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48 Cards in this Set

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skookum (SKOO-kuhm) adjective
Powerful; first-rate; impressive.

[From Chinook Jargon, from a Chehalis word meaning spirit or ghost.]
From Chinook Jargon
chaparral (shap-uh-RAL, chap-) noun
A dense, often impenetrable, growth of shrubs and thorny bushes.

[From Spanish chaparral, from chaparro (dwarf evergreen oak), from Basque txapar (thicket).]
From Spanish
bosh (bosh) noun, interjection
1. Nonsense.

[From Turkish bos (empty). The term was popularized in English by its use in the novels of James J. Morier (1780-1849).]

2. The lower sloping part of a blast furnace, between hearth and stack.

[Apparently from German.]
From Turkish and German
nark (nark) noun
1. An annoying person.

2. A stool pigeon or informer.

[From Romany nak (nose).]

3. A variant of narc: a police officer involved in investigating narcotics violations.

[From shortening of narcotic.]
From Romany
nark (nark) verb intr.
1. To irritate or annoy.

2. To be an informer.

[From Romany nak (nose).]
From Romany
peri (PEER-ee) noun
1. A fairy in Persian mythology.

2. A beautiful, graceful girl or woman.

[From Persian peri, variant of pari (fairy), from Avestan pairika (witch or female demon.]
From Persian
grip (grip) noun
A general assistant on a movie set responsible for handling production equipment, such as setting up and moving camera dollies, lighting, etc. The head grip is called the key grip.

[From English grip since the task required firmly holding bulky material.]
From English
gaffer (GAF-uhr) noun
1. The head of the electrical department responsible for the lighting setup on a movie or television set.

2. An old man, especially a country man.

3. A foreman, supervisor, or boss.

[Contraction of godfather, influenced by grandfather.]
best boy (best boi) noun
The first assistant to the gaffer (head electrician) of a film crew.

[Apparently borrowed from the sailing terminology.]
foley (FO-lee) adjective

Of or relating to the sound effects.

[After Jack Donovan Foley (1891-1967) who pioneered the techniques of adding sound effects during his three decades at Universal Pictures.]
stuntman (stunt-man) noun
A man who substitutes for an actor in scenes involving dangerous feats. Also known as double.

[From English word stunt (an unusual or dangerous feat) which is of unknown
From English
odium (O-dee-uhm) noun
1. Hatred accompanied by contempt.

2. A state of infamy or disgrace.

[From Latin odium (hatred), from odisse (to hate).]
From Latin
presentism (PREZ-uhn-tiz-uhm) noun
Evaluating past events and people by present-day values.

[From English present, from Middle English, from Old French, from Latin praesent- (stem of praesens), from present participle of praeesse (to be present before others), from prae- (pre-) + esse (to be).]
From Latin
repine (ri-PYN) verb intr.
1. To feel discontent; to fret.

2. To yearn for something.

[From re- + pine, from Middle English, from Old English pinian (to suffer).]
From English
diriment (DIR-uh-ment) adjective

[From diriment-em, present participle of dirimere (to separate or interrupt),
from emere (to take).]
animus (AN-uh-muhs) noun
1. Hostility; ill will.

2. Purpose; disposition; governing spirit.

3. In Jungian psychology, the masculine part of a woman's personal unconscious.

[From Latin animus (spirit, mind).]
From Latin
airy-fairy (AIR-ee FAIR-ee) adjective
1. Light, delicate, fragile.

2. Fanciful, impractical, unrealistic.

[From Alfred, Lord Tennyson's 1830 poem Lilian whose opening lines are:
Airy, Fairy Lilian,
Flitting, fairy Lilian,
When I ask her if she love me,
Claps her tiny hands above me,
Laughing all she can.]
hubble-bubble (HUB-buhl-BUB-buhl) noun
1. A form of hookah: a smoking device in which the smoke is passed through a bowl of water, making a bubbling noise, before being drawn through a long pipe.

2. Commotion, uproar, turmoil.

[Reduplication of the word bubble.]
riprap (RIP-rap) noun
1. A protective foundation, embankment, etc. made of loose chunks of stones placed together.

2. Material used for such a construction.

[Reduplication of rap.]
riprap (RIP-rap) verb tr.
To construct, or strengthen with, a riprap.

[Reduplication of rap.]
niminy-piminy (NIM-uh-nee PIM-uh-nee) adjective
Affectedly delicate or refined.

[Origin uncertain; probably alteration of namby-pamby.]
holus-bolus (HO-luhs BO-luhs) adverb
All at once.

[Apparently a reduplication of bolus (lump), or a rhyming compound based on the phrase whole bolus.]
diglot (DY-glot) adjective

[From Greek diglottos, from di- (two) + -glottos, from glossa (tongue, language).]
From Greek
diglot (DY-glot) noun
A bilingual book, person, etc.

[From Greek diglottos, from di- (two) + -glottos, from glossa (tongue, language).]
From Greek
feme covert (fem KOV-uhrt) noun, plural femes covert
A married woman.

[From Anglo-French feme covert, from feme (woman) + covert (protected).]
tribology (try-BOL-uh-jee, tri-) noun
The study of interacting surfaces in relative motion and associated issues, such as friction, lubrication, and wear.

[From Greek tribos (rubbing), from tribein (to rub).]
From Greek
nonplus (non-PLUS, NON-plus) verb tr.
To put at a loss for what to do, think, or say; perplex.

[From Latin non plus (no more).]
From Latin
nonplus (non-PLUS, NON-plus) noun
A state of perplexity or bewilderment.

[From Latin non plus (no more).]
From Latin
pedology (pi-DOL-uh-jee) noun
The study of soil: its formation, usage, classification, etc. Also called soil science.

[From Greek pedon (soil).]
From Greek
chiaroscuro (kee-ar-uh-SKYOOR-o) noun
The treatment of light and shade in a work of art, especially to give an illusion of depth. Also known as claire-obscure.

[From Italian, from chiaro (clear, light) + oscuro (obscure, dark).]
From Italian
collage (kuh-LAZH, koh-) noun
A form of art where various disparate objects are assembled together.

[From French collage (gluing), from coller (to glue), from colle (glue), from Vulgar Latin colla, from Greek kolla (glue).]
From Greek
grisaille (gri-ZAI, ZAYL) noun
A painting in tones of a single color, especially gray, to represent objects in relief.

[From French grisaille (grayness), from gris (gray).]
From French
encaustic (en-KO-stik) adjective
A method of painting using pigments with wax fixed onto the surface by heat.

[From Latin encausticus, from Greek enkaustikos, from enkaiein (to burn in), from en- + (kaiein) to burn.]
From Latin
encaustic (en-KO-stik) noun
A work of art produced by this process

[From Latin encausticus, from Greek enkaustikos, from enkaiein (to burn in), from en- + (kaiein) to burn.]
From Latin
trompe l'oeil (tromp loi) noun
1. A style of painting in which objects are rendered in extremely
realistic detail, giving an illusion of reality.

2. A painting, mural, etc. made in this style.

[From French, literally "fools the eye", from tromper (to deceive) +
le (the) + oeil (eye).]
From French
matrocliny (MA-truh-kli-nee) noun, also matricliny
Inheritance of traits primarily from the mother.

[From Latin matro- (mother) + -clino, from Greek klinein (to lean).]

Patrocliny is the male counterpart of this term.
From Greek
muliebrity (myoo-lee-EB-ri-tee) noun
Womanly qualities; womanhood; femininity.

[From Latin muliebritas (womanhood), from muliebris (womanly), from mulier (woman).]

Virility is the masculine equivalent of the term.
From Latin
misandry (MIS-an-dree) noun
Hatred of men.

[From mis-, from miso- (hate) + -andry (male).]

The feminine counterpart of this term is misogyny, and hatred of humankind is known as misanthropy.
sororal (suh-ROR-uhl) adjective
Of or pertaining to a sister; sisterly.

[From Latin soror (sister).]

Fraternal is the male equivalent of this term.
From Latin
matriarch (MAY-tree-ark) noun
1. A woman who is the head of a family.

2. A woman who is the founder or leader of a group or community.

3. A venerable old woman.

[From Latin matri- (mother) + Greek -arch (leader, ruler).]

Patriarch is the masculine form of this word.
mano a mano (MA-no a MA-no) plural manos a manos adverb
In direct competition; head to head.

[From Spanish mano a mano, literally hand to hand.]
From Spanish
mano a mano (MA-no a MA-no) plural manos a manos adjective
One-on-one; face-to-face.

[From Spanish mano a mano, literally hand to hand.]
From Spanish
mano a mano (MA-no a MA-no) plural manos a manos noun
1. A bullfight where two matadors compete in turn, fighting several bulls.

2. A direct or face-to-face confrontation.

[From Spanish mano a mano, literally hand to hand.]
From Spanish
hoosegow or hoosgow (HOOS-gou) noun
A jail.

[From Spanish juzgado (court), past participle of juzgar (to judge), from
Latin judicare (to judge).]
From Spanish/Latin
temblor (TEM-bluhr) noun
An earthquake.

[From Spanish temblor (trembling), from temblar (to tremble), from Vulgar Latin tremulare, from Latin tremulus (tremulous), from tremere (to tremble).]
From Latin
pistolero (pist-LAY-ro) noun
A gunman; hired killer.

[From Spanish, from pistola (pistol), via German from Czech pístala (pipe, fife).]
From Spanish
incommunicado (in-kuh-myoo-ni-KA-do) adjective, adverb
Out of contact, either voluntarily or deprived of the right to communicate with anyone; in solitary confinement.

[From Spanish incomunicado, past participle of incomunicar (to deprive of communication), from in- (not) + comunicar (to communicate), from Latin
communicare, from communis (common). ]
From Spanish
ebrious (EE-bree-uhs) adjective
1. Inclined to excessive drinking.

2. Tipsy.

[From Latin ebrius (drunk).]
From Latin