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71 Cards in this Set

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Gelisol soil is noted by what feature?
its permafrost
What are the conditions of permafrost for it to be considered permafrost?
permafrost is material that remains below 0*C for more than 2 consecutive years
_________ or (frost churning) is where the above permafrost layer results in distinctive surface features
What is the only state in the United states that Permifrost is found?
Histosols are what types of soil?
organic soils
_________ is formed from organic parent material in wet environments
in what type of soil is New plant material produced faster than old plant material decomposes?
What type of soil is Fertile, acidic, lightweight with high water-holding capacity?
What soils have little or no horizon development?
Under what conditions do Entisols form?
-Recently deposited parent material
-Landscapes with active erosion or deposition of materials
-Climatic conditions not conducive to horizon formation
-Parent material too inert to develop soil horizons (quartz sands)
-Deep mixing of horizons by man
_____% of entisols are found in deserts
__________ are responsible for 16% of global ice-free land - most extensive
What is the name of the sandy Entisol from the Mojave desert of California?
What is the name of the Entisol formed in the Northern Casade mountains?
What soils have weak horizon development?
What soils are considered young?
What is the name of the inceptisol type that is found in the northern cascade mountains of california?
What is the name of the soil order that arises from young volcanic soils?
What are some of the soil properties of andic soil?
-Low bulk density
-Potential for wind erosion
-Amorphous clays (allophane)
-High macroporosity with rapid drainage
this soil order is the highly productive soil of hawaii with large amounts of humus and has high CEC
What is the soil Order characterized by desert soils?
This soil order is characterized by having long dry periods and only short periods of wetness
This soil profile is characterized by the vegetation of Desert shrubs and bunch grasses.
________ soils int he imperial valley are highly productive
This type of aridisol formed in gravelly alluvium in the mojave Desert. It is characterized by having a cemented horizon
This is the soil of grasslands
What soil order is characterized by accumulation of Ca-rich organic matter from dense prairie grass roots, Thick mollic epipedon, and being highly fertile?
Mollisols consist of approximately ______% of the U.S.
This soil order consists of the largest land area of the United States
This soil order is characterized by swelling and cracking clays
This soil is 'self-mixing’ soils containing >30% of high shrink-swell smectite clays
This type of soil has a deep A horizon with often no B horizon and a vegetative grassland
This soil order is identified by being a fertile soil with subsoil clay
Alfisols are the result of these types of vegitation _______ or _________
deciduous forests or grasslands
This soil order is characterized by having fertile soils with subsoil clay
The indian state soil, and the san joaquin california state soil are in this soil order
This soil order is characterized by having humus under sand
This is the highly acidic soil characterized by being the soil of coniferous forests
This soil order is characterized by having highly leached soils with subsoil clay
this soil is highly leached of basic cations and often has an E horizon
This soil order is characterized by having highly oxidized soils
This is the soil type of tropical rain forests
what are the 3 soil physical properties?
Texture, structure, and bulk density
what is soil texture?
the sizes of particles in a osil
what is the size range of sand?
2.0- 0.05 mm
What is the size range of silt
0.05 - 0.002 mm
What is the size range of clay
_____________ is the arrangement of soil particles into groupings called aggregates (peds) that are separated by planes of weakness (macropores)
Soil structure
This is a network of sticky roots and fungal hyphae
this is organic glues produced by bacteria and fungi, decomposing organic matter, and earthworm casts
What are the poitive and negative effects of tillage on soil?
Positive effects: break up large clods, incorporate OM, increase total porosity.

Negative effects (wet soil): increases rate of OM decomposition, crush stable aggregates, decrease macroporosity
Soil pore space makes up ____% to _____% by volume
25% to 60%
These pores are formed by roots, earthworms and insects, and are important in clay soils
What is the equation for soil bulk density?
Soil mass (g)/ soil volume (cm^3)
Soil particle density is different then soil bulk density because...
soil particle density doesn't include soil pore spaces.
What is the average soil particle density?
2.60 g/cm^3
what has more pore space sandy soils or clay soils?
clay soils have more pore space
what has a greater bulk density sandy soils or clay soils?
sandy soils have a greater bulk density
Soil strength is the measure of what?
the measure of how difficult it is for roots to push particles aside.
How does agriculture management effect soil bulk density?
it increases soil bulk density
What are the three factors of the munsell color system?
-Hue (redness or yellowness)
-Value (lightness/darkness; 0=black)
-Chroma (intensity/brightness; 0=neutral gray)
What aspects in the soil does soil temperature effect?
affects chemical, physical, and biological processes occurring in the soil
What is the optimum temperature for microbial processes?
30* C
_________ is when alternate freezing and thawing of soil water forces objects upward in the soil, especially when soil is wet
Frost Heaving
in regards to soil strength what are cohesive soils?
soils with a clay content >15%
in regards to soil strength what are noncohesive soils?
sandy soils
What are some of the facts regarding Expansive soils?
They contain shrink-swell clays (smectites), they occur in 20% of land area in US, they cause huge amounts of damage
what type of bond links water molecules together?
Hydrogen bonds
This is the sticking of molecules to the same molecules
this is the sticking of molecules to other types of molecules
Total soil water potential is a combination of the the effects of what three potentials?
matric potential, gravitation potential, osmotic potential