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10 Cards in this Set

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Adj. Lacking taste or flavor; uninteresting

بے لُطفی

1. Too much sugar tends to make this otherwise delightful fruit pie insipid.

1. The soup was rather insipid.


Adj. Concerned with practical matters; dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations.


1. After five years of war, both sides have found pragmatic ways to make peace with one another, as the bloodshed has grown viscous and brutal.

2. His pragmatic view of public education comes from years of working in city schools.


N. Radical; someone who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions;

a destroyer of images used in religious worship, in particular.

قدیم رسموں کو توڑنے والا، بت شکن

1. Irrespective of his actuating motives, his deeds as an iconoclast will be treated harshly and is answerable in court.

2. More and more, African-American iconoclasts reject victimology and embrace American possibility.


Adj. Difficult to accomplish; hard to endure; Involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring.


1. James and Mathew are planning to leave for the states next week for their masters, following months of arduous GRE preparation.

2. He went through a long and arduous training program.

3. An arduous journey across miles of desert.


Adj. recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources.

N. A licentious, dissolute person.

لچا، خراب

1. The senate is particularly perturbed over our profligate use of natural resources such as forest, oil, water, energy, land and minerals.

2. She was very profligate in her spending.

3. A profligate who could not really afford the grand style he maintained at Monticello, Jefferson died deeply in debt.



Adj. Brief and to the point; effectively cut short; Using or involving the use of a minimum of words : concise to the point of seeming rude or mysterious.

1. Jessica is so talkative that her sister thought the situation warranted conciseness and her being laconic.

2. His laconic reply suggested a lack of interest in the topic.


بہتر بنانا

Verb. Make ( something bad or unsatisfactory) better.

1. Increase in penalties and effective awareness programs would ameliorate the growing pollution levels and thereby global warming it may have generated.

2. The reform did much to ameliorate living standards.


تصدیق کرنا

Verb. Confirm or give support to

1. The police officials said, allegations of misconduct by the officer have been corroborated by video from closed circuit cameras.

2. The witness had corroborated the boy's account of the attack.


مطمئن کرنا، رضامند کرنا

Verb. Make (someone) less angry or hostile; satisfy

1. They attempted to placate the students with promises.


مشتعل کرنا، تکلیف میں اضافہ کرنا

Verb. Infuriate; make worse

1. Humming bird declines have been connected to a lack of appropriate habitat so increasing the number of Washington's hives could exacerbate the issue.

2. The forest fire was exacerbated by the lack of rain.