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29 Cards in this Set

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In Texas civil cases, evidence of subsequent remedial measure is generally inadmissible to prove negligence, defect, or lack of warning, but ...
... evidence of a written notification of a product defect sent by a manufacturer to a purchaser is admissible to prove existence of the defect.
In Texas civil cases, evidence of subsequent remedial measure is generally inadmissible to prove negligence, defect, or lack of warning, but ...
... evidence of a written notification of a product defect sent by a manufacturer to a purchaser is admissible to prove existence of the defect.
In Texas civil cases, evidence of subsequent remedial measure is generally inadmissible to prove negligence, defect, or lack of warning, but ...
... evidence of a written notification of a product defect sent by a manufacturer to a purchaser is admissible to prove existence of the defect.
In Texas, if a criminal defendant introduces evidence of victim’s violent character in self-defense case, then prosecution may ... but may not ...
... may REBUT D’s evidence, but MAY NOT offer evidence of D’s violent character.
In Texas civil cases, the rape shield law __ apply.
Unlike the federal rules, character evidence is admissible in Texas civil cases to prove ...
(1) D’s conduct in conformity with good trait by D accused of conduct involving moral turpitude (e.g., dishonesty, violence, or sexual misconduct);
(2) V’s conduct in conformity with reputation or opinion testimony V’s character for violence by D accused of assaultive conduct to show V was first aggressor.
In Texas, a business record is self-authenticated if ...
(1) profferor offers an affidavit by a custodian or other person capable of testifying that the record qualifies for the business records hearsay exception;
(2) the document satisfies the business records hearsay exception;
(3) original or exact duplicate of the business record is attached to the affidavit;
(4) the affidavit and attachment are filed with the court at least 14 days before trial and prompt notice is given to other parties.
Under Texas’ best evidence rule, permissible excuses for not producing an original writing are ...
(1) original writing is lost or cannot be found with due diligence;
(2) original writing was destroyed without bad faith;
(3) the original writing cannot be obtained by legal process (it is beyond the reach of the court);
(4) the original writing is outside of Texas.
In Texas an otherwise competent witness may be declared incompetent to testify if ...
(1) the witness was insane at the time of events witnessed;
(2) the witness is insane at time of trial;
(3) the witness lacks sufficient intellect to relate events witnessed (e.g., a child).
Per Texas’s Dead Man’s Statute, an interested witness is incompetent if ...
(1) the action is a civil case by or against the decedent’s estate, heirs, or legal representatives;
(2) either party to the action seeks to testify to an oral statement (not conduct) made by a decedent.
The Texas Dead Man’s Statute does not render the interested witness incompetent if ...
... either
(1) the decedent’s oral statement is corroborated by other evidence;
(2) the incompetent party is called by an adverse party to testify concerning the decedent’s oral statement.
In Texas, experts in cases based on health care liability claims must ...
... actually be practicing (or teaching) the same type of care as that of the defendant, either at the time of the testimony or at the time the claim arose.
In Texas, courts considering the admissibility of expert opinion evidence employ TRAPON factors, which are ...
... the Daubert/Robinson factors of
[T]esting of principles or methodology;
[R]ate of error;
[A]cceptance by other experts in the same discipline;
[P]eer review and publication;
PLUS Texas’s own factors of
[O]bjective versus subjective interpretation of data; and
[N]onjudicial uses of principles or methodology (evidence is more reliable if based on methodology used for purposes other than litigation).
In Texas, expert witnesses may use words such as “negligence”, “proximate cause”, or “lack of testamentary capacity” so long as ...
... they are employing the proper legal standard for the issue that is the subject of their testimony.
In Texas, cross-examination __ limited to the scope of the witness’s direct examination.
In Texas, the procedure for impeaching a witness with prior inconsistent statements is ... but ...
(1) witness must be told the contents of the prior inconsistent statement, the time and place the statement was made, and the person to whom the statement was made;
(2) witness must be given an immediate opportunity to explain or deny the statement
BUT these steps are not necessary when impeaching an opposing party.
In Texas, the types of convictions that may be used to impeach a witness are ...
(1) felonies of any type;
(2) crimes of moral turpitude (dishonesty, violence, or sexual misconduct).
In Texas, all uses of convictions for impeaching evidence require ...
... the judge to balance probative value against risk of unfair prejudice.
In Texas, when a conviction that is under appeal is offered to impeach a witness, ...
... it cannot be used, but under FRE the fact of the appeal would come in as evidence with the fact of the conviction.
In Texas, a conviction is not admissible to impeach a witness if the conviction was the subject of a pardon, annulment, certificate of rehabilitation , or other “equivalent procedure” based upon a finding of rehabilitation UNLESS ...
... the individual was subsequently convicted of a felony crime or of a crime of moral turpitude.
In Texas, a conviction is not admissible to impeach a witness if the conviction was the subject of a pardon, annulment, or other “equivalent procedure” based upon a finding of innocence UNLESS ...
... the individual successfully completed probation.
In Texas, impeachment confronting a witness on cross-examination with nonconviction evidence of bad acts relevant to the witness character for truthfulness ...
... is absolutely barred.
In Texas, there is no doctor-patient privilege in ...
(1) criminal cases generally, but the privilege remains for drug and alcohol treatment;
(2) if any party relies on patient’s physical or mental condition as a part of its claim or defense.
In Texas, the confidential communication between spouse privilege does not apply in ...
... civil cases to any dispute between spouses and in incompetency or commitment proceedings.
In Texas civil cases, to admit a deposition of a witness taken in the same proceeding, offeror __ show that witness has become available.
In Texas cases, an offeror of hearsay excepted as a statement against interest __ show declarant unavailable.
In Texas, hearsay excepted as a statement against interest also includes any self-damaging statement, i.e. ...
... against “social interest”---a statement making declarant an object of hatred, ridicule or disgrace.
In Texas, the dying declaration hearsay exception applies to ...
... all types of all cases whether criminal or civil.
In Texas, proving the foundation for admitting business records requires ...
... either calling a sponsoring witness to testify to all five elements of the hearsay exception or using a “self-authentication” affidavit procedure, but under FRE foundation may be proved by a written certification under oath attesting to elements of business record hearsay exception.