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30 Cards in this Set

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Youth is ____ed __ the young.

Youth is wasted on the young

Opposite of inconvenient and time-consuming

Convenient and time-saving

In bad mood

In a bad state of mind

I ______/_____ wrong

I thought/heard wrong


<It's not quite rock climbing—more like hiking ____ ________.>

It's not quite rock climbing—more like hiking with attitude.

Extremely rich

Filthy rich

You _____ liar

Your filthy liar


One party's version of sth (the event etc.)

A one-sided statement

First reaction

Double take

"It's like..."

It went like this...

It went that...


Artists of China

Go out to dine

Eat out



On the rocks?

I want it straight.



Be/act your age

make a man (out) of yourself

seeming difficult to deal with in prospect; intimidating.

"a _______ task/challenge"

seeming difficult to deal with in prospect; intimidating.

"a daunting task"

the demonstrations in Hong Kong had “completely exceeded the _____ of freedom of assembly

the demonstrations in Hong Kong had “completely exceeded the scope of freedom of assembly

The end is ______ (near) for those attempting to disrupt Hong Kong and antagonise China.

The end is coming for those attempting to disrupt Hong Kong and antagonise China.

August was a ___ed month for Southampton.

August was a mixed month for Southampton.

Be there/with sb when they dies

See their last moments

"Burn money"

Spend money like there's no tomorrow

Yet, strive __ he ___ to bring about understanding in the West of..., his efforts did not go uncriticized by the Chinese.

Yet, strive as he did to bring about understanding in the West of..., his efforts did not go uncriticized by the Chinese.

Every person has definite political views, but I have never been willing to _________ to politics my life as a writer.

Every person has definite political views, but I have never been willing to sacrifice to politics my life as a writer.

He is ______ed by his wife and two daughters.

He is survived by his wife and two daughters.

Too much ____ for interpretation

Too much room for interpretation

Mainly; largely

In large part/measure

Their _________ (心理) may be affected.

Their psychology may be affected.

Monday's arrests _____ the total number of people arrested __ 1,140 since protests started in June.

Monday's arrests bring the total number of people arrested to 1,140 since protests started in June.


Search and rescue operation/efforts

Online; on the Internet

In cyberspace