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27 Cards in this Set

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what are 3 parts of the nucleotide
5 carbon sugurs (dexiribose)
phosphate groups
nitroginous bases
what is the function of DNA
contains the blueprint for producing the whole organism
what is the structure of DNA called
double helix
what makes up the ladder steps

what makes up the sides
nitrogenous bases

phospahte group and dexiribose
what is the sugur in DNA
what is the sugur in DNA
where does repilication occur in a cell
why does DNA replication occur
insures that each resulting cell receives a complete set of DNA nuclitides
when does DNA replication occur
before a cell divides
where do the strands sperate in DNA replication
replication forks
in the DNA molecule what bonds hold the nitrogenous bases together
the oppistite strand of nucleotides
what bonds hold the amino acids together in a protein
hydrogen bands
what part of the nuclide provides the code for proteins
nitrogenous base
shift the reading frame of a genitic message
frameshift mutation
effects the whole chromosme
chromosomal mutation
RNA molecules are produced by copying a part of the nucleous
where does transription occur
decoding of an mRNA message into a polypeptide chain
where does translation occur
where are chromosomes found in the cell
what is a gamete and give 2 examples
sex cellls

sperm and eggs
mutations that produce changes in a single gene
gene mutaion
carries copies of instructions for the assembly of amino acids into proteins from DNA to the rest of the cells
mRNA (messenger)
transfers amino acids to ribosomes during protein sythesis
tRNA (transfer)
e muclitide sequences on mRNA that codes for a single amino acid
group of 3 bases on tRNA that are complentary to an mRNA codon
how would a scientist determine that a mutation has occured
lookin at the DNA and chromosomes