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48 Cards in this Set

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Tiny spherical bodies composed of RNA and protein:actual sites of protein synthesis: floating free or attached to a membrane structure (the rough ER) in the cytoplasm.
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
Membranous system of tubles that extends throughout the cytoplasm: two varieties rough ER is studded w ribosomes and smooth er
Golgi apparatus
Stack of flattend sacs with bulbous ends and associated small vesicles: found close to the nucleus : plays a role in packing protein or other substances for export from the cell or incorportation into the plasma membrane and in packaging lysosome enzymes.
Various sized membranous sacs containing digestive enzymes :function to digest worn out cell organelles and foreign substances that enter the cell: have the capacity of total cell destruction if ruptured.
Small lysosome like membranous sacs containing oxidase enzymes that detoxify alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and other harmful chemicals.
Generally rod shaped bodies with a double membraned wall: inner membrane is thrown into folds or cristae: contains enzymes that oxidize foodstuffs to produce cellular energey ATP often referred to as the powerhouse of the cell.
Paired cylindrical bodies lie at right angles to each other ,close to the nucleus, direct the formation of the mitotic spindle during cell division; forming the cases of cilia and flagella.
formed largely of actin, a contractile protein, and thus are important in cell mobility (particularly in muscle cells
intermediat filaments
stable elements composed of a variety of proteins and resist mechanical forces acting on cells
form the internal structure of the centrioles and help determine cell shape.
Tiny spherical bodies composed of RNA and protein:actual sites of protein synthesis: floating free or attached to a membrane structure (the rough ER) in the cytoplasm.
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
Membranous system of tubles that extends throughout the cytoplasm: two varieties rough ER is studded w ribosomes and smooth er
Golgi apparatus
Stack of flattend sacs with bulbous ends and associated small vesicles: found close to the nucleus : plays a role in packing protein or other substances for export from the cell or incorportation into the plasma membrane and in packaging lysosome enzymes.
Various sized membranous sacs containing digestive enzymes :function to digest worn out cell organelles and foreign substances that enter the cell: have the capacity of total cell destruction if ruptured.
Small lysosome like membranous sacs containing oxidase enzymes that detoxify alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and other harmful chemicals.
Generally rod shaped bodies with a double membraned wall: inner membrane is thrown into folds or cristae: contains enzymes that oxidize foodstuffs to produce cellular energey ATP often referred to as the powerhouse of the cell.
Paired cylindrical bodies lie at right angles to each other ,close to the nucleus, direct the formation of the mitotic spindle during cell division; forming the cases of cilia and flagella.
formed largely of actin, a contractile protein, and thus are important in cell mobility (particularly in muscle cells
intermediat filaments
stable elements composed of a variety of proteins and resist mechanical forces acting on cells
form the internal structure of the centrioles and help determine cell shape.
Plasma Membran
Phospholipid Bi Layer
Passive Transport
does not require energy to move molecules through membrane
Active Transport
does require energy to move molecules through the membrane
a type of passive transport;movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration (down a concentration gradient)
Difussion of water through a permeable membrane.
Hypertonic Solution
concentration outside the cell is equivalent to concentration inside the cell , no net movement of water
Hypotonic Solution
Solution contains more non penetrating solutes that are present in the cell;the cell loses water and shrinks
Isotonic Solution
Solution contains less non penetrating solutes that are present in the cell;the cell absorbs water and swells
Interphase (Not a phase of mitosis)
normal grown and metabolic activity
chromosomes appear as fine threads (chromatin)
nucleolus and nuclear membrane intact
DNA and centrioles replicate as cell prepares for mitosis
Asters extend from centrioles
Chromatin shortens and thickens
Nucleoli and nuclear membrane disappear and disintegrate
Centrioles seperate and move toward opposite poles of the cell
Mitotic Spindle forms as micro tubules attach to centromeres to pull some chromosomes to middle of cell: other microtubules push poles apart
Chromosomes line up at center of spindle
Centromeres split, seperating chromosomes
Seperate chromosomes pulled to opposite poles by microtubules
Plasma membrane begins to pinch inward
Chromosomes stop moving and uncoil boack intto chromatin threads
New nuclear envelope forms around each chromatin mass
Nucleoli reappears
Spindle disappears
Each new nucleus is genetically identical to the original nucleus of the dividig cell
Cleavage Furrow forms to seperate cytoplasm, resulting in two daughter cells
Wound DNA
Ribosome synthesis
contains genetic material (DNA)
Rough Endoplasmic Recticulum
Stores and transports proteins
studded w ribosomes
Golgi Apparatus
moves around
Plasma Memberane
Phospolipid Bilayer that controls the entry and exit of substances in the cell
everything from the nucleus to the membrane
increases surface area
produces cellular energy ATPRi
Protein Synthesis
Smooth ER
steroid and lipid synthesis
lipid metabolism and drug detox
Digest worn out organelles and foreign substances eats it and the enzymes will break it down
Direct formation of the Mitotic Spindle usually two per cell.