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28 Cards in this Set

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Where was the movie made? It was shot in NY

We're obsessed with movie stars

Days on set can be very long , sometimes lasting more than 15 hours

You promised not to interfere

The music is added in later

The extras had to pretend to clap and cheer

They have to put up with all kinds of weather

Photos are strictly forbidden

An attack by armed insurgents

A tragedy of epic proportions

The funeral scene alone needed 30000 extras

Where possible

They used cut-outs made of cardboard


The latest thing is inflatable extras

They can be deflated, stored and reused.

Who's doing it right and who's doing it wrong

The costumes for the show are being made by hand

A bird that inhabits North America

His father went bankrupt and the family had to sell their home

Changes in the script

This picture was drawn in the 18th century

A thriller movie

Soundtrack is the music of a movie

A sequel movie

Special effects

Script is the words of a movie

Critic is a person who writes movie reviews for the press

It is situated in that place at that time

The movie is an adaptation of a true story

It was shot ( filmed ) on location in Liverpool

It's dubbed into other languages

Tens of thousands of refugees fled their home

Historical epic

How did you get involved in movie?

The film company set up their production office here three month before they started shooting the film.

Steven Spielberg's interpreter

It was a complete coincidence

For all the actors and the film crew

I drank a couple of glasses of champagne to give myself courage

I must have done a pretty good job though

The offender was arrested shortly afterwards

I was so stunned

I had to pinch myself to believe that this was happening to me

I hadn't translated properly what he wanted

Eventually we got it right

He was very demanding

I felt he treated me like a daughter

I tripped walking down some stairs and twisted my ankle very badly

During the premiere of Schindler's List in Poland

I was very tempted

Do you regret it?

I nap a little bit