artery wall
Define healthy psychologist
a psychologist who studies the relationship between psychological factors an with psychical illness
Define leukoryets
white blood cells
Define acculturation
the process of adapting to a new culture
Define emotional focused coping
a copting style that does not seek to eliminate the stressor directly
Define locus of control
a perception of one's ability to affect outcomes
Define biofeedback training
a method of feeding back to the indiviudal infomration about bodily responses so that the individual may exert greater control over these functions
Define distress
a state of psyhcial or emotional distresss
Define antigens
substances that trigger an immune response
Define transcendental meditation
a type of mediation tthat focues on the petetion of a mantra to induce a meditative state
Define HIV
the virus that causes AIDS
Define adjustement disorder
a disorder that is charactized by impaired fuctioning or emotional distreess as a repsonse to an indentified stressors
Define psychoneuroimmunology
the study of the relationship between psychologcal factors and the functioning of the endocrine, immune and nervous stystem
Define resistance stage
substances that produce white blood ceels that identify and target antigens for destructions
Define hornmones
the decond stage of the gernal adpation syndrome
Define arteriosceloss
secretions produced by the endocrine system
Define generla adapt syndrom
a diseasze involving hardening of the arteries
Define steroids
a three stage response to states of prolonged stress
Define catecholamines
testostorone, estronge, progesterone, and corticosteriods are examples
Define general adapt syndrom
a disease involing hardening of the arteries
Define steroids
the three stage response to staes of prolonged stress
Define catecholamines
terestoraone, estronge, progesterone, and scorticoseteriods anda examples
Define immune system
the body's system of defense against stress
Define bicultural theroty
a tehory that usggests that psychosocial adjustments is fostered by identitiatfiction with both traditonal and host ultures
Define stressor
a source of sttress
Define melting pot thery
theory that suggests acculturation helps individuals ajust to lisinv in the host culture
Define self effiacy expectanccies
expectations regarding our abilities to cope with the challenges we face
Define psychosomatic
Define cardiodisease
the leading cause of death in the US
Define fight or flight response
the inborn tendancy to respond to a threat by either fighting or fleeing
Steve has had difficulty concentrating on his school work since his break up with his girlfriend. Steve may be suffering from a mild type of psychological disorder called
adjustment disorder
During times of stress, the ..... branch of the autonomic nervous system stimulates the realease of catecholamine that mobilze the body to deal with thearenting stressors
Of interest to psychoneroimmunoigst the.....is the body's system of defense against disease
immune systeam
Which of the following appears to moderate the harmful effects of stress?
social support
Bill tends to leave the room whenever his roommmates attept to discuss their concerns about behavior. Psycholigsits would probably identityf bill's sytyle of copng as...
emotion ocused
Mary belied that she perfomred well on her examination because of the amounts of studying and her personal commitment to succeed in the cours. Mary most has an.....regarding her achievements in school.
internal locus of control
Also known as the adapation stage, the.....stage of the Generla Adaption Syndrome is characterized by an attept to withdrsand prolongesd stress and preseve resource
Physical disorders in whihc psycholigcal factors are believed to play a contributing role have traditonally ben termed...
Debra has been characterized by her coworked as ambitious, impatients, higly conmpetitive and sometimes hostile. Debrea exhisbits which of the following behavior patters?
Type A
WHich of the following occurs dirng the alarm stage of the genral adapation symbdrom?
muslce tension increase
The stages of the genral adaption symbdrome are...
alarm, resistance, and exhaustion
According to the reasearch in psychoneuroimmnology acculturation reduces the riks of psychological probem.

t or f
Most of the resaeach is psychomeuroimmunoly is..
correational in nature
An indivual may contract AIDS by all the following ecept,,,
dontatin blood
Whihc of the following is not a wa of reducing type A behavior?
engage in competitive activities
According to current research, ......maya increase the life exercantaices of breast cancer patients.
social suppose
Which of the following groups is likely to die from coronary heart disease?
Black Non-Hispanic
Which of the following is NOT associated with an increased risk of coranoy heart dises?
psychological resilience
In a study of first year law sudents, ........ was associated with better immune system response. This outcome was supported by studies of pregant womena dn heart disease
Which of the following is not assocaited with increaded rates of survival for indivudal who have suffered from a heart attack?
attributing the hear attack to stress
All of the folowing pla a role in mediating the negative effects of stress, except///
One reason why persistent stress may eventaully exhaust our capacity to cope is the...
contious secretion of ceorticosteriod that can supress the activity of the immune system
Occupations that are characteriszed by...... control and .....demand have been correlated wth greater risk of cardiovasucular disease
low; high
Used to induce relazation a.....is repated to anrrow consiousness
During the alarm reaction stage of the general adaption syndroem, the body is mobilized for defnse. This response pattern s also termed....
fight or glith
An individuals expectations regarding his or her ability to cope with challeneges to perform certain behaviors skillfyly and to produce positive change in his or her life is referred to as...... expectancies
Business executive who resisted illness depsire havey burdens of stress displayed all of the dollowing except a...
high competivieness
Which of the following groups has the highest rates of hypertension among indivudal aged twenty to seventy-four?
non-hispanic black
The flighr or figh system is controlled in part by the....
sympathietc nervous system
Posttraumatic stress disoderes....
A pattern of anxiety, insomina and depressions and flashbacks persisted for less than a motnh after a horrible event is called...
acute stress disorder
One distinciton that DSMiIV makes between acute stress disroder and posttammatuic is based on...
how long the sympotoms last
Whihc of the following does not characterize stress disorder?
Whihc of the folloiwing typifies posttarammatuic stress disorder?
increased arousla anxiety and guilt.
Some psychologists have been trained to prescribe drugs.

True or False
In many states, people can set up shop as a psychotherapist without any kind of credentials or license

true or false
In classical psychoanalysis, clients are asked to express whatever thought happens to come to mind, no matter how seemingly trivial or silly.

true or flase
Psychotherapy is no more effective than simply letting time take its course

true or false
Antidepressants are used only to treat depression

true or false
Sending jolts of electricity into a person brain can often help relieve severe depression

true or false
------ is a structured form of treatment derived from a psychological framework that consists of one or more verbal interactions or treatment sessions between a client and a therapist

a. psychoanalysis
b. psychoteherapy
c. counseling
d. treatment
b. psychotherpay
The method of verbalizing thoughts as hey occur wihtout a consious attempt to edit or censure them is called....

a. psychoanalysis
b. free association
c. psychodynamic therap
b. free association
In psychoanalysis, ----- refers to the cleints transfer or generalization to the analyst of feleling and attidueedes the cient holds toward important figures in his or her life.

a. transferece relationship
b. countertransference
c. dream analysis
a. transferece relationship---
----is a behavoir therpay technique for overcoming such fears though direct exposure to increasinlgy fearful stimuli.
gradual exposure
A behavioral treatment program in which a controlled environment is constructed such that people are reinforced for desired behaviors by reciecing tokens that may be exhanged for desired rewards is called...------
a token economy
The ability to understand someone's experience and feelings from that person's point of view is called...
------s a theraputic approach that focuses on helping clients replace irrational, maladaptive beliefs with alternative, more adaptive beliefs
rational emotional behavior therapy
Diazepam (Valium) and Alprazolam (Xanax) as well as other hypnotic sedatives such as triazolam (Halcion) and fluazepam (Dalmane) are all...
antianxiety drugs
A method of treating severe depression by administereing electric shock to the head is called...
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
The polictty of shifting care for paitents with severe or chronic mental health problems from inpaitent facilities to community based facilities is called....
-----reders to efforts to amelioriate exisiting psychological problms at an early stage
secondary prevention
If concentrating on your schoolwork has become difficult because of a breakup of a recent romance, you could be experienceing pschological disorder.

a. true
b. false
Your body continually conducts search and destpry missions to find and eradicate foreing invaders

Surpizingly, stress makes you more resitant to the common cold.

true or false
Writing about traumatic expeieriences may be good for your psychical and emtional health

true or false
Immignrants show better psychological adjustment when they forsake their cultural hertigage and adopt the values of the host culture

Pregannt women with more optimisitc attutdes tend to give higer brith wieght babies.
Compelling evidence now exists that psychotherapy can increase surivial rates in cancer pairetns

true or false
A psychologist who studies the role of psychological factors in psycial illness is called----
a health psychologist
----is a maladaptive reaction to an indentified stressor, characterized by impaired functioned or emotional distress that exceeds what would normally be expected.
an adjustment disorder
The system of ductless lands that secrete hornmones directly into the blodstream is called...
the endocrine system
These cells form the major part of the body's system against bacteria, are shown here attacking a pathogen. They are 0---
white blood cells
You are more liekly to develop a cold during stressful times in your life

t or f
The alarm reaction, the fight or flith reaction adn the resitance stage are all part of-----
general adpation syndrome
Pressure to adjust to a host or mainstream culture is called
accultative stres
Beliefs in one's ability to accomplish particular task is referred to as...
self eddiacary expectancies
a growing contempory movement that focuses on the positive attributes of human bhavior is called...
positive psychology