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10 Cards in this Set

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What do you assess before physical assessment?

ask if pt voided

place pt in supine position

Bowel landmarking and auscultation

4 quadrants (two times per quadrant(

using the diaphragm, start at LRQ and go clockwise

State: 5-30 sounds/min

Vascular auscultation landmarking

Abdominal aorta midline, 4 fingers above umbilicus

L+R renal arteries MCL, 2 fingers above umbilicus

L+R iliac arteries MCL, 2 fingers below umbilicus

L+R femoral arteries (over SP shorts)

Vascular auscultation

Use bell to auscultate aorta, renal, iliac, and femoral arteries

State presence/absence of bruits

State no unexpected sounds heard

Abdo percussion (state each location when percussing)

State tympany is predominantly heard in all quadrants

Stomach: hyper resonance over gastric bubble

Bladder: tympany, but dullness if bladder is full

Spleen: left MAL, between 9th & 11th rib, dullness

Palpation (light, then deep)

Light/deep palpate all 4 quadrants (two locations per quadrant)

Validate presence/absence of pain

Light technique: one hand, 1 cm deep

State presence/absence of masses

If pain, leave quadrant for last

Deep technique: two hands, 5 cm deep

Do not palpate painful quadrant

Liver + aorta palpation

Liver: one/two hands, ask pt to breathe in

Palpate right costal margin

Aorta: thumb+index of one hand

Midline 4 fingers above umbilicus

State expected measurement 2.5 to 4 cm wide

Rebound tenderness: Blumberg and Rovsing signs

Blumberg sign

Push down with a perpendicular hand anywhere but RLQ, hold for 1 sec, then let go quickly

Rovsing sign

Semi-deep palpation in the LLQ, press down, and quickly release

Iliopsoas test

Pt lifts their extended right leg

Nurse pushes down on leg

Murphy’s Sign

Done at same time as liver palpation

Hold fingers at right costal margin

Ask pt to take a deep breath