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26 Cards in this Set

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It is the temperature at which paper burns

What is the significance of the number 451

This novel takes place in the dystopian society with a totalitarian government

What type of society and government do the people in 451 have


An IMAGINED state or society where there is great suffering or Injustice


A system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state

Because of the knowledge they contain

Why has the government outlawed books as unnecessary and dangerous

He wrote Fahrenheit 451 because of his concerns at the time (during the McCarthy era) about the threat of book burning in the United states. In later years, he described the book as a commentary on how mass media reduces interest in reading literature

Why did Ray Bradbury write 451? How did he describe the book in later years?

From 1920 to 2012

How long did Ray Bradbury live

He lived through WW2, the cold war, McCarthyism, the social revolution in the '60s, the ongoing conflict(s) in the middle east, and the technological revolution

What major world events of the 20th century did Bradbury live through


When was 451 published

It is a direct response to the examples of censorship and government overreach that Bradbury witnessed. These instances of Injustice and misuse of power that went on in the 1940s and 50s included the McCarthy trials in the US, but Bradbury also credits stories of Nazi book burnings and the Soviet execution of artists as inspiration for this novel as well.

Considering that 451 was published in 1953, what is it a direct response to? What was the book inspired by?

He saw the rise of mass media, the Golden age of TV and radio, and the beginning of America's dependence on entertainment. He saw the trends toward the devaluation of education access America and that was part of the reason why he wrote this book.

What did Bradbury notice about America as time passed that inspired him to write this book

They censor and suppressed knowledge

What does the government do to knowledge in 451


The suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. That are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security


Prevent the development, action, or expression of a feeling, impulse, idea, etc. or restrain/prevent dissemination (spreading) of information.


Does the US have a censorship issue

They devalue knowledge, provide constant entertainment, and they claim it is for the "greater good." Consider how clarisse described her day at school.

Censoring and suppressing a population is definitely a hard thing to do. How does the 451 government do this?

Devaluing knowledge

They make it socially unacceptable to be educated/value education

Provide constant entertainment

An entertained population is a docile population

Claim it is for the "greater good"

The government claims the ban on books is for the citizens own good. They are "protecting" the people from the ideas contained in books.

There's nothing more important in a democracy than a well-informed electorate. The opposite is important for a totalitarian government.

Why does the government consider books dangerous in 451?

The hearth and the salamander, the name of part 1, focuses on montag's job as a fireman and his home life. The hearth, or fireplace, is a traditional symbol of the home, and the salamander is one of the official symbols of the firemen, as well as what they call their fire trucks.

What is the significance of "The hearth and the salamander"

The Phoenix is a symbol for renewal, for a life that follows death in a cleansing fire. is a bird that rises from the ashes.

What is the significance of the Phoenix

The settlement represents immortality, rebirth, passion, unbreakable will and the ability to withstand flames. Throughout the passage of time, it has been said that the salamander was believed to be a mythical creature that could withstand fire; if burned, the salamander would come out and scave.

What is the significance of the salamander

The preys chemical complex

The mechanical hound tracks down is prey by ______

The government bans books to maintain control of its citizens. They were banned in an attempt to keep society happy, or so they were told, believing that if they did not have to form opinions for themselves, there would be less conflict, and society would be happier. ("For the greater good")

What is the main reason why people stopped reading books

17 and crazy

How does Claire's describe herself