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147 Cards in this Set

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Election of 1960
First time televised debates
Ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country
What did IKE warn against in his farewell address
MIlitary industrila complex
What was kenedy's platform
New Frontier
Progress in space science and other areas
first american to orbit earth (1962)
July 1969
Neil arstrong was the first know human to step on the moon
Government spending (JFK)
he used deficit spending
Flexible response- being able to respond to a crisis without nuclear weapons
JFK still pushed for wat in vietnam
Peace Corps
under JFK and it was where volunteers went to third world countries to aid them
Alliance for progress
Marshall plan for latin america (jfk)
April 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion
a failed attempt to overthrow castro in cuba led by the US
The failure embarrased teh US and JFK
Berlin Germany
Summer of 1961
JFK and Krushchev met to discuss berlin
Berlin Wall
August of 1961
Soviet troops constructed a wall to divide teh east and west berlin
Cuban Missle Crisis 1962
lasted about a week and war seemed likely between the us and soviets
US organized an invasion inot cuba to set up a blockade around cuba
Us had to promise never to invade cuba
MOst dangerous part of JFK's foreign policy
Better relations with the USSR
Hot line was set up between teh us and ussr to create detente(easign of tensions)
Limted test ban treaty
Between US and USSR
Nuclear weapons wouldnt be tested in ocean or atmosphere
Political Concerns
JFK had pledged to figth discrimination
He need to keep southern democrats on his side for social and economic programs
Freedom Rides
Peop began to celebrate end of segregation in interstate travel and went on thes rides to push for civil righst and voter membership
1962 James meredith
won a court case allowing him to attend teh UNIVERSITY of MISSISSIPPi; led to integration in colleges
George Wallace
Gov of Alamba who supported segregation
March 1963 Birmingham
civi rights march led by king
Violence against protesters shown on TV
Medgar Evers
Was shot in front of his home on june 12 1963
August 1963 March on Washington
over 200000 people marched ofr cilvil rights
MLK made his famous I HAVE A DREAM
Nov 22 1963
JFK assasinated in dallas campaigning for relelection by OSWALD
Warren Commision
Set up to investigate the assassination and they concluded oswald was the killer
Affirmative Action
Quotas for Minorities
Lyndon B JOhnson (1963-69)
Key issue in 64 election was poverty and civil rights
Great Society
Johnson's plan (his new deal)
Targeted the poor
War on poverty
Attack poverty with food stamps and welfare
volunteers in service to america
Head Start
Program for preschool children form low income families
Medicare-low cost insurance for elderly
Medicaid-low cost insurance for the poor
housing and urban development and it provided low income housing
Was built up and was among the poorest anreas in teh country
National Endowment for the Humanities
Provides grants to promote education and cultural resources
Rights given to certain categories of Americans without need for repeated congressional approval
Immigration and Nationality Act 1965
Removed quota system of 1921 and set limits on immigrants from the western hemisphere
Chief Justice Earl Warren
led the way for more liberal court decisison
25th ammendments
deals with presidential succession and disability
Results of the Great Society
The number of poor did fall
The deficit increased
Many supported more conservative ideas and republicans made gains
Gulf of Tonkin Aug 2 1964
Johnson announced that a US ship the Maddox was attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin near NOrth vietnam
Gulf of Tonkin Resolutions
president could take any means to protect us forces against attack
24th ammendemnt
abolished poll taxes
Civil rights act 1964
prohibited discrimination based on race in public places (johnson)
Voting Rights Act 65
eliminated literacy exams and allowed federal examiners to register votes not states
Malcom x
Member of th enation of islam called for black power and retalliation, militant leader
Black spartism
Black Panthers
Founded by Stokely Carmichael, Huey Newton and others to fight police brutality
Black Communist for Balacks
Stokely Carmichael
Former leader of SNCC urged abandoment of peaceful demonstartion and promoted black power
Thurgood Marshall
Became First Black supreme court justice
Robert Mcnamara
Secretary of Defense for LBJ
General William Westmoreland
Head of US military in vietnam
Rolling Thunder
Air War
jelly like gasoline that burned flesh and used to set jungles on fire
Agent orange
defoilant to kill plants
Black Troops in Vienam
Number were greater than tehir representation in the US
what was teh war often called
livin room war
How to dodge teh draft
leave the country
join the coast guard
medical excuses
New Left
Youth Protest groups
Students for a democratic society
Free cspeech movement
New left extremis that used violence to protest
hawks and doves
hawks-those for the war
Doves- against the war
Tet Offinsive
invasion of the south by the north in vietnam
Results of Tet
showed the south couldnt protect its won people many turned agianst the southeren govt
it showed the war was not nearly over
My Lai massacre
300 civilans killed
Johnson and the next election
Johnson didnt run for re election due to tv coverage of vietnam
Credability gap was created
who won the 68 election and wat was the issue
issues were vietnam and law and order
Nixon won
silent majority
Nixon said he represented teh silent majority regular americans, non protestors
april 4 1968
MLK assaisanted by James Earl Ray
June 4 1968
Bobby Kennedy assassinated by Sirhan bashara sirhan
Civil Rights act 1968
banned discrimination in public housing
center of HIppie movement and was located in San Franscico
three days of music and love
Attitudes in Society Changing around hippie movement
More casual approach to marriage=more divorce
Rating system developed for movies
Led to anti war movement and conservative growth
Economy Post War
Postwar economy began to show signs of weakening
Productivity began to slow
Cost of living tripled
Japan and Germany
Japna and west germany began to compete with the us in production and trade
pull out US troops and let the south fight for themselves (nixon)
Nixon Doctrine
US would honor existing defense commitments but in the future wouldnt send large number of US troops
Nixon also later ordered bombing of Laos and Cambodia
May 4 1976 Kent state
sutdents protesting war was illegal invasion
Mayor called national guard
guards orderend fire injuring 9 and killing 4
Pentagon Papers
information was leaked that revealed the truth abou tvietnam
Inaccurate reporst
Ny times v Us 1971
over pentagon papers and the ruling was that the information didnt represent a clear and present danger to national security
26th ammendment
you must be 18 to vote
what did teh Sec of State Henry Kissenger favor
realplitik which was practical plitics and departure from containment
Chna and Nixon
Nixon went to mainland communist china to establish trade relations
UN recognized teh rupublic of china
USSR and NIxon
NIxon also went to Soviet Union to establish better relations
when is detente established
china and USSr with nixon
limited number of missiles in the US and USSR
Economics 101
Nixon tried to impose wage and price controls to freeze wages and prices to control inflation
Southern Democrats and NIxon
Nixon need support from them therefore slowed desegregation
1972 Election
Democrats thought the war issue would gain them the president
Paris Peace Accords 1973
Ended the war in bietnam and restored peace
The north allowed to keep troops in south
Hanoi Ilton
Vietanimise POW camp for US
Results of the Vietnam War
Reassesses our commitments to other countries
Led to massive spending led to inflation
War Powers Act, 1973
Replaces Fulf of Tonkin Resolutions (it gave too much power to the president)
The presedent must inform congress within 48 hours if US foorces are sent anywhere and tehy cannot stay more than 60 days
Maya LIn
Created teh Vietnam memorial
Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg BOE
allowed for bussing to achieve racial equality
Roe V. Wake
abortions were legal and not regulated by govt in the first trimester
Affrimative actions
LBj:to protect the individual against discrimination
Nixon gave privileges to certain groups
Griggs v. Duke power Co 1971
Prohibited intellegence test that discrimintated against minorities from certain jobs
Rachel Carson
Wrote Silent Spring
Problems associated with chemical pollution
Clean Air Act
Governmnet can set air standards to limit pollution
Clean Water Act
Regulates discharges of pollution into us waters
New Federalism
to distrubute more power to the state and local governments
Revenue Sharing
State and local Governments would spend their fobt probided funds as they wanted soem restrictions
Impounding Funds
nixon passed their legislation but didnt probide funding for their projects
inflaition of deficit spending and high unemployment also caused by lack of foreign trade of our need for foreign oil
Oil Embargo
Set up by ARAB nations because we supported israel in a 1973 war
led to high prices and long lines
created by NIxon to fi and keep leaks from happening
JUne 17 72 men were caught breakin into democratic national committte HQ in the watergate apartments
Shat was the purpose of the breakins
purpose was to get Nixon re-elected
Woodward and Bernstein
who wrote for the washington post, wrote an article connecting the breakin at watergate to teh president
Senator Sam ERvin
led teh senate investigation of the watergate scandal and nixon's note
John Dean
presidential counsel who testified that nixon knew about watergate cover up
White HOuse investigates
Investigations found out nixon taped his conversations which my provide information
Spiro Agnew
resigned under accusations of tax evasion and bribery
Gerald Ford
appointed as new president after spiro agnew
Saturday Night Massacre
removing those who opposed NIXON
called for resignation of special prosecuter archivbald Cox
US v. Nixon
supreme court said nixon had to release the tapes it wouldnt biolate national security
Aug 9 1973
nixon resigned
Post Watergate reforms
all presidential conversations would be taped in matters of foreign policy and domestic issues
Gerald Ford
wasnt electied by teh people
this tied ford to watergate even thought he had nothing to do with it
whip inflation now
Ford slogan
Halsinki Accords
attempt to protect human rights in europe
FAll of Saigon
fell in 75
north took control of the south and united vietnam as a communist country
1976 Election
Key issue was honesty in govt
Carter Won
Carter was an outsider
HE wasn't connected to vietnam or watergate
Department of Energy
created by carter to deal with energy crisis and find alternative means of energy
National Energy Act 78
tax on gas guzzlers remove price controls on oil produced in the US develop alternative forms of energy
Airline Deregulation ACt 78
to remove govt control over passenger airlines
Allows more competition
Three mile island
nuclear reactor overheated; low level radiation leaked
Similar incident happened in russia called chenobly
Carter Focused on Human Rights
carter and USSr leader met to limit nuclear weapons
never approved after the invasion of afghanistan by the USSR
Invasion of afghanistan by the soviets
boycotting summer oplymics 1980
Us aided muslim rebels against the soviets
Camp David Accords
leadrs of Egypt and israel to meet and set up a framework for peace in the middle east
palenstinian liberation organization
continued terrorism against israel
Yasir Arafat-LEader of the PLO
Middle East
Shah Reza Pahlavi was overthrown by the ayatollah khomeni in iran
Khomeini set up islamic state in Iran and overthew teh Shah
Fall 79 Us EMbassy
in iran was seized and 53 american hostages held for 444 days
Social Changes
lower birthrates
more divorces
movement to the sunbelt
increased immigration from latin america
Title 9
prohibts discrimination based on sex in education programs and activities that recieve federal finance assistance
University o fCaliforna v Bakke
Race alone could not be sole factor in selection based on affimative action
Cezar Chaves
organized mexican americans farm workers into a union called teh united farm workers organization comittee
idian militant groups fought against police bruality and wanted more rights and old lands back
Wounded Knee 1973
the village was taken over by 200 aim members to protest living conditions and government interfrence More control was given to indians in their own affairs schoools and land was gained
Feminist MOvements
was gaining power in the 60's supporting womens liberation
national organization for women Betty freiden helped to found for rights for women
Gloria Steinem
urged women to get involved in politics and pushed for womens rights
equal rights amembdment for women never passed
Phyllis Schalfly
conservative leader against ERA
Anti Feminist
Silcion Valley
San JOse California
Area fo computer and high tech development