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42 Cards in this Set

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Additive color

Created using beams of light. Red, blue, green. RBG

Used by website artists, videographers and lighting designers.

Subtractive color

Created when white light is reflected off a pigmented or dyed surface. Primaries are blue, red and yellow.

Used by painters, printmakers and illustrators.

Pigments and dyes

Process colors


Light is refracted/bent through prism. Red has longest wavelength. Violet has shortest.

Color overtones

A secondary hue bias in a primary color. Ex alizarin crimson: red w/ violet overtones


Black & white. No hue

Bezold effect

Influence of color interaction. The change in a single color can alter our perception of a PATTERN

Opponent theory

Red& blue. Cones can register only one color in a complementary pair at a time.


The name of a color. Red, blue, green, yellow.


Red, yellow, blue


Green, orange, violet


Mixture of secondary color and adjacent primary color

Tint, tone, shade


A single hue


Adjacent colors on the wheel.

Ex: green, blue green, blue

Complementary color

On opposite sides of color wheel. When mixed together, can produce brown or lower intensity.

Split complementary

Two colors on either side of the complements.

Green, red, violet and yellow


Equally spaced apart. Ex: yellow, blue, red

Chromatic gray

Mixture of hues and rather than just black and white.

Color key

A dominant color. Can heighten psychological and compositional impact.

According to opponent theory, the physiognomy of our eyes

Limits the ability to view more than one complementary pair of colors at a time

A colors purity is not related to its


The color combination in Georgia o Keefes jack in the pulpit no. V

Split complimentary

Chromatic grays are unique because

They are formed using a mix of color rather than just b&w

Adding white to an image creates


Which is NOT TRUE about color

Color values can be manipulated in a painting but not in a photograph

Which is true about color temp?

All of the above statements

Which is true of color disharmony?

None of the answers

Which is true about the additive color system?

It is, used to create graphics on computer.


Critique that focuses on the formal elements

Objective criticism

Can be described as the physical manifestation of an idea


Robert Rauschenberg experimented with _______ to create 3 different versions of monogram, a work that combined 3d and 2d elements

Compositional change

The content of the work of art is the

Intellectual or emotional message in the artwork

Sculptures by claes Oldenburg and coosje van bruggen often involve

Transformation in the medium and scale of objects

Cause and effect critique

All of the above

All of the following questions are worth considering when critiquing a composition except

Will it require an explanation from the artist

Shared language, iconography and ____ can help to communicate and build meaning from a work of art

Historical and cultural literacy

Mark Schallers "some words" utilized ____ as a means of meditating on the act of thinking

Stream of consciousness texts

Shi Jinsongs metallic sculpture Na Zha Cradle is an example of

A metaphorical comment on the effects of capitalism


4colors equidistant on a color wheel

Georgia o keef jack and the pulpit

Dominated by greens and and voilets. Split complimentary

Green, red violet and yellow.

Hans Homann magnum opus

Creates the illusion of space.

Creates a push and pull effect with color.

Nonobjective composition.

Red dominates.

Blue pulls inward, yellow pushes out.