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60 Cards in this Set

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the _________________ attached the head of the femur to the pelvisl
ligamentum teres femoris
the ___________ has tubercules, and the ___________ has trochanters
humerus = tubercules
femur = trochanters
the tibia/fibula is always lateral?
fibula = lateral
tibia = medial
the ___________ is the largest sesmoid bone in the body. what is its function?

function: protection and aids mechanical forces of mm over the knee joint
is the adductor tubercule more distal or proximal on the _______ medially or laterally?
distal femur medially
the _______ saphenous v. originates on the medial aspect of the dorsum of the foot, ascends on the medial aspect of the leg, then enters the saphenous hiatus in the deep fascia of the thigh to terminate at the ______________ v
great saphenous v. ---> femoral v.
the _______ saphenous v. originates on the lateral aspect of the dorsum of the foot, ascends lateral to the calcaneal (Achilles) tendon near the midline of the calf to terminate in the __________- v.
small saphenous v. ---> popliteal v. (---> femoral v.)
Cutaneous nn. of the thigh:

____________________ n. ( - ) crosses poseterior abdominal wall to pass deep to inguinal ligament; innervates skin over lateral aspect of the thigh
lateral femoral cutaneous n. (L2-L3)
Cutaneous nn. of the thigh:

______________ nn. ( - ) branches of the femoral n.; arise in femoral triangle to course in superficial fascia; innervate skin of anteromedial aspect of thigh
medial and intermediate femoral cutaneous nn. (L2-L4)
Cutaneous nn. of the thigh:

________________n. ( - ) pierces and runs on the anterior surface of the psoas major m; __________ branch passes through superficial inguinal ring and innervates cremaster m and skin of scrotum (labia majora); __________ branch courses with femoral a. in femoral sheath and innervates skin over the femoral triangle
genitofemoral n. (L1-L2)

genital branch
femoral branch
Cutaneous nn. of the thigh:

from deep to psoas major m; crosses lateral wall of pelvic cavity to transverse obturator canal and innervate mm of anteromedial (adductor) compartment and skin over medial aspect of the thigh
obturator n. (L2-:L4)
the __________- is deep fascia investing the mm of the thigh and gluteal regions; it is thickened laterally to for the _____________
fascia lata; iliotibial band (track) (IT band)
what 2 mm insert on the fascia lata?
tensor fascia lata and the gluteus maximus mm.
the main nerve and artery that supply the of the anterior compartment of the thigh are ____________ & ___________. The general action of this compartment is to ______________.
femoral a. and n.

A: extend the leg
the main nerve and artery that supply the of the anteriomedial compartment of the thigh are ____________ & ___________. The general action of this compartment is to ______________.
Obturator n. and profunda femoral a. and obturator a.

A: adduct the leg
the main nerve and artery that supply the of the posteror compartment of the thigh are ____________ & ___________. The general action of this compartment is to ______________.
Sciactic nerve and profunda femoral a.

A: flex the leg
name the 4 main mm's and any subdivisions of the anterior compartment of the thigh
1) Iliopsoas m. (Iliacus + psoas major mm.)
2) Sartorius m.
3) Quadriceps femoris m.
-rectus femoris m.
-vastus lateralis m.
-vastus medius m.
-vastus intermedius m.
4) Articularis genu m.
name the 3 mm that insert to the Pes Anserinus ant ---> post and their innervations
Sartorius m. (Femoral n.)
Gracilis m. (Obturator n.)
semiTendinosus m. (Tibial n.)
trace the common iliac a to it's tibial division and specify where name changes occur.
common iliac a. -{L4 bifurcation}--> external iliac --{inguinal ligament}--> femoral a. --{adductor hiatus}--> popliteal a. ----> anterior & posterior tibial a.
what is another course of the common iliac a. to the thigh other than through the external iliac a. to the femoral a??
common iliac --> internal iliac --> obturator a. (through obturator foramen)
the profunda femoris a. and decending genicular a. are branches of what a?
the femoral a.
name the 4 important branches form the profunda femoral a.
1) medial femoral circumflex a.
2) lateral femoral circumflex a.
3) muscular branches
4) 4 perforating branches
name the 3 arteries that supply the hip joint and where they come from
1) acetabular branch of the obturator n.
2) medial femoral circumflex a.
3) lateral femoral circumflex a. (ascending branch)
what is the nutrient a. of the femur?
the acetabular branch of the obturator n.
femoral triangle boundaries:
roof: fascia lata
floor: adductor longus, pectineus, iliopsoas mm.
medial: adductor longus m.
lateral: sartorius m.
base: inguinal ligament
apex: where the medial margin of the sartorius m. meets with the medial margin of adductor longus m.
contents of the femoral triangle:
N: femoral n.
A: femoral a.
V: femoral v.
E: empty space/deep inguinal lymph nodes
L: lacunar ligament
what contents of the femoral triangle are inside of the femoral sheath?

the femoral a and vein and the empty space/deep inguinal lymph nodes
what lymph nodes would be present in the femoral triangle?
the deep inguinal lymph nodes
prolongations of what fasciae make up the femoral sheath?
the transversalis fascia and the iliopsoas fascia
the boundaries of the ________ canal are as follows:
sartorius, vastus medialis, and adductors longus/magnus mm.
adductor canal (Hunter's)
what does the adductor canal contain?
femoral a. and v.
the saphenous n.
n. to vastus medialis m.
which of the contents of the adductor canal do not go through the adductor hiatus?
the nerves:
the saphenous n. and the n. to the vastus medialis m.
what is the extent of the adductor canal?
from the apex of the femoral canal to the adductor hiatus
name the 3 external ligaments of the knee
1) patellar ligament
2) lateral (fibular) collateral ligament
3) medial (tibial) collateral ligament
knee ligaments:

the ________ lig is a continuation of the tendon of the quadriceps femoris m.
patellar ligament
knee ligaments:

the _______ lig. is round, rod-like compared to the ________ lig. that is flat, with some fibers that attach to one of the menisci
lateral (fibular) collateral ligament

medial (tibial) collateral ligament
(attach to medial meniscus)
name the 3 internal ligaments of the knee:
Transverse ligament
knee ligaments:

___________ lig limits anterior displacement of the tibia
the ACL
knee ligaments:

____________ lig limits posterior displacement of the tibia
knee ligaments:

___________ lig. connects both menisci anteriorly
transverse ligament
the _CL is weaker than the _CL
ACL is weaker than the PCL

the internal ligaments of the knee are named for where they insert on the femur

named for where they insert on the tibia
Menisci of the knee:

___________ is C shaped
medial menisci
Menisci of the knee:

____________ is O-shaped
lateral meniscus
Menisci of the knee:

____________ attaches to tibial collateral ligament and is frequently injured
medial meniscus
Menisci of the knee:

__________ has NO lateral attachment to fibular collateral ligament; is injured less frequently
lateral meniscus
what knee components make up the "Unhappy Triad"?
1) medial meniscus
2) ACL
3) medial (tibial) collateral ligament
the _____________________ is when the proximal tibia slides forward

the __________ ___________ is when the proximal tibia slides backward
fwd: anterior drawer movement

bwd: posterior drawer movement

more common in men; common injury in sports; assoc'd with a Segond fracture
ACL tear

a ________ fracture consists of:
1) avulsion involving proximal tibia
2) results from tearing of IT band and part of the Lateral Collateral Ligament
3) can be used to help diagnose an ACL tear

most common > 65 y.o.; more common in women; can have life threatening complications (blood clots, pulmonary embolus);
hip fractures

"hip" fractures usually involve the femoral hear, neck, or trochanters, rather than a direct fracture of one of the hip bones

hip fracture usually don't encompass pelvic bones
Iliacus m.

O: Iliac fossa/crest and lateral portion of sacrum
I: Lesser trochanter
A: Flexes thigh
N: Femoral n. (L2-L4)
Psoas major m.

O: vertebrae
I: Lesser trochanter
A: Flexes thigh; flex vertebral column
N: Ventral rami L2-L4
Rectus femoris m.

O: Straight head: from anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS)
I: Tibial tuberosity
A: Extends leg (and assists in flexing the thigh)
N: Femoral n. (L2-L4)
Vastus Lateralis m.

I: Tibial tuberosity
A: Extends leg
N: Femoral n. (L2-L4)
Vastus Medialis m.

I: Tibial tuberosity
A: Extends leg
N: Femoral n. (L2-L4)
Vastus Intermedius m.

I: Tibial tuberosity
A: Extends leg
N: Femoral n. (L2-L4)
Sartorius m.

I: Superior medial surface of the tibia (pes ansernus)
A: Flexes both the thigh and the leg
N: Femoral n. (L2-L4)
Articularis genus m.

N: Femoral n. (L2-L4)