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16 Cards in this Set

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Wring (verb)

a. Twist or press out of shape

b. Obtain by coercion or intimidation

Take good care of your health. If not hospitals are waiting to wring you to the last penny

Wringing work out of employees doesn’t work as a long term strategy, motivating them does much better.

Don’t wring undergarments, they would loose elasticity.

Broach (verb)

Bring up a topic for discussion

One should be encouraged to broach on any ideas with her/his team members. It would increase his confidence and in the long term she/he would an able to add value to the team.

It is a good habit to broach on a different subject with your friends everyday. It will expand your knowledge.

A successful anchor can broach an interesting discussion even under pressure.

Propitiate (verb)

to make peace with

Robert is a great propitiator, he could resolve complex misunderstandings between parties in a very short time.

Propitiative attitude is the best to have to become successful as a life partner.

At world summits, countries come together around a table to discuss and propitiate for a better world.

Lobotomise (verb)

reduce someone’s level of mental functioning


Excessive engagement on stupid TV shows not only wastes your time, most importantly, it lobotomises your thinking.

Lobotomised people must start meditation to reinvigorate their thought process.

Cull (verb)

look for and gather (mostly used in negative context)


If thorn bushes in a field are not culled, they will suck all the nutrients from the ground and yielding of your crop will be reduced.

Irresponsible employees must be culled from an organisation from time to time.

It’s very natural to get culled if you are not updating yourself

Behoove (verb)

be appropriate or necessary

It behooves the government to educate its citizens of their fundamental duties for their country

Losses at company behooved the HR department to cull not performing employees.

Extreme weather conditions behoove us to minimise our dependency on fossil fuels

Incriminate (verb)

suggest that someone is guilty

Bring an accusation against; level a charge against


Without a strong evidence you cannot incriminate someone

Incrimination is not enough to be sentenced. It has to be proven.

Facebook was incriminated by Congress for lack of data privacy.

Embellish (verb)

1. Make more attractive by adding ornament, Color etc

2. Make more beautiful

By adding a background with a focussed female picture, the web app is embellished to the perfection.

Embellishment of our personality every day should be one of our important priority

Embellishing LinkedIn profile everyday has become an important part of professional life. You never know when an opportunity would knock.

Commemorate (verb)

Immortalise, provide a memorial to a person or event

Commemoration of Martyrs invoke a sense of duty for nation among its citizens

Leaders of a nation have to be commemorated every year so that the citizens are reminded of these leaders values and principles.

We must try to imitate inspirational leaders. Who knows you might become the one that would be commemorated in future

Expunge (verb)

remove by erasing or by crossing out


All my crimes were expunged when the President gave his pardon.

Expunge your impure thoughts and replace them with the righteous ones.

I have expunged my disturbing memories forever. They do not have control over me anymore.

Disenfranchise (verb)

deprive of voting rights

After the scandal made by one of the important board members, board decided to disenfranchise him from major decisions for five years.

Government is trying to disenfranchise the minorities so as to slowly remove them from the country. This is equivalent to ethnic cleansing.

If Rehman becomes the President, he may disenfranchise the citizens and become a dictator.

Extirpate (verb)

completely destroy, as if down to the roots

After the BJP has come in the power, they seem to have strong determination to extirpate the Congress leadership.

Allopathy might cure your disease temporarily but though Homeopathy is slow in curing disease it works from the roots and extirpates the disease cause.

Hitlers intended to extirpate Jews from the earth.

Precipitate (verb)

bring about abruptly

Recent policies of the incumbent government have precipitated the opposition parties to come together.

Closing down the markets to foreign countries would only precipitate recession in the long run.

Instead of bringing peace to the nation, the incumbency is precipitating the communal rivalries.

Sever (verb)

cutoff from the whole, set or keep apart

Gulf countries are severed from the world economy if they do not heed to America.

The infected leg was severed to avoid infecting the entire body.

That project may be doomed; if the American connection is severed, Iraq may implode once more, further destabilizing the region.

Sever (verb)

cutoff from the whole, set or keep apart

Gulf countries are severed from the world economy if they do not heed to America.

The infected leg was severed to avoid infecting the entire body.

That project may be doomed; if the American connection is severed, Iraq may implode once more, further destabilizing the region.

Extort (verb)

obtain by coercion or intimidation

When a war is won, common people are extorted by the soldiers.

Goons in the city were extorting money from contractors.

Extortion is very common in big cities.