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12 Cards in this Set

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4 features of the gas exchange surface


GOOD SUPPLY OF BLOOD(dense network of capillaries)

VERY THIN SURFACE (one cell thick)

LARGE SURFACE AREA(many alveoli)

Explain the actions that take place when you breathe in

Diaphragm contracts and moves down

External intercostal muscles contract (upwards and outwards)

Internal intercostal muscle relax

Volume increase

Pressure decreases

Explain the actions that take place when we breathe out

Diaphragm will relax upwards

Internal intercostal muscles contract downwards and inwards

External intercostal muscles relax

Pressure increases

Volume decreases

In do

What is cartilage

The rings of muscle around the trachea which prevents it from being squashed

also found in the bronchi

Describe how cilia and mucus in the trachea is helpful

Mucus traps particles such as bacteria and dust particles. Cilia waft a wave like motion in order to move mucus away. This prevents pathogens /dust entering the lungs.

Chemical barriers

Stomach acid ( stomach contains hydrochloric acid, which destroys pathogens in food,as the low pH denatures their enzymes )


Mechanical barriers

Skin ( blood clots form if skin is broken)

Nostril hair( trap pathogens)

Chemical equation for aerobic respiration

Word equation

C《6》H《12》6 0《2》~ 6 CO《2》6 H《2》O

Glucose + Oxygen ~ Carbon dioxide + Water

Chemical equation for photosynthesis

Word equation

6 CO《2》+ 6 H《2》O (sunlight, chlorophyll)~C《6》H《12》6 O 《2》+ 6 O 《2》

Carbon dioxide + water ~(sunlight, chlorophyll) ~ glucose + oxygen

Explain how plants convert carbon dioxide to carbohydrates

Plants use energy from the sunlight, captured by chlorophyll in chloroplasts, in a process called photosynthesis, take glucose. It requires Carbon dioxide which enters a leaf through the stomata and diffuses into the cells. Word equation

Chemical equation

Depressant drug

Slows down signals in the nerves and brain

Effect of alcohol and heroin

Powerful depressant

Increases reaction times(slow to react)

Lack self-control
