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40 Cards in this Set

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Subsets of Graphic Design

Print design, Web design, Interactive design, Motion graphics, Environmental design, Visual Identity design, Packaging design.

Business cards should be...

1. Clean, Elegant, and Legible

2. Informative

3. Unique

Why are layout grids useful in design spaces?

They give you visual cues to the division of design space, making it easier to position the elements with in it.

Brochures should be…

1. Well organized and visually appealing

2. Created with the end-user in mind

3. Scannable and easy to read

What is the purpose of a creative brief?

It forms the definition of a project, and informs everyone working on it of its goal, scope, and vision.

Logos should be...

1. Instantly recognizable

2. Easily re-purposed on a myriad of materials

3. Timeless and appropriate

What is a mood board?

Mood boards are a collection of different sources derived from your research and initial ideas that you can add to and refine as you bounce thoughts around.

Ads should be…

1. Simple and iconic

2. Representative of the brand

3. Able to tell a story without words

Name the six core principles of design.

1. Balance

2. Alignment

3. Proximity

4. Contrast

5. Repetition

6. Space

Six picas equals…

1 inch

In the graphics world, what does “artwork” refer to?

The final files created in the production phase.

True or false...

RGB is a subtractive color model.


One of these is not a primary color - which one?

A. Red

B. Blue

C. Yellow

D. Green

D. Green

The color orange is a _____.


What is the name of the most important line relating to type?


Which of the following are guidelines for dividing up design space?

A. Rule of ninths, Golden Arrow, Golden Line

B. Rule of thirds, Golden Section, Golden Spiral

C. Rule of thirds, Golden Square, Golden Curve,

D. Rule of fours, Golden Triangle, Golden Column

B. Rule of thirds, Golden Section, Golden Spiral

What would be another way to express the measurement of 78 points?

6p6 (6 picas, 6 points)

Why is it important to use the correct type terminology?

It makes communication relating to type easier.

72 points equals...

1 inch

Which one of these is NOT a paragraph option?

A. Leading

B. Alignment

C. Space After

D. Space Before

A. Leading

Which of these is NOT a character option?

A. Kerning

B. Tracking

C. Base Line Shift

D. Left

D. Left

After developing or receiving a creative brief, what are the next steps in the creative process?

1. Research

2. Ideation

3. Production

When you visualize ideas it’s important not to bypass what?

The process of sketching out your ideas.

The creative process for graphic designers and communication artists begins with what?

A creative brief.

Design space refers to_______.

The area in which you are working.

What makes design great?

Form - how it looks

Feeling - mood/message

Function - serves its purpose

Who does the term “Creative Art-worker” refer to?

Someone who both designs and prepares artwork.

What is graphic design?

The art of using visual elements, typography, and color to convey a message.

What is a mind map?

A diagram used to visually organize information.

Balance refers to _____.

The visual weighing of a layout

Symmetrical layouts are ______.

Visually equal on all sides.

Asymmetrical layouts give the illusion of ______.


A radial layout focuses on the arrangement of objects around a _______.

Center point

Proximity refers to...

How items are grouped or spaced on a page.

Alignment refers to ______.

Keeping objects in the line with one another within your design.

Repetition ties the design together by creating ______.


What does PARC stand for?

Proximity, Alignment, Repetition and Contrast.

The visual weighing of a layout is called _______.


If a layout is visually equal on all sides it is said to be ________.


How items are grouped or spaced on a page is called ______.
