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38 Cards in this Set

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When dealing with foreign ASI’s who deals with the foreign officer in charge?

The EOD officer

When dealing with persistent foreign officers and safety concerns happen? What happens

The EOD OIC shall advise that US EOD assistance will stop for those reasons

SOP’s shall be established for

Ord ID

Hazard analysis


Disposal operations

How often is training done and on what?

At least once per day and on safety, equipment operation etc. Polaroid pics on 5x7 cards with ord nomenclature and safety precautions work well.

For foreign asi cleanup training should be done on what?

Local customs and courtesy’s

Life threatening acts may be directed to US peeps

Off limits areas

Reporting for suspect stuff

Ord training should be?

Ord found in the area and hazards

If possible samples of damaged vs mint condition

Who would be the easiest to train for augmented work

Ammunition technicians because of basic knowledge

Augmented personnel should be trained on?

Specific duties such as marking,ID, reporting,cleanup of scrap

First aid

Use of fire extinguishers

Conducting dry runs

What should not be permitted by anyone?

Collection of souvenirs

When should you conduct dry runs?

Before each handling operation and after crew changes

Do what during the recon

Plan roadways and alt routes

Ord unsafe to move mark and recorded

I’d grids that require clearance

Cleanup and disposal ops should start at the same time and proceed simultaneously why?

To prevent the concentration of large quantities of hazardous muns in holding areas.

When dealing with what specific ord items should you have a separate staging area?

WP muns and low order muns

Staging areas may have tranches dug_____?

12 inches deep with a width that will not crowd ord. (Width of bulldozer blade should work) length as required

What can you use if you don’t have a means to dig a trench?

Use sandbags as boarder

What should you avoid

Stacking ordnance in staging areas

For demo ops have good contact with who? And why?

Fire and medical/command post because prevention of aircraft caring ordnance from getting frag

Clear all access roads after each demo ops for?

To reduce damage to vehicle tires

What items to you RSP first and where?

Unsafe to move and from access roads

Do what with WP items involved in fire

Direct large volumes of water on them

What colors could you used to mark ord items? Spray paint

Red- unsafe to move

Yellow- explosive filler but safe to move

Blue/white/green for scrap or debris

What PPE should you use for sweeping?

Flak vest, safety glasses or face shield, and helmet

For a walking sweep line spacing should not exceed

10ft if augmentees working EOD can supervise 5 people max from rear

Front end loaders should not follow closer then?


Front end loaders with duds can be lined with and what for WP

Wood or cushioning material. This will reduce shock. Water filled drums for WP

If transport trucks have metal beds?

Cover them with wood planks or plywood to reduce friction. Not as effective dirt and sand can be used

How do you search a building that’s expected to have muns tossed in it?

Search should began at lowest point and work upwards to the attic

If a building is collapsed in a suspect UXO? What’s the safest way to uncover area

With a remote controlled excavator

Large projectiles 155/175/ 8 inch with lifting eyes can me moved with what?

Fabricated steel lifting bar or heavy schedule pipe approx 1 meter in length

Bombs and dispensers can be lifted how?

Using slings or chains attached to cranes or excavators

A WP or PWP muns with filler crusted is still considered a


When working on WP muns when should you work?

Conduct ops during cool weather or during the coolest part of the day

WP muns will not be intermixed with other?

Muns in stacks or during transport

2 Methods of disposal may be used

Detonation or burning

How can you destroy rocket pods

With 500lb bombs

Projectiles set up for disposal should be stacked how high?

Approx 24 inches

What ratio of HE to WP should be the minimum

2 HE munition to 1 WP munition not to exceed 24 inches high stacked

Leaking WP muns should not be?

Removed from water filled container for disposal