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13 Cards in this Set

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Name glucocorticoids with short duration of action
Hydrocortisone and cortisone
Name glucocorticoids with intermediate duration of action
Prednisolone, methylprednisolone
Name glucocorticoids with long duration of action
Betamethasone, dexabetamethasome
Name glucocorticoids that are only used locally
Fluticasone and budesonde
What are the effects of glucocorticoids?
- Decreased glucose uptake and use- Decreased protein synthesis- Increased protein breakdown- Increased ketone body synthesis- Increased lipolysis- Induces anti-inflammatory genes- Decreased leukocyte migration- Decreased capillary permeability and vasodilation.- Osteoporosis
- Spillover-mechanism, causing Na+ retention and K+ loss
What are the indications of glucocorticoid use?
- Substitution therapy for adrenal insufficiency, Addison's disease
Systemic acute symptomatic therapy:- Allergic reactions/anaphylaxis, asthma attack, acute exarcerbation of autoimmune diseases or COPD.
Systemic chronic symptomatic therapy:- Asthma, COPD, IBD, sarcoidosis, Sjogren, SLE, Rhematoid arthritis
- Local symptomatic treatment in skin, eyes, ears.
- Organ transplant
Why do patients who use hydrocortisone/cortisone increase their dose during periods of stress, surgery and trauma?
They can develop adrenal crisis since the body requires more cortisol during peroids of stress. It can be fatal
Why should long-term use (> 3 weeks) of corticosteroids be terminated gradually?
Long-term use causes atrophy of the adrenal cortex. If it is discontinued suddenly, the body will experience cortisol deficiency, potentially an adrenal crisis.
Why do synthetic glucocorticoids act more rapidly than the endogenous ones?
Most of the endogenous glucocorticoids bind to a transport protein, Corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG). Synthetic glucocorticoids dont bind to CBG and there act more rapidly.
What are the side effects of long-term treatment with corticosteroids?
- Skin atrophy- Purple stretch marks- Hypertension- Central weight gain, moon face- Hyperglycemia/diabetes- Osteoporosis- Muscle weakness
Contraindications for glucocorticoid treatment?
Allergy, systemic fungal infections and live virus vaccine
Should be used with care in pregnant women, psychosis, diabetes.
What are the indications for treatment with mineralocorticoids? Name the drugs
"Used only in substitution therapy for Addisons disease and congenital adrenal hyperplasia (21b deficiency).
Treated with fludrocortisone and cortisol."
Which drugs are used to inhibit cortisol synthesis and how?
Metyrapone - inhibits 11b-hydroxylase.
Ketoconazole - inhibits 17a-hydroxylase.
Used for Cushings syndrome therapy.