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17 Cards in this Set

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What is the premise or main question of the article?

For whom are we managing wildlife?

What are the 2 historical philosophies of wildlife management?

1. Protogora's Principle that man is the measure of all things and we manage it for society

2. Our allegiance is to the resource

Who was the Greek philosopher that articulated man is the root of all things?


What biblical passage claims man has dominion over the earth?

Genesis 1:26

What was the dominant philosophy of early European settlers?

We manage for society - man is the measure of all things

How long was the philosophy held that we must tame nature?

250 years

By what year had we closed the frontier?


What circumstance made Americans question the old philosophy?

Poor working conditions and poverty - they missed simpler times

What new philosophy emerged in the late 1800's?

Nature has inherent beauty and spiritual value

What popular journal published an article in 1873 that illustrated the new philosophy toward wildlife?

Forest and Stream

What time period did the new philosophy emerge?


Name 2 writers of the Antebellum period who viewed nature in spiritual terms

Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson

Who developed the land ethic philosophy?

Aldo Leopold

What is the issue with managing "for the resource"?

"the resource" means different things to different people - how do we decide which resources to prioritize? Managing for one resource may damage another resource.

What is the 3rd philosophy?

Fiduciary responsibility

What is the fiduciary responsibility?

We have an obligation to future generations

What are the 2 tenets of the fiduciary responsibility?

1. we must pass along resources and refrain from causing irreparable damage

2. must manage it so it produces the greatest good for the greatest number of people