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43 Cards in this Set

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What does the mental status exam describe?
The patient's present state
What are the 8 points of the mental status exam?
1. Appearance/attitude/behavior
2. Speech
3. Mood/affect
4. Thought form/process/content
5. Perception
6. Sensiorium
7. Insight
8. Judgement
What is the acronym for the MSE?
a snake moves toward prey silently in jungles
What should the speech description include?
Rate, tone, rythm, and volume
What is mood?
The patient's subjective, internal state of feeling
What is affect?
The patient's objective, external appearance of feeling.
How are mood and affect normally related?
When might mood and affect be incongruent?
In schizophrenia
What is it called when the patient's mood is fitting with their situation/feelings?
What is Thought Form?
How the patient is thinking
What is normal thought form?
Logical, linear, and goal-oriented.
What is thought blocking?
Mind going blank frequently
What is poverty of thought?
Very little thought occuring
What is circumstantiality?
Taking a long time to get to the point
What is tangentiality?
Logical, but never getting to the point
What is Loose associations sometimes also called?
What are Loose associations?
Breakdown of logical connections between thoughts.
What are Clang associations?
The expression of thoughts through sounds rather than meaning.
What are neologisms?
new words or phrases invented by the patient
What is perseveration?
Being stuck on a single thought
What is flight of ideas?
Rapid jumping from thought to thought as in mania
What are all the previous definitions examples of?
Abnormal Thought process (form)
What is Thought CONTENT?
WHAT the patient is thinking about
What are some abnormal thought content examples?
Ideas of reference
Ideas of influence
Obsessions, compulsions, phobias
Hypochondriacal symptoms
Thoughts of suicide/violence
What are obsessions?
Upsetting, unstoppable thoughts
What are compulsions?
Irresistable urges to act on obsessional thoughts
What is hypochondriacal thinking?
The consuming bodily concern without medical cause.
What is the most common type of Perceptual disturbance?
What disease are hallucinations mostly seen in?
What are hallucinations?
Sensory perceptions in any modality, internally generated.
What are illusions?
Mis-interpreted externally generated perceptions.
What is Sensorium?
The patient's state of awareness and cognitive abilities.
What is included in sensorium?
-Fund of knowledge
What is Insight?
The patient's self-reflection, awareness of illness, and understanding of present situation.
What is judgment?
The patient's capacity to make reasonable decisions.
When is judgment temporarily impaired usually?
In alcoholic intoxication
What would be a case where judgment is chronically impaired?
What are the 3 VERY IMPORTANT pertinent negatives to always assess on the MSE?
-Psychotic symptoms
-Suicidal thoughts
-Violent thoughts
What is the DSM IV axis I?
Clinical disorders with symptoms
What is the DSM IV axis II?
personality disorders and mental retardation
What is the DSM IV axis III?
General medical conditions
What is the DSM IV axis IV?
Psychosocial and environmental problems
What is the DSM IV axis V?
Global assessment of functioning